
Robotics news


Experts: lack of landfills and legal framework hinders the development of drones in Russia

Russia does not have the necessary legal framework for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, said Roman Meshcheryakov, Director of the center for intelligent robotic systems at the Trapeznikov Institute of management problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


A terrible swarm. What is dangerous for a flock of drones for Russian tanks

Dmitry Litovkin-what can be opposed to attack drones on the battlefield

In the near future, Turkey will receive a drone allegedly capable of destroying a company of Russian t-72 or modern T-90 tanks in one flight. It will be an improved version of the Anka-s drone, which proved itself well during the fighting in Syria.

Российская газета

What will change in existing military doctrines

at the Ogarkov readings held at the end of last week, sensational statements were made. One of them concerned the inevitable revision of existing military doctrines.

Marshal Ogarkov of the Soviet Union, who was chief of the General staff of the armed forces of the USSR from 1977 to 1984, became the face of such readings because in his theoretical works he anticipated the development of the armed forces on a global scale, which is only beginning now. This is also known abroad, so the event is attended by leading Western military analysts.

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