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Независимое военное обозрение

The war by someone else's hands

How to counter the US and NATO's bet on a proxy conflict

In the XXI century, hybrid military conflicts have become one of the most common forms of interstate confrontation. And the hybrid war turns from a kind of confrontation between individual states and their coalitions into a global hybrid war (MGW).

Независимое военное обозрение

Saffron color is the color of danger

On the problem of Hindu terrorism in India

After the September 11 terrorist attacks, research in the field of terrorism focused mainly on Islamist movements. But when considering this problem in the context of India, there is a significant leap towards far-right extremism. Despite their massive scale, violent attacks carried out by Hindu extremists often remain without coverage or do not receive due attention, although they pose a significant threat to regional security.

Независимое военное обозрение

Nuclear weapons in Ukraine - fantasy and reality

Can Kiev get an atomic bomb

In the context of the special operation in Ukraine, on the one hand, there were long-standing and current regrets about the absence of nuclear weapons in the country. On the other hand, there are publications about the work already carried out with external support in a number of institutes and centers of Ukraine to prepare for the creation of nuclear weapons.

Независимое военное обозрение

Games without signs of intelligence

European allies are pushing the US to war

President Biden said that if Russia attacks a NATO country, the United States will intervene, even if it leads to World War III. Since the Russian Federation has never threatened any of the NATO members, we are talking about a provocation being prepared by Poland or the Baltic limitrophs.

Независимое военное обозрение

USA–China: two hours of persuasion and threats

Joseph Biden asked for help from Xi Jinping in the fight against Russia

The two-hour teleconference talks between the US President and the Chinese President touched upon key strategic security issues, including special military operations of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. The statement of this fact is perhaps the only common point in the coverage of the March 18 event by the Anglo-Saxon and Chinese mass media. Everything that is written by them then goes in opposite directions.

Независимое военное обозрение

Dagger strike, mines in the Black Sea, drone in Croatia

Russia and Ukraine are increasingly using new types of weapons

MiG-31K interceptor fighters for the first time carried out the practical application of aeroballistic hypersonic missiles "Dagger" on real targets. The Ministry of Defense reports the destruction of a well-protected, buried ammunition storage and a fuel and lubricants warehouse. Both objects are located on the territory of Western Ukraine.


The impact of the Russian special military operation on investments in the military-industrial complex

The beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine has forced institutional investors and governments of many countries to rethink their approach to supporting the defense industry. This area has been off-limits for investors concerned about environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG), in recent years many have sought to get rid of the assets of arms companies in their portfolios, and now this situation has worsened. Sofia Karadima writes about this in a material for the Army Technology web resource.


Sergey Belyaev: membership of Finland and Sweden in NATO will entail military and political consequences

The director of the Second European Department, Sergey Belyaev, in a written interview with Interfax, spoke about Moscow's attitude to the possible accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO, as well as about Russian approaches to the situation in Russian-British relations.


Brazil and Argentina preferred Russia to Ukraine

The National Interest (USA): why Brazil and Argentina preferred Russia to Ukraine

The author of the TNI article is surprised to note the independent position of major players on Ukraine – Brazil and Argentina. He believes that these countries actually preferred Russia to Ukraine for a number of reasons. At the same time, Western intimidation does not affect them.

Военно-промышленный курьер

Peskov threatened NATO

Any contact between the military of the Russian Federation and NATO can lead to irreparable consequences.

This was stated by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. According to the Kremlin representative, the introduction of North Atlantic Alliance peacekeepers into the territory of Ukraine would be a dangerous step.


The Chinese: Peskov's statement is a clear slap in the face of America

The press secretary of the President of Russia in an interview with CNN: Russia may use nuclear weapons if it faces a threat to its existence (Guancha, China)

Readers of the portal "Guancha" are vigorously discussing Dmitry Peskov's statement about the likelihood of the use of nuclear weapons. He explained that this is possible only if Russia "faces a threat to its existence." The Chinese noted that it had long needed to apply it against those countries that imposed sanctions.


The Turks asked Russia to drop atomic bombs on the United States

Russia's threat to the world: We can resort to nuclear weapons if we see an "existential threat" (Haber7, Turkey)

Dmitry Peskov, in an interview with CNN, called the use of nuclear weapons by Russia a condition, Haber7 reports. The opinions of readers of the Turkish portal were divided. Some justify Russia and call such statements a "natural reaction." Others insist that nuclear weapons should be banned.


