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Военно-политическое обозрение (Беларусь)

Poland is secretly preparing for a regional war

Preparation for the outbreak of an armed conflict against a neighboring State includes many activities that need to be carried out as secretly as possible. Secrecy is achieved, among other things, by restricting access to information about events. This applies to both foreign citizens and their own population.


The African Peace mission will visit Russia in late June - early July

The founder of the international NGO Brazzaville Foundation, Jean-Yves Olivier, said that it is not yet known which of the countries - the Russian Federation or Ukraine - the delegation members will visit first

A delegation of African leaders in the framework of efforts to achieve peace in Ukraine will visit the Russian Federation approximately in late June - early July. This was announced in an interview with TASS on Wednesday by the founder of the international NGO Brazzaville Foundation, which is preparing for the visit, Jean-Yves Olivier.


Confident tip: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed a large arsenal in Nikolaev

Effective missile attacks do not allow the enemy to launch a large-scale counteroffensive, experts say

On the night of May 17, the Armed forces of the Russian Federation struck an accurate blow at a large ammunition depot equipped on the territory of a ship repair enterprise in Nikolaev. Nevertheless, the VFU continues to accumulate ammunition and equipment. Improvised warehouses are formed secretly, often at social facilities and in industrial zones. Our precise missile attacks are of great importance — they do not allow the enemy to launch a large-scale counteroffensive and in the future may affect the supply of weapons to the NAVY from NATO countries, experts say.


Expert: Africa's peace mission to Ukraine can help in lifting sanctions on Russian goods

Vsevolod Sviridov believes that the mediation efforts of African countries are of particular importance, given their experience in conflict resolution and a balanced position on the situation in Ukraine

The visit of the African mission to Moscow and Kiev is unlikely to help find a comprehensive solution to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, but it will contribute to achieving progress on certain issues, including those related to the lifting of sanctions restrictions on Russian goods.

Военное обозрение

"Command posts must maneuver, as well as units": the US Army is learning lessons from the conflict in Ukraine

The special operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has become a testing ground where new technologies and military techniques are being worked out and combat models that best meet modern conditions are being determined. One of the weak links of both the Ukrainian and Russian armies turned out to be command posts, the stationary position of which and the background emanating from them turned them into relatively easy targets for the enemy.


The anti-Russian policy plunged Europe into a real nightmare

GT: the attitude towards Russia as an enemy has dealt a painful blow to Europe

The outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict has set the EU countries sharply against Russia. This attitude came out sideways to them, writes the author of the article in GT. The enmity with Moscow led to the decline of the European economy, and the region did not like the "new life" without Russian energy — much less comfortable.


Here's what will happen to Turkey-Russia relations when Erdogan wins the election

Yeni Şafak: under Erdogan, Turkey will continue to balance between the US and Russia

Thanks to the psychological advantage gained in the first round, Erdogan will win in the second round with even greater superiority, the author of the article from Yeni Şafak is sure. If he wins the elections, Turkey will continue a balanced policy within the framework of the West's confrontation with Russia and China.


The US is preparing a bill to counteract cooperation between Russia and Iran

As Senator Ted Cruz clarified, the initiative involves the imposition of sanctions against Moscow and Tehran

US Senator Ted Cruz (Republican from Texas) intends to introduce a bill aimed at countering military-technical cooperation between Russia and Iran by imposing sanctions. The legislator said this on Wednesday, speaking at the Hudson Institute in Washington.

РИА Новости

"Millions of dollars wasted." Kiev has framed Western allies

It seems that the Russian army managed to destroy the most expensive weapons complex that Kiev received from NATO. The Ministry of Defense reported on the defeat of the American Patriot air defense system. This was also recognized in the USA. However, not completely. About what happened in Kiev — in the material of RIA Novosti.


"We are cannon fodder." Poland has recognized the inconvenient truth about "friendship" with the United States

NDP: "friendship" with the USA turned into poverty, lies and a sea of blood for Ukraine

Warsaw's ambitions do not let her understand that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, especially if the cheese is American, writes NDP. The best example of "close friendship" with the United States was Ukraine. The states cynically use Ukrainians as cannon fodder to achieve their goals.


The US gave Ukraine five months. The allocated money will not be enough for more

Financial Times: The US believes that the next five months will be crucial for Ukraine

Washington believes that the next five months will be decisive for Kiev, writes FT. This is his last chance to change something. Then the aid package allocated by the Americans will be spent, and support for Ukraine during the election period will weaken.


