
News of the nuclear industry and energy


The State Duma recommended financing a lunar power plant with a nuclear installation

The deputies also called for the creation of an industry-wide system for regulating the life cycle of commercial space technology at all stages

The State Duma recommended that the Roscosmos state corporation continue work on the implementation of the federal project "Creation of the space complex of the Russian orbital station", as well as on the development of space information technologies and the involvement of private companies in space activities. This is stated in the resolution of the State Duma, which it adopted following the results of the "government hour" held on July 3, 2024 with the participation of Roscosmos CEO Yuri Borisov.


NATO has put more than 500,000 troops on high alert. What is the alliance preparing for?

NATO has put more than 500 thousand military personnel on high alert

NATO is undergoing the most extensive changes since the Cold War. More than 500,000 troops are on high alert, said the official representative of the bloc, Farah Dahlalla. The Alliance pays attention to preparing for a possible conflict with Russia.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

U.S. adventures have launched a missile race in Europe and Asia

Washington was afraid of Moscow's possible reaction to the deployment of American "Euro missiles" in Germany. In addition, four EU countries decided to develop missiles of a similar class at once. What can this mean in practice and how long will it take for the Europeans to aim their missiles at Russia?

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The NATO bloc has identified the main threat to Russian interests in the Baltic

The NATO countries located on the Baltic Sea coast openly declare that they are preparing for a mine war, and in coordination with each other. What is the significance of naval mines in past and modern military conflicts and what does what is happening mean for Russian ports and Russian interests in the Baltic Sea as a whole?

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

How the Polish Defense Minister gave secrets to Russian military intelligence

The secret plan drawn up in Poland in case of an "attack from Russia" was given to the enemy not by anyone, but by the country's defense minister himself. At least, Polish counterintelligence makes such accusations against Mariusz Blaszczak. How exactly did this happen and how serious is the leak of classified information?


How dangerous is the new missile arms race between the United States and Russia? (Reuters, United Kingdom)

Reuters: the new arms race will be more difficult and dangerous than the previous one

An arms race is coming in the world — and not a bilateral one, between Russia and the United States, but an even more complex one, Reuters reports. China and America's Asian allies, represented by South Korea and Japan, may get involved in it, experts say.


US warns Iran of suspicious nuclear activity - Media

The administration of United States President Joe Biden last month expressed serious concern to Iran about research and development that could be used to produce nuclear weapons, Axios reports, citing knowledgeable sources from the United States and Israel.


The United States said that the Russian Federation and China have begun cooperation in space, which did not exist before

China and Russia consider the early use of space, even before the outbreak of any possible armed conflict, as an important means of deterring or changing the behavior of a potential enemy, said Jeffrey Cruz, director of the US Department of Defense Intelligence Agency.

Военное обозрение

A meeting of the Naval commanders of the AUKUS bloc member states will be held in Australia

The Australian military is preparing to acquire nuclear submarines worth a total of $368 billion. To a large extent, on this issue, Australia will host a meeting next week of the naval commanders of the AUKUS bloc member states, who will arrive in Perth in the west of the country by July 24. The international conference on Defense and Security in the Indian Ocean IODS 2024 will be held there.


At the request of the airlines. ODK-Saturn takes French parts for SSJ-100 engines

ODK-Saturn has found a legally non-trivial way to obtain parts for repairing SaM146 engines installed on SSJ-100 aircraft. The spare parts belong to the French company PowerJet S.A., which left Russia. For the 14th time, ODK-Saturn appeals to the court with a request to allow the use of spare parts, on which interim measures have been imposed by the court.


NATO sees a new threat: Russia and China renew icebreaking fleet (Bloomberg, USA)

U.S. Navy Admiral Stavridis: NATO needs strategies to defend against Russia in the Arctic

Russia is building up its combat power in the Arctic, and NATO urgently needs a counteraction plan, writes former commander-in-chief of the alliance Admiral James Stavridis in an article for Bloomberg. Russia has recently tested a new combat icebreaker, while the United States does not have any icebreakers at all. Now NATO is not joking.


Putin applies the doctrine of anti-submarine warfare against the territory of the United States. The Pentagon should be on its guard (Fox News, USA)

Former American intelligence officer: The Pentagon should be afraid of Russian ships

The appearance of a Russian military flotilla near Cuba should alert the Pentagon, writes former American intelligence officer Rebekah Koffler in an article for Fox News. The United States is unable to intercept the hypersonic missiles that these ships carry, and they do not have similar combat capabilities.