The West feeds its citizens blatant lies about Ukraine

Pravda (Serbia): Russia is always under the sights of NATO

Every day, the West feeds its citizens blatant lies about the situation in Ukraine, writes Pravda. This is how the abnormal economic sanctions imposed against Russia are justified. Moscow has achieved results in Ukraine that are presented as a failure in the West, the author of the article notes. But every day there is an advance of Russian troops and the results of denazification are visible.


The struggle between Russia and the West has put Turkey in a dead end

Cumhuriyet (Turkey): tightrope walking between Moscow and the West

Turkey cannot afford to side with the West and enter into a confrontation with Russia by joining at least partially the sanctions against it, Cumhuriyet writes. The author notes that Ankara should "get along well" with Moscow. At the same time, he also does not advise swearing with the West.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Under what conditions will Poland seize part of Ukraine

Warsaw decided to expel 45 Russian diplomats. Against this background, the United States is pulling troops to the east of Poland to the border with Belarus on the eve of an emergency NATO summit. Members of the alliance will discuss Warsaw's initiative to introduce a contingent to the territory of Ukraine. In response, Moscow indicated that such a step would lead to a direct clash between Russia and NATO. Are Warsaw and Washington really ready for such a development?

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

What will be the world order as a result of the special operation in Ukraine

President Biden has announced a "new world order" that will emerge as a result of the current Ukrainian epic. It seems that there is a sudden agreement between Moscow and Washington, but only on this single point. In Moscow, after all, they also talk about an "epoch-making battle" for a new world order. However, Biden is clearly lying, because he only dreams of restoring the old way of life – with the leadership of the United States. What will the new world really be like?

Военно-промышленный курьер

NATO is puzzled

The Alliance is groping for a line of conduct in the fog of strategic uncertainty

In an environment of catastrophic degradation of global security caused by the actions of the United States and NATO to promote and support Kiev's Russophobic policy, plans for further expansion of the alliance and an unrestrained build-up of military preparations, Washington and Brussels are trying to find ways to adapt the alliance to the realities of modernity. Organized by the conference of Defense Associations on March 9-11 in Canada, at which NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg delivered a keynote speech.

Военно-промышленный курьер

Deadly "silence mode"

The Ukrainian authorities authorized the use of weapons against refugees who tried to leave the settlements

There is a humanitarian catastrophe in Mariupol and other cities of Ukraine occupied by neo-Nazis. There is no light, heat, food. Residents who survived the shelling, along with children and the elderly, are hiding in basements in the dark and cold. The Nazis use them as a human shield, without even reporting on the humanitarian corridors opened by Russia. Their own people have become hostages of political ambitions for the military-political leadership of Ukraine.

Военно-промышленный курьер

Revival priorities

Without the nationalization of strategic resources, our country will not survive

The sanctions imposed by the West put Russia in front of the need to take extraordinary measures to restore economic self-sufficiency or, in other words, economic sovereignty. For more than 30 years, a purposeful policy has been carried out in our country to destroy economic independence with the transformation of Russia into a semi-colonial state of the united West.


"Unprecedented" sanctions against Russia will go sideways to the West

The National Interest (USA): Will China break the wall of Western sanctions against Russia?

The US has warned China of responsibility for supporting "Russian aggression," but it still "shamelessly" ignores sanctions, writes TNI. According to the author of the article, this shows the danger the West and its campaign of maximum pressure on Moscow are in.

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  • Discussion
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Without carrot and stick. Russia has deprived America of its usual levers of influence
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Опубликовано первое изображение разрабатываемой в США «малой крылатой ракеты», которая запускается с транспортных самолётов
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Главком ВМФ России: проработан вопрос о создании нового авианосца
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США желают увеличения военного присутствия Индии в Индо-Тихоокеанском регионе для сдерживания КНР - СМИ
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The first flight of the Turkish advanced Kaan fighter
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В США оценили российские Су-34 с УМПК
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The US Navy is deploying a ground-based mobile missile launcher SM-6
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Корпорация "Иркут" до конца 2018 года поставит ВКС РФ более 30 истребителей Су-30СМ
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Russia has launched production of 20 Tu-214 aircraft
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Какое оружие может оказаться эффективным против боевых беспилотников
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Глава Ростеха анонсировал возобновление выпуска самолётов радиолокационного обнаружения и управления А-50У
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Для Черноморского флота разрабатывают тепловизионный комплекс для борьбы с надводными дронами
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How the situation in Ukraine will develop in the long term (Lidovky, Czech Republic)
  • 17.05 20:41
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По поводу статьи "Как будет развиваться ситуация на Украине в долгосрочной перспективе".
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Продолжается разработка перспективного тяжёлого транспортного самолёта "Слон"