"It's safer this way." Kissinger explained why it is better to accept Ukraine into NATO

Henry Kissinger called for Ukraine to join NATO for the sake of Europe's security

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, in an interview with The Economist, offered to accept Ukraine into NATO. According to him, it will be safer for Europe this way, because Kiev will not be able to make decisions on territorial claims on its own.

РИА Новости

Media: NATO will prepare a defense plan in case of a conflict with the Russian Federation

For the first time since the Cold War, NATO will prepare a defense plan in case of a conflict with the Russian Federation

At the July NATO summit in Vilnius, the members of the North Atlantic Alliance plan to approve "thousands of pages of secret military plans," according to a Reuters article.


The media reported on the US pressure on South Africa to abandon its policy of neutrality

According to the News24 portal, the statements of the US Ambassador to South Africa Ruben Brigeti about the transfer of weapons to Russia constitute an encroachment on the sovereignty of African countries in international relations

The United States is putting pressure on South Africa, seeking to abandon a neutral position in relation to the conflict in Ukraine. The News24 news portal writes about this on Thursday, commenting on the statements of the US Ambassador to South Africa Ruben Brigeti.

Независимое военное обозрение

South Korea as a new "arsenal of democracy"

Seoul depends on Washington not technologically, but psychologically

Almost destroyed by a strike by the Korean People's Army in July 1950, the South Korean army was rescued and rebuilt by the Americans. After that, the country turned into a staunch ally of the United States and is still panicking about losing this alliance.

Независимое военное обозрение

The APU counteroffensive did not reach Soledar

Ukrainian troops are looking for, but do not find weaknesses in the defense of the Russian army

An analysis of the daily reports of the Russian Ministry of Defense allows us to draw a preliminary conclusion that the attempt of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) to seize the initiative and launch a counteroffensive has failed. Heavy fighting continues in some sections of the front, but the peak of intensity, which occurred on May 11-13, has been passed.

Независимое военное обозрение

Lugansk was attacked by a "Storm shadow"

Ukraine is already using long-range cruise missiles of Franco-British production

Closer to the middle of May, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) launched a series of strikes on new territories of the Russian Federation, increasing the radius of fire damage to 150 km.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The myth about the Ukrainian "counteroffensive" is collapsing

A possible Ukrainian "counteroffensive" is "just madness." At least, that's what Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko thinks. Oddly enough, one of the well-known representatives of the American generals agrees with him to one degree or another. Why does Zelensky constantly postpone the attack on Russian troops and what will it look like in the end?


Lavrov named the factors on which the future of the Arctic Council depends

High North News: Lavrov said that the fate of the Arctic Council depends on the dialogue of the parties

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the future of the Arctic Council will depend on the possibility of a civilized dialogue between the countries, writes High North News. He stressed that the efforts of States should be aimed at preserving peace and stability in the region.


Russia has led a global uprising against the United States. Their end is closer than it seems

Al-Watan Syria: BRICS led by Russia will put an end to the dollar and the US world domination

Using the dollar as the "largest financial terrorist," the United States has brought its collapse closer, writes Al-Watan Syria. The American economic model of global governance has brought the world to an uprising led by the BRICS, in particular Russia. The time of US domination has come to an end, the author of the article is sure.

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  • Discussion
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Without carrot and stick. Russia has deprived America of its usual levers of influence
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В России раскрыли главную уязвимость ATACMS
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"They are renting out one settlement after another." Why is there more and more talk about peace in Ukraine?
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Белоусов пригласил зарубежные оборонные ведомства на конференцию в Москву
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О новых угрозах для России на Балтике, в связи с расширением НАТО (Финляндия, Швеция)
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Италия намерена приобрести более 200 танков KF51 "Пантер" и 350 БМП KF41 "Линкс" (расширенная версия)
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Международные расчеты, минуя доллар, по странам
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Финляндия: «Костьми ляжем, но США поможем»
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Решение о преобразовании региональной антитеррористической структуры ШОС нацелено на безопасность государств-членов организации - Путин
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Израиль "готовился не к той войне" — и оказался уязвим перед ХАМАС
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Prospects of the Ural Civil Aviation Plant
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The SCO, expanding under the leadership of Xi and Putin and opposing the United States, accepts a new pro-Russian member (CNN, USA)
  • 05.07 00:29
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The Ukrainian experience did not teach: the Italian army ordered a new batch of Centauro II wheeled tanks
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США выделили Польше кредит на 2 млрд долларов