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Военно-промышленный курьер

Israel played the Karabakh card

the threat of increasing military and political influence of NATO on the southern borders of Russia is Growing

Against the background of the open participation of Turkey and Pro-Turkish mercenaries from among radical Islamist groups in the Karabakh war of 2020, Israel's indirect involvement in this armed conflict remained in the shadows.


The creation of the world: part of the "blue helmets" will appear in every military district

Russian peacekeeping units will appear in each district in 2021. By the end of 2020, a new organizational and staff structure and its number will be approved, sources in the defense Ministry told Izvestia. The General parameters have already been defined, and technical details are being worked out. It is assumed that more units of the Russian army will receive special training for humanitarian missions. Experts note that they can be deployed in conflict zones much faster than UN contingents, which was demonstrated in Nagorno-Karabakh.

РИА Новости

"It was a nightmare": the Afghans spoke about the atrocities of the Australian special forces

"The most shameful and dishonorable episode in the history of our army" — this is how major General of the Australian defense Forces Paul Brereton assessed the actions of his special forces in Afghanistan.


Agreement fulfilled: Azerbaijan received the last district of Karabakh

Troops of Azerbaijan was included in the Lachin region of Karabakh

The main provisions of the trilateral agreement on Nagorno-Karabakh have been fully implemented with the transfer of the Lachin region to Baku's control, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said. A peacekeeping contingent from Russia has been deployed in the region and the ceasefire is being observed.

Военно-промышленный курьер

The Israeli defense industry is going to take a leading position in the world

since 2017, Elbit, IAI and Rafael have been developing advanced combat vehicles in Israel, and their samples have been tested.

In the future, the Israeli army should be re-equipped with combat vehicles built on a single universal Carmel platform.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The US is blocking Russia's road to deep space

The revolutionary project that is currently being developed in Russia has clearly got in the way of US space ambitions. At the very least, it is difficult to interpret the new anti-Russian sanctions that are being planned by the trump administration today in any other way. Why is the Russian "nuclear tug" so bothering America – and what antidote could be devised in response?


The successor of the "maize" has passed the first stage of aerodynamic testing

The Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Zhukovsky conducted the first test cycle of a model of a promising light multi-purpose aircraft LMS-901 "Baikal", which in the future should replace the outdated Soviet An-2, also known as"Cornhuskers". According to the Institute, the research is carried out by order of the Baikal-engineering company.


The Subaru telescope spotted the Hayabusa-2 interplanetary station»

The ground-based Subaru telescope was able to see in the sky the Japanese interplanetary station Hayabusa-2, which is supposed to drop a capsule with the substance of the asteroid Ryugu into the atmosphere of our planet on December 5. The images obtained by the telescope helped clarify the station's trajectory, according to the telescope's website.

Industry Hunter

Competitiveness of domestic microcontrollers in the Russian market

The long-term development strategy of the Russian Federation includes the task of digitalizing the economy, and one of its important parts is the introduction of smart electric networks in the life of the country. As we know, the project of universal installation of smart electricity meters has already started in Russia.

Industry Hunter

Vasily Shpak, Ministry of industry and trade: "Baikal is one of the whales on which we will build a domestic ecosystem of computer technology»

Baikal electronics company held the First practical conference "ecosystem Development and growth drivers", where dozens of manufactured and promising partner solutions based on the Baikal processor line were presented. Baikal electronics is the largest project of the t-Nano nanocenter of the investment network of the RUSNANO group's infrastructure and educational programs Fund.


Sergey Ivanov: it will take at least 10 more years to clean up our Arctic

The "big clean-up" of the Russian Arctic sector will require at least another decade, said Sergey Ivanov, special representative of the Russian President for environmental protection, ecology and transport. In an interview with Interfax, he also spoke about the impact of the coronavirus situation on the environment, the solution of the "garbage problem" and ecotourism problems, the development of the Northern sea route, and gave his assessments of the situation in the field of international security.

Независимое военное обозрение

Dove of peace against a scapegoat

Diplomacy and enmity in the middle East

Two monarchical States, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, bordered by the Persian Gulf, have signed historic agreements to normalize relations with the Jewish state. Abu Dhabi is opening an Embassy in Israel, and Manama, which is signed under the "agreement of intent", will exchange diplomatic missions with Israel, apparently later.


The Russian armed forces will receive more than 4.7 thousand new and repaired vehicles in 2021

defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that it will spend two-thirds of the military budget

Russian troops will receive more than 3,4 thousand units of new and 1,3 thousand repaired equipment in 2021, two-thirds of the military budget will be spent on it, defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Friday.


"Don't be afraid of death": China is preparing for war

XI Jinping urged the Chinese army to prepare for war

The Chinese military must be prepared for war and "not be afraid of death and deprivation," Chinese President XI Jinping said. He pointed out that "the key to winning wars is to strengthen training" and called on military leaders to maintain morale.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

America is rehearsing a hidden way to attack Russia

The surprise exercises with the latest multiple launch rocket systems conducted by NATO in Romania should be taken more than seriously. The goal of these maneuvers, according to a number of military analysts, is not Crimea at all. There is another Russian region, for the first wave of attacks on which not cruise missiles or strategic bombers can be used at all.

Industry Hunter

Russia has created a national laboratory of quantum

A new Federal project, the National quantum laboratory, was launched in the press center of the Rossiya Segodnya news AGENCY. The consortium, created under the auspices of the Rosatom state Corporation, intends to adopt the experience of world leaders and combine the efforts and resources of key universities, research centers, technology companies, financial organizations, startups and development teams in the field of creating quantum computers.


"We are in a different school": Shoigu replied to the head of the German defense Ministry

Shoigu compared the words of the head of the German defense Ministry with the speech of a schoolgirl

The world needs to be told more about the events of the great Patriotic war, especially to the current generation of Western politicians who make calls to communicate with Russia from a position of strength, so defense Minister Sergei Shoigu responded to the corresponding statement of his German counterpart Annegret Kramp - Karrenbauer. He also compared Kramp-Karrenbauer's statement to the words of a schoolgirl.

Свободная пресса

Boeing tries to sink the MS-21 airliner

the Competition of an American Corporation is dirtier than the" black wing " of a Russian plane

Reuters brought some rather unpleasant news. The US authorities have prepared a list of 89 Chinese and 28 Russian companies that are expected to be subject to tough sanctions.

Московский комсомолец

The head of the Russian Academy of Sciences announced the loss of space by Russia

Failure of universal scale

We can no longer compete in space with other leading powers in this field. Alexander Sergeev, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, summed up this sad conclusion at a meeting of the state Duma Committee on education and science on Wednesday.


Israel is preparing for a war between the US and Iran

Axios: the Israeli army is preparing for a US military strike on Iran

Israel is preparing for a US military strike on Iran, writes Axios. The country's armed forces are working out scenarios of military actions in case Tehran retaliates by attacking the territory of the Jewish state directly or through its allies in Syria, the Gaza Strip and Lebanon. An adviser to Iran's Ayatollah Hossein Dehghan warns that a US attack could trigger a "full-scale war" in the middle East.

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