
News about special and protective equipment


It is difficult to treat: how the fighters of the SVO are taught modern tactical medicine

During the special military operation, many elements of the soldier's first aid kit have changed. They are changing to more effective ways of providing first aid for injuries. Medical training classes with military personnel of the Center group are conducted by volunteer instructors of the Archangel Tactical Training Center. Izvestia saw how the training takes place, where the fighters master modern tactical medicine.

РИА Новости

An atypical weapon. What secret developments are used only by Russia and the USA

Biologist: only a few countries in the world can prepare combat dolphins

Today, the International Day of Whales and Dolphins is celebrated all over the world — on July 23, 1982, the International Whaling Commission banned the commercial extraction of marine mammals. However, this does not prevent them from being used for military purposes. There are training programs for such animals in both Russia and the USA. About the capabilities of the "combat swimmers" — in the material of RIA Novosti.

ИнВоен Info

Rheinmetall Group improves soldiers' equipment

German defense concern Rheinmetall is taking its cue from the world of sports by continuing to modernize its Gladius 2.0 soldier system, which connects personnel, weapons, vehicles and sensors on the digital battlefield.


I'm watching the bars: how tanks are reinforced in the special operation zone

T-80 control with additional protection requires special skills from the driver

Recently, a separate class of tanks with enhanced additional protection has been allocated on the line of contact. They are used as head guns during an assault or in conditions of fighting in a building. Such vehicles carry out armored groups, clearing their way, and sometimes they are also used to deliver the first assault troops. One of these vehicles from the tank battalion of the Pacific Fleet Marine Brigade was able to inspect Izvestia in detail.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Russian aviation will be shut down from Western missiles

Military experts have suggested what shelters for Russian combat aircraft might be

The Ministry of Defense announced the construction of protective hangars for Russian combat aviation. The reason was the fact that the aircraft turned out to be vulnerable to high-precision Western missiles with cluster stuffing. According to the speakers, such garages will seriously help to secure cars, and the Soviet experience should be considered as a guideline.

Военное обозрение

KAZ "Trophy" of the Israeli tank failed to intercept the Almas ATGM missile

The militants of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement hit another Israeli Merkava Mk.4M supertank. The incident occurred in the vicinity of Chabad Yarin in northern Israel. This time, the combat vehicle was destroyed with the help of the Iranian Almas anti-tank missile system. The moment of the combat vehicle's defeat was captured on video, which allowed us to draw several unflattering conclusions about the Israeli Trophy active protection complex installed on the tank.


Disruptive technology: special barriers against marine drones have been developed

The product will help to effectively cover coastal bases and ship parking areas

A complex of active protection against unmanned boats (BEC) and underwater drones has been developed for the Russian Navy. This is a special underwater barrier with charges mounted on it. When approaching marine drones, it is remotely detonated, destroying enemy watercraft. Experts note that the barrier will help cover military bases and ship parking areas in the areas of operation of enemy tanks and underwater vehicles, and it can also be used to combat saboteurs.

РИА Новости

More than 30 Russian solutions for drone protection were presented on Sakhalin

At the Fluffy airfield in the Sakhalin Region, as part of the Archipelago 2024 design and educational intensive, more than 30 types of modern Russian equipment for protecting objects from illegal use of UAVs, as well as the latest domestic drones for various purposes, were demonstrated, the press service of the NTI reports.

Naked Science

Scientists have developed a prototype of urine-recycling spacesuits like in Dune

American astronauts have long complained about the sanitation system in spacesuits, which is just a big diaper. It lasts for a maximum of eight hours, there is a risk of developing diaper rash and infections. In addition, there are few supplies of drinking water in the suit. To solve these problems, scientists have proposed a more efficient way to recycle metabolic products.


Bread on the barrel: a mobile bakery kitchen for the army has been developed

A mobile bakery kitchen has been developed for the Russian army. The new complex is installed on the chassis of a high-pass truck, in the back of which there is a bakery, a special device for heating semi-finished products and a food warehouse. Such a kitchen can provide hot food to a company of soldiers for three days. Experts note that the novelty will increase the efficiency of supplying soldiers and officers with hot food and bread in the field, which will have a positive impact on the combat capability of units.


Shotgun Blast: Navy signalmen will fight drones

The Navy has finalized the ship's schedule for combating aerial and surface drones

Signalmen on the ships of the Russian Navy began to practice the fight against enemy unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats. To combat UAVs, crews received anti-drone rifles and shotguns.


