
Global security news

Независимое военное обозрение

No-fly law

The Ukrainian army has lost more than a hundred combat aircraft and about seven dozen helicopters

The special military operation has been going on for the fourth week, with a steady increase in the activity of the Russian Aerospace Forces, while reducing the intensity of flights of Ukrainian aviation and air defense fire.

Независимое военное обозрение

America above all

Washington's role in training fighters of nationalist battalions of Ukraine

With the patronage of the White House, the far-right from all over the world are flocking to Ukraine. The statistics provided by the media clearly demonstrate a sixfold increase in so-called "tourists" from Europe and America to Ukraine since 2014.

Независимое военное обозрение

Constantly demonstrative observation

American drones registered at the borders of Russia and China

The American Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBO, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, Washington), one of the leading national research organizations, consistently works to improve the effectiveness of the use of robotic complexes (RTK) in modern conditions.

РИА Новости

"We were beheaded." Where are Russian missiles and bombs going

During the three weeks of the special operation in Ukraine, Russian troops, the armies of the DPR and the LPR almost completely cut off the APU from the coast of the Sea of Azov, occupied dozens of settlements in the south of the country, blocked Kiev, Kharkiv and Chernihiv in the north. Aviation and precision weapons destroyed the main military infrastructure of the enemy. About the most painful blows - in the material of RIA Novosti.

Авиация России

European view on aviation security in Russia " Aviation of Russia

In Europe, another salvo of sanctions guns was fired. Now it came from an organization that is designed to provide supervision of passenger and cargo air transportation in the EU countries – the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

Российская газета

In the Kherson region, the nationalists abandoned their equipment, retreating in a hurry

The Russian military yesterday published a new video shot in the Kherson region. It depicts Ukrainian armored vehicles - tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles. And both in a battered form, and absolutely unharmed. The fact is that Ukrainian servicemen and nationalists threw a lot of weapons and equipment, retreating in a hurry. Our military found a lot of armored vehicles in the courtyards of residential buildings and near social institutions.


Daily Express: the largest British warship will appear near the Russian borders

Daily Express (UK): Putin is on guard — the largest warship of the Royal Navy joins a flotilla of 25 NATO ships in the Arctic

Britain will take part in the exercise "Cold Response" - joint maneuvers of NATO member countries, which will take place just a few hundred kilometers from the borders of Russia, writes the Daily Express. The tabloid calls it a signal to the Russian forces that are participating in a special operation in Ukraine.


Tucker Carlson: It turns out that I am a Russian agent

Fox News (USA): everything Tulsi Gabbard said about Ukrainian biolabs is absolutely true

Tucker Carlson sharply criticizes the calls of politicians in the United States to send to prison those who discuss U.S. funding of biological laboratories in Ukraine. In his opinion, Americans have lost the ability to think logically, and anyone who tries to do this is declared an agent of Putin.


Germany to acquire American F-35A fighters

On March 14, 2022, German Defense Minister Christina Lambrecht made an official statement about the decision of the German government to purchase 35 American fifth-generation Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II fighters to replace Tornado fighter-bombers used as nuclear weapons carriers - American B61 series nuclear bombs in the German Air Force.


The US is in danger: China is getting very close

Foreign Policy (USA): Washington must respond to China's growing military presence in Latin America

Despite the success in establishing ties with Latin American countries, the United States is in danger: China is successfully increasing its presence in the region, including strengthening cooperation in the military sphere, writes Foreign Policy. In the event of an escalation of relations with Washington, Beijing may well take advantage of this.

Военное обозрение

Closely observing the special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the US Air Force calls Russia's military aviation "almost equal" to the American one

The Russian Armed Forces had to start operating on Ukrainian territory, as the Kiev regime in recent years has turned it into a source of terrorist and military threat. Ukraine has essentially become a terrorist state. For three weeks, closely observing the special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, high-ranking officers of the US Air Force call Russia's military aviation "almost equal" to the American one.

Российская газета

The Russian army is actively using attack drones

On Wednesday, March 16, it was reported that the battalion tactical group of the Rosgvardiya together with the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation successfully and without losses repelled the attack of neo-Nazis on the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. At first glance, a small episode is clearly not of a strategic scale. But if you look at this event more deeply, a completely different picture emerges.

Военно-политическое обозрение (Беларусь)

Belarus will receive the most modern weapons

Long before the start of the special military operation of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine, in certain circles Belarus was already called the Western outpost of the Union State. The very geostrategic position of the republic has predetermined the corresponding tasks for the grouping of troops that is now on the "Belarusian balcony".


"During urban battles, assault robots will help avoid casualties"

The Russian army will test the robot tank "Sturm" for battles in urban conditions

The first prototype of the Russian heavy attack robotic complex "Sturm", created on the basis of the T-72V3, will go to preliminary tests in April. "Newspaper.Ru" figured out what tasks this complex should perform on the battlefield.

Военно-промышленный курьер

Plague in a test tube

Accusing Russia of all mortal sins, the United States developed genetic weapons in Ukraine

The biological laboratories of the USA on the territory of Ukraine have long raised questions. There were about 30 of them created in different places. Moreover, the same laboratories have been placed in Georgia, Kazakhstan, and other countries - along the entire perimeter of the borders of the Russian Federation.

Военно-промышленный курьер

Realities based on opportunities

"Dry" and "MiGs" are armed and very dangerous

On the official page of the press service of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook, information appeared about the transfer of Poland, Slovakia and Bulgaria to their disposal of 70 combat aircraft – multi-purpose fighters of the fourth generation MiG-29 and far from the most modern, but very effective in combat attack aircraft Su-25.

Военно-промышленный курьер

Submarine as a fetish

Nuclear component of the US Submarine Fleet

If in the vast majority of countries of the world the basis of the Armed Forces is the ground forces, then in the USA such a basis is, of course, the fleet. It has an almost sacred significance for America and this state of affairs will continue in the foreseeable future.

Военно-промышленный курьер

The secret voyage of "Virginia"

U.S. submarines tracked Soviet submarines more than two thousand times during the Cold War

On February 12, 2022, a note was handed to a representative of the Office of the Military Attache for Defense at the US Embassy in Moscow at the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Defense in connection with the violation of the state border of the Russian Federation by a US Navy submarine. What was the American submarine doing in our waters and what can we counter such actions?

Военно-промышленный курьер

Russia's Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier

The special operation in Ukraine did not stop the development of the military infrastructure of the Crimea

Russia's military special operation in Ukraine has shown how important it is for us to have a strong army and navy equipped with the latest technology. And not only in large fleets and strategic areas of possible military operations, but also in the Crimea.


"To prevent the death of civilians and neutralize the enemy"

What is the guided missile "Krasnopol", which the Russian Armed Forces use in Ukraine

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation uses a guided missile "Krasnopol" during a special military operation in Ukraine. The Russian military department has published footage of the destruction of a camouflaged command post of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kiev region using this munition. "Newspaper.Ru" figured out how Krasnopol works.

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