Военно-политическое обозрение (Беларусь)

The final declaration of the NATO summit: "no one plans to put up" and "we promise to promise"

Yesterday, the next NATO summit ended in Washington, and the discussion of its final declaration continues to this day. Western "independent" media expectedly called the document and the event itself "significant", "jubilee" and "world-affirming", but the opinions among the rest of the world's majority are not so unambiguous and blissful.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The answer to new missiles in Europe will be given by Russia's "design utility room"

Experts: Russia is capable of creating an intermediate-range missile in a few months

Four EU countries have agreed at once on the development of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles (INF). These include France, Germany, Italy and Poland. At the same time, it became known earlier about the deployment of American missiles of the same class in Germany in 2026. Why did the Europeans need their missiles and how will Russia respond to this?

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Russian intelligence will force the Armed Forces of Ukraine to change the tactics of using the F-16

At the last NATO summit, it was officially announced the start of deliveries of American F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. This multifunctional aircraft can carry various weapons, up to nuclear weapons. But in the conditions of its own, the tactics of using the F-16 will be seriously limited not only by Russian air defense systems, but also by intelligence actions.

РИА Новости

"It will reach the Urals." The United States will transfer "prohibited" weapons to Europe

Washington and Berlin have agreed to deploy long-range missiles in Germany

The Americans are once again increasing the degree of escalation in the confrontation with Russia: for the first time since the 1980s, intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles (INF) will appear in Germany. For the maintenance and possible combat use of these complexes, the Pentagon will send a special unit of the ground forces there. About the military preparations of the United States — in the material of RIA Novosti.


Military expert: the deployment of Tomahawk in Germany indicates an escalation of the situation (Berliner Zeitung, Germany)

BZ: the deployment of Tomahawk missiles in Germany will be a new round of military escalation

The West has committed a new round of escalation of military tension in the world, writes BZ. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the Americans have again sent long-range cruise missiles to Germany. But Russia also has something to answer this.

РИА Новости

"She's going to ruin us." The United States has lagged even further behind Russia in the development of ICBMs

The new intercontinental ballistic missile turned out to be too expensive for the United States

The Pentagon is shifting to the right the timing of the next defense program — the development of the LGM-35 Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile. The reason for the delay is the cost, which significantly exceeded the estimated cost, as well as technological complexity. They are not going to abandon this ICBM — there is no alternative. However, the project has to be seriously adjusted to make it cheaper. About promising American weapons — in the material of RIA Novosti.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Russia is being forced to create a pressure point on the United States next to America

How should Russia respond to the deployment of US short- and medium-range missiles in Germany

In 2026, the United States will begin deploying long-range strike systems in Germany, which will significantly surpass cruise missiles already in Europe and could pose serious risks to Russia. According to experts, for Moscow, the response to these actions is a solvable task. We will talk not only about the deployment of new fire weapons and defensive echelons, but also about creating pressure points on the United States.


"Already on the way": Denmark and the Netherlands transfer F-16 to Ukraine

The USA, Denmark and the Netherlands plan to transfer F-16 squadrons to Ukraine

Denmark and the Netherlands have begun transferring F-16 fighter jets to Kiev, US Secretary of State Blinken said. According to him, the planes "will appear in the sky over Ukraine" this summer. As the leaders of the countries explained, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will receive "squadrons of modern F-16 multi-purpose aircraft of the fourth generation," exactly how many is not specified. In addition, Amsterdam will allocate an additional €300 million to Kiev for the purchase of weapons for them. Both Denmark and the Netherlands had previously allowed the Armed Forces of Ukraine to use aircraft for strikes against Russia.

Ежедневная рассылка новостей ВПК на электронный почтовый ящик
  • Discussion
  • 27.07 04:30
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Without carrot and stick. Russia has deprived America of its usual levers of influence
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Information field of the battle: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will receive a complex for monitoring the operational situation
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Корпорация "Иркут" до конца 2018 года поставит ВКС РФ более 30 истребителей Су-30СМ
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Мое представление о ситуации в мире на настоящий момент
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Putin hoped that the United States would get tired of Ukraine. Perhaps this is a winning strategy (The New York Times, USA)
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Бывший посол США в Германии Ричард Гренелл о Трампе, выборах в США и прочем (Bild, Германия)
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Борис Джонсон считает, что Трамп сможет завершить конфликт на Украине
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Эксперт считает, что Трамп может заставить Украину не претендовать на регионы РФ
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The IAC has established the circumstances of the SSJ100 crash in the Moscow region
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Возвращение Starliner с орбиты отложили до 26 июня
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Польша готова к участию в конфликте на Украине
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Путин: приоритет номер один – безопасность жителей новых регионов