
Latest news on "Ammunition"


Bio logic: new facts of dangerous US activity in Ukraine have been discovered

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation showed documents on the activities of the company "Black and Hiv" in the territory controlled by Kiev

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has provided new evidence of joint military-biological activities of the United States and Ukraine. Experts note that such biological weapons are still at the development stage capable of causing an epidemic on a global scale. During the next prisoner exchange, nine servicemen returned home on November 26. Over the weekend, the Russian Armed Forces repulsed several enemy attacks in important strategic areas.


Sunak allowed an increase in British military aid to Ukraine in 2023

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom assured that Kiev will receive support "for as long as it takes"

The UK may increase the volume of military assistance provided to Ukraine in 2023. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak, will make such a statement on Monday, excerpts from his speech were distributed by his office on Sunday.

РИА Новости

Russia has not received a response about biological laboratories in Ukraine, the permanent representative said

Permanent Representative in Geneva Gatilov: Russia has not received a response about biolabs in Ukraine

Russia has not received an exhaustive response from the United States and Ukraine regarding the biological and military activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine within the framework of the Biological Weapons Convention (BTWC), said the Permanent representative of Russia to the Geneva headquarters of the UN Gennady Gatilov.

Военное обозрение

The US press with reference to the Pentagon: Ukrainians are shooting extremely intensively, falsely believing that the arsenals of ammunition in the West are limitless

Ukrainian reporters have increased the number of reports that tell about the critical situation for the AFU in Bakhmut (Artemovsk).


These fighters will revolutionize Ukraine

MWM: MiG-29M was called a fighter capable of revolutionizing the Ukrainian Air Force

The prospect of equipping Ukraine with modern fighters is being discussed more and more often, writes MWM. The Swedish Gripen was recognized as a suitable candidate. Other options were also considered — the F-15 and even the Soviet MiG-29M. But there are more problems with their delivery than there are opportunities.

Военное обозрение

Take out planes from low altitude: about the production of guided bombs for Russian combat aviation

One of the most bottlenecks in the equipment of the Russian armed forces is the low production volumes of high-precision weapons for aviation. There are many video frames demonstrating the use from a low altitude of not only Su-25 attack aircraft designed for dive attacks, but also Su-30SM, Su-35, Su-34 vehicles designed to operate at high echelons.


The US and NATO are trying to arm Ukraine and replenish their arsenals

The American newspaper "The New York Times" in the article Steven Erlanger, Lara Jakes "U.S. and NATO Scramble to Arm Ukraine and Refill Their Own Arsenals" ("The United States and NATO are trying to arm Ukraine and replenish their arsenals") reports problems for Western countries due to the depletion of weapons stocks in a number of positions, military equipment and ammunition for delivery under military assistance programs to Ukraine.


Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: the causative agent of coronavirus, against which there is no vaccine, was created by the University of Boston

According to Igor Kirillov, the head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the conduct of the "Boston experiment" suggests that there is no system of state ...

An artificial causative agent of coronavirus infection based on the omicron strain and the initial "Wuhan" variant was created in October by scientists at Boston University.

РИА Новости

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation told why the United States is withdrawing biolabs to third countries

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: the United States is withdrawing biolabs to third countries because of the risk of accidents on them

The United States is withdrawing its biolabs to the territory of third countries due to the danger of accidents on them, said the head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov.

РИА Новости

Russian Defense Ministry: The United States tested toxic substances on Ukrainian soldiers

Russian Defense Ministry: The Pentagon tested the effect of toxic substances on the Ukrainian military

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation expressed concern about the Pentagon's testing of pathogens of infectious diseases and toxic substances on the territory of Ukraine.


Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: documents found during the SVO indicate preparation for the use of bioweapons

According to Dmitry Poklonsky, the head of the Research Center for Chemical and Biological Threats of the department, the nature of the work carried out there often did not correspond to current health problems

Documents obtained during a special military operation in Ukraine confirm that work is being carried out in this country to prepare for the use of biological weapons.


Brave Fleet: new tasks have been found for coastal missile systems

They will be used to attack land targets behind enemy lines

The reform of the coastal rocket and artillery troops (BRAV) of the Navy has begun in Russia. Their parts receive new names and a range of tasks. Among them is the defeat of ground targets. Such changes will make it possible to destroy critical enemy facilities in the interests of not only the fleet, but also the troops as a whole, experts say. And the new generation of coastal missile systems (DBK) can work not only on ships, but also on land targets behind enemy lines.


In the USA, they told about the sale of enterprises of the British military-industrial complex

The economic crisis and the fall in living standards caused by rising inflation, the impact of the consequences of COVID-19 and the exit from the European Union may lead to a wave of acquisitions of enterprises of the military-industrial complex (MIC) of Great Britain by American and other Western corporations. This is told by Breaking Defense.


Due course: Russia is increasing the production of weapons for its

The government reported on the production of products for the army and told about new social measures for the mobilized

Many private enterprises are ready to help provide the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with uniforms, protective equipment and other necessary products, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said on November 22. He stressed that today the situation with the release of some types of weapons and army equipment has improved.


Ukraine has ruined the weapons stocks of the West. It will take years to replenish

Le Monde: France has begun to transfer the economy to military rails

Aid to Ukraine has depleted Western weapons stocks, and it will take more than one year to replenish them, Le Monde reports. Macron accelerated the production of military equipment, starting the transition of the economy to military rails. Now French enterprises have to work overtime — all for the sake of supplies to Kiev.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Why did Erdogan allow himself to attack Russia

"The risks of regional confrontation are increasing again. Who benefits from this? USA". In such words, political scientists describe the background of a number of harsh actions and statements of the Turkish president, including those addressed to Russia. Why is Erdogan accusing Moscow of something it didn't do, and what could it lead to?

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

When will Ukraine run out of ammunition

Ukraine has become short of ammunition – shells, missiles and cartridges fly away like "into the furnace". There is no production of their own, the old Soviet stocks are almost used up, and the West states that the United States and European countries "are facing a challenge due to the depletion of weapons stocks to be sent to Ukraine." How much ammunition is needed to conduct full-fledged combat operations?

Военное обозрение

The ODAB-500 air bombs of the Russian Aerospace Forces completed the defeat of the enemy formations that attempted an offensive under the Disputed

The Ukrainian command continues its desperate attempts to break through the Russian defense in the LPR with strikes both from the north on the Svatovo-Kremennaya line and from the south, attacking the combat formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the Seversk area in the direction of Lisichansk. One of the offensive operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the southern flank was caught on a video published by the TG channel "Military Chronicle": the enemy tried to seize the fortified area created along the T-13-02 highway between the settlements of Berestove and Verkhnekamenka.

Военное обозрение

Ukrainian MP: There is a shortage of weapons and ammunition in NATO for the transfer of the Armed Forces

According to the deputy of the Ukrainian Rada from the "Servant of the People" faction, Egor Chernev, the North Atlantic Alliance is conducting an audit of the weapons available in warehouses in order to assess its capabilities in the issue of arms supplies to Kiev. There is a depletion of weapons and ammunition for the Armed Forces in NATO, Chernev noted.


WSJ: US senators ask the White House to transfer attack drones to Ukraine

According to the newspaper, a group of 16 senators indicated that "the long-term benefit of the transfer of the MQ-1C is significant," and the supply of such equipment "has the potential to change the strategic course of the war in favor of Ukraine."

Ежедневная рассылка новостей ВПК на электронный почтовый ящик
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