
News of the nuclear industry and energy

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Why is Russia strengthening its military fist in Kaliningrad

A year later, a new motorized rifle division will be formed in the Kaliningrad region, sources in the defense Ministry said. According to military analysts, the created group will be enough to reduce to zero the threat of a NATO attack on our enclave. What methods will the West have left for armed provocations around Kaliningrad and what are the chances of forming the notorious fifth column in the city?

РИА Новости

Rosatom has released a comprehensive security system for large facilities

Rosatom state Corporation has introduced a system for monitoring and controlling access to mass events and protected objects of the Pilot ACS on the open market, the company reports.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The US is blocking Russia's road to deep space

The revolutionary project that is currently being developed in Russia has clearly got in the way of US space ambitions. At the very least, it is difficult to interpret the new anti-Russian sanctions that are being planned by the trump administration today in any other way. Why is the Russian "nuclear tug" so bothering America – and what antidote could be devised in response?


Violation of the NPT: Russia urged the US not to place nuclear weapons in the allies

the Russian foreign Ministry demanded that NATO stop the practice of nuclear exchanges

Moscow reminded Washington of the provisions of the Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which, according to Russia, are violated by the American side by placing its nuclear weapons on the territories of US allies. Today, the issue of control over nuclear weapons is acute, given that the future of the start-3 Treaty is still unknown.


US to arm Uhlans with hypersonic missiles

the US air force equips the B-1B bomber with hypersonic weapons

Created decades ago, the American supersonic strategic bomber with a variable sweep wing B-1B Lancer ("Ulan") of the US air force will acquire new combat capabilities - the ability to use hypersonic weapons.

Московский комсомолец

The head of the Russian Academy of Sciences announced the loss of space by Russia

Failure of universal scale

We can no longer compete in space with other leading powers in this field. Alexander Sergeev, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, summed up this sad conclusion at a meeting of the state Duma Committee on education and science on Wednesday.

Свободная пресса

Boeing tries to sink the MS-21 airliner

the Competition of an American Corporation is dirtier than the" black wing " of a Russian plane

Reuters brought some rather unpleasant news. The US authorities have prepared a list of 89 Chinese and 28 Russian companies that are expected to be subject to tough sanctions.

Industry Hunter

Russia has created a national laboratory of quantum

A new Federal project, the National quantum laboratory, was launched in the press center of the Rossiya Segodnya news AGENCY. The consortium, created under the auspices of the Rosatom state Corporation, intends to adopt the experience of world leaders and combine the efforts and resources of key universities, research centers, technology companies, financial organizations, startups and development teams in the field of creating quantum computers.

Независимое военное обозрение

Chinese "Badger" got a hypersonic " Dagger»

the Network appeared shooting a bomber with a giant aeroballistic missile

China is equipping strategic bombers of the family, "Han-six" (NATO designation: "Xian H-6", code-Badger, translated from English - "badger") a huge hypersonic missile.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

United States deprived of Russian aircraft of foreign components

The US has prepared a new sanctions list, which includes the Russian defense Ministry and 28 companies. These are mainly enterprises that are engaged in civil aircraft construction and cosmonautics. For some reason, the forensic center of the police Department in the Nizhny Novgorod region also got in there. What guided the authors of the new anti-Russian sanctions and will they be painful for Russia?


The Russian Federal nuclear center showed the President of the Russian Federation a computer model of aerospace defense

It will be received by the command of the Air and space forces

A new computer model of aerospace defense has been approved by the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, it will be received by the command of the Aerospace forces (VKS), scientists informed Russian President Vladimir Putin during his trip to Sarov to the Russian Federal nuclear center (RFNC-VNIIEF).

Industry Hunter

The government has determined who can apply for subsidies for the development of quantum computers

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree "on approving the Rules for granting subsidies from the Federal budget for the development of quantum processor prototypes in accordance with the activities of the Quantum computing roadmap"; the document was published on the official legal information portal on Tuesday.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Britain targets enemies with Turkish fighter jets of the future

Russia's oldest geopolitical rival, the United Kingdom, has found a new way to defend its interests with someone else's hands. At least, this is the conclusion that can be drawn from a number of aspects of military-technological cooperation between London and Ankara. This is especially true for the development of one of the most important tools of military superiority – the fifth-generation fighter.


Matvienko: the Russian side has the political will to extend start-3

Now the will to extend the agreement must be shown by the American side - Matvienko. Matvienko: it is important that the current team of the us President does not try to block the work of his successors.


Russian defense Ministry under sanctions: what plans are being made in the United States

the US prepared to impose sanctions against the Russian defense Ministry

The Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, institutes of the state Corporation Rosatom, two Roscosmos enterprises and a number of other organizations may fall under US sanctions, media reports with reference to the draft version of the corresponding draft "black list". Washington has already imposed sanctions against Russia twice this month.

РИА Новости

"Dubious idea": what the us Navy is experiencing

Cover the East coast of the United States from Intercontinental ballistic missiles, while costing "little blood" - the Pentagon reported on successful tests of the Standard Missile-3 Block IIA anti-missile. According to representatives of the Department, it can be based on all destroyers with the aegis system and is capable of shooting down any ICBMs. About whether the interceptor will cope with the Russian "YARS" and "Avangards" — in the material RIA Novosti.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The largest Pro-American bloc is being born in the middle East

The middle East is rocked by sensational news-the leader of Israel paid a secret visit to the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. It is possible that the Jewish state and the country-leader of the Islamic world will soon establish diplomatic relations, putting an end to the 75-year feud. The two countries are clearly drawn together by a shared hatred of Iran. However, the main peacemaker was Joe Biden – and, it seems, against his will.

Naked Science

Video: F-35A test-drops new nuclear bomb at supersonic speed

A fifth-generation f-35A fighter jet test-dropped a B61-12 nuclear bomb at supersonic speed. The product did not have a warhead.

Военно-промышленный курьер

Savings without damage

what you should pay attention to at the" defense " meetings with the President

On November 10, 2020, Vladimir Putin opened the traditional annual meeting with the heads of the Military-industrial complex and the Armed forces. Such meetings have already become a tradition, but this time the agenda was very acute problems that need to be urgently addressed.


What will the wars of the future be like?

There are many bright names in the history of Soviet military thought. But in the period of the "nuclear age", a special place is occupied by the outstanding personality of Nikolai Ogarkov, who headed the General staff in 1977-1984. It was he who was the first among the military leaders to draw attention to the next round of revolution in military Affairs. And it is gratifying that with the participation of army General Yuri Baluyevsky, the Ogarkov readings were held in Moscow for the third time, writes Olga Moskovchenko in an article for the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda.

Ежедневная рассылка новостей ВПК на электронный почтовый ящик
  • Discussion
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Стоимость разработанного для замены Ан-2 самолёта ЛМС-901 «Байкал» снизилась почти в два раза
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Without carrot and stick. Russia has deprived America of its usual levers of influence
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Израиль "готовился не к той войне" — и оказался уязвим перед ХАМАС
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Космонавтика Илона Маска
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Ответ на "Киеву разрешили бить по РФ Storm Shadow. Москва может ответить ядерным ударом"
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О ленд-лизе для СССР
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Почему западная пропаганда зациклена на танках и на F-16
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Kiev was allowed to hit the Russian Federation with Storm Shadow. Moscow may respond with a nuclear strike
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Без связи нет управления, а без управления нет победы
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