The head of the RCBZ troops: the first industrial chemical laboratory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was found in the zone of its

Head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces (RCBZ) On the eve of the 106th session of the OPCW Executive Council, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov told about the chemical weapons laboratory of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation found near Avdiivka and numerous cases of Kiev using chloropicrin near Donetsk, Gorlovka, Artemovsk.


Science News

Cameras for observing animals in space, super reliable alloys for marine engines of the future, unique glue for electronics – these and other developments of Rostec scientists are in the digest of science news.

Военное обозрение

Inflatable dummies can be transferred to Kiev along with real F-16s

In the near future, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will receive (maybe they have already received) American F-16 fighters. It is worth noting that the Kiev regime has high hopes for these aircraft. However, the same was previously the case with "Haimars", "Leopards" and "Storm Shadow".

Военное обозрение

"Our system will disturb the enemy forces": the Franco-German concern presented the unmanned mining complex Skorpion 2

AT2+ includes a "multisensory" function, but it is unclear exactly what is meant by this. The basic AT2 is equipped with an S3 contact fuse, which leads to detonation when hitting the wire of the bottom of the equipment, and is also equipped with a magnetic fuse.


Naval standoff: the radio monitoring system will detect enemy drones

Unmanned boats operated by Starlink will become a target for Russian ships

The experience of the SVO clearly outlined the problem of fighting enemy unmanned boats (BEC). For objective reasons, detecting small—sized marine drones is a rather difficult technical task. However, domestic developers have ways to solve it. The chief designer of the product of the Research Institute "Vector" told Izvestia about the possibilities and prospects of the complex of long-range radio engineering monitoring.


Send a cast: the Russian military has mastered the tactics of remote mining

About how air sappers work — in a special report by Izvestia

A new method of using drones — to throw mines behind enemy lines — has recently been used in the Russian army. I've been practicing for just over six months. The projectile is delivered to the UAV deep into enemy territory and waits on the ground in its hour.


Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov held a briefing on the military biological activities of the United States and Ukraine

On June 25, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Head of the Russian Armed Forces Defense Forces, held a briefing on the military biological activities of the United States and Ukraine.


Russian Defense Ministry: The Pentagon is rapidly increasing its military biological presence in Africa

This happened after Russia managed to stop the implementation of American military biological programs in the liberated territories of Ukraine, said Igor Kirillov, head of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The Pentagon is forced to transfer unfinished research to other regions, in particular to Africa, after Russia managed to stop the implementation of American military biological programs in the liberated territories of Ukraine. This was announced by the head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov.

РИА Новости

A unique modular complex for radiation control has been created in Russia

Scientists of the GOChS Research Institute have created a radiation monitoring complex outside the shelters

Scientists of the All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations (VNII GOChS) and the scientific and production company INKRAM have created a unique modular complex capable of automatically monitoring radiation and dangerous chemicals along the outer perimeter of civil defense shelters, as well as destroying viruses and bacteria entering the air of protective structures.

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  • Discussion
  • 27.07 04:30
  • 2949
Without carrot and stick. Russia has deprived America of its usual levers of influence
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Information field of the battle: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will receive a complex for monitoring the operational situation
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Корпорация "Иркут" до конца 2018 года поставит ВКС РФ более 30 истребителей Су-30СМ
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Мое представление о ситуации в мире на настоящий момент
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Putin hoped that the United States would get tired of Ukraine. Perhaps this is a winning strategy (The New York Times, USA)
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Бывший посол США в Германии Ричард Гренелл о Трампе, выборах в США и прочем (Bild, Германия)
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Борис Джонсон считает, что Трамп сможет завершить конфликт на Украине
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Эксперт считает, что Трамп может заставить Украину не претендовать на регионы РФ
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Видео: "Искандер" ударил по рембазе ВСУ, где скопились десятки танков Т-64
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"Black swans are cleaning their feathers." What changes can we expect in the SVO zone in August
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The IAC has established the circumstances of the SSJ100 crash in the Moscow region
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Израиль "готовился не к той войне" — и оказался уязвим перед ХАМАС
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Возвращение Starliner с орбиты отложили до 26 июня
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Польша готова к участию в конфликте на Украине
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Путин: приоритет номер один – безопасность жителей новых регионов