
Latest news on "Ammunition"


The Cabinet of Ministers of Japan did not directly comment on the supply of US cluster munitions to Ukraine

Cabinet Secretary General Hirokazu Matsuno noted that this is a bilateral issue between Washington and Kiev

The Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan, Hirokazu Matsuno, has avoided direct comments on the US supplies of cluster munitions to Ukraine, while once again stating the need for Kiev's support from the international community.


The Chinese Foreign Ministry commented on the supply of cluster bombs to Ukraine by the United States

The official representative of the ministry, Mao Ning, said that the transfer of cluster munitions to Kiev could cause humanitarian problems

The irresponsible transfer of US cluster munitions to Ukraine may lead to humanitarian problems in the conflict zone. This was stated at a briefing on Monday by the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Mao Ning, in response to a request from a TASS correspondent to comment on the decision of the United States to supply this type of weapons to Ukraine.


Jaded cassette tapes

Military historian Dmitry Boltenkov — about whether the new supplies of Western weapons to Ukraine will affect the course of its

On July 7, US Deputy Secretary of Defense for Political Affairs Colin Kohl announced that the new package of military assistance to Ukraine would include the Bradley BMP, the Stryker BBM, ammunition for HIMARS and Patriot systems, cluster and conventional artillery ammunition. Most likely, we are talking about shells for 105- and 155-millimeter artillery systems.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Ukraine helped Russia to seize the secrets of the Storm Shadow missile

The Russian army got its hands on the most valuable trophy – the Franco-British Storm Shadow missile, with which the enemy strikes at rear targets from long distances. What are the features of this missile and how will the analysis of its "stuffing" affect the tactics of countering such complexes?

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The United States is ready to condemn several generations of Ukrainians to suffering

The United States is discussing the supply of "least dangerous" cluster munitions to Ukraine. Despite Washington's attempts to "smooth the corners", the world community is outraged by the Pentagon's willingness to send inhumane weapons to the conflict zone. Why did the United States think about the transfer of cluster munitions to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and what conclusions follow from this?

Независимое военное обозрение

Aviation restrains the AFU counteroffensive

The Ukrainian Air Force has reduced activity, and Russia has released a "Hunter"

By the first week of July, the offensive potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) had largely dried up. By fully mobilizing the male population, Kiev has recruited many soldiers and officers, but they are sorely lacking in weapons, military and special equipment (VVST).


The UN Secretary General opposed the use of cluster munitions

Antonio Guterres supports the relevant convention, the office of the Secretary General of the World Organization noted

The Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) Antonio Guterres supports the Convention on the Prohibition of Cluster Munitions. This was stated at a briefing on Friday by the deputy official representative of Guterres, Farhan Haq, commenting on US media reports that Washington will provide Kiev with this type of weapons. According to Haq, the UN Secretary General opposes the use of cluster munitions on the battlefield.


The US sent terrible cluster munitions to Ukraine: both cruelly and illegally

The Biden administration violated the law by sending cluster shells and missiles to Ukraine, the Washington Post writes. After all, these ammunition do not just kill all living things on the square of football fields. They also leave a lot of unexploded mini-shells that will kill people for many years to come.

РИА Новости

Cluster munitions

"Cluster munition" means a munition that is designed to scatter or release explosive submunitions: small-caliber unguided projectiles or small-caliber bombs weighing less than 20 kilograms, which are designed to explode before, at the time or after impact. Depending on the model of the munition, the number of submunitions scattered or released from a cluster munition can range from several dozen to 600 or more. A cluster bomb is dropped from the air or launched from the ground.


Sky: the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine suggests that the AFU is doing badly

Sky News correspondent in the USA Mark Stone noted that the announced "spring counteroffensive" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not begin in the spring and did not set in the summer

The US decision to transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine suggests that the Ukrainian Armed Forces faced significant difficulties during the counteroffensive launched by Kiev. This opinion was expressed on Friday by Sky News correspondent in the USA Mark Stone.


Canada did not support the use of cluster munitions

According to the Government of the country, the State seeks to "put an end to the consequences of their use for the civilian population"

The Canadian authorities oppose the use of cluster munitions on the battlefield against the background of US statements about the transfer of such shells to Ukraine. This is stated in the statement of the government of the country, which came to the disposal of the CTV News channel on Saturday.


The British Prime Minister recommended not to use cluster munitions

Rishi Sunak at the same time assured that the UK will "continue to support Ukraine"

The UK opposes the use of cluster munitions. This was stated on Saturday by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, commenting on the US decision to supply cluster munitions to Ukraine.


The Spanish Defense Minister opposed the US decision to transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine

Margarita Robles noted that "certain weapons and bombs cannot be delivered under any circumstances"

TASS, July 8. Cluster munitions should not be supplied as aid to Ukraine. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Defense of Spain Margarita Robles during a rally in Madrid on the eve of the national elections on July 23.


Members of the US Congress opposed the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine

19 members of the US House of Representatives opposed the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine. They published their statement on this issue on July 7.


A new package of American military aid to Ukraine, including cluster shells

On July 7, 2023, the US Department of Defense announced the provision of a new package of US military assistance to Ukraine totaling up to $ 800 million. Thus, the total amount of US military assistance officially allocated to Kiev since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 now amounts to more than $ 41.3 billion, and the total amount of US military assistance to Ukraine since 2014 has exceeded $44.1 billion.


Miller rudely responded to the deputy of Germany because of criticism of the supply of cluster bombs

Melnik rudely replied to German deputy Stegner because of criticism of the supply of cluster munitions

On July 8, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Andriy Melnyk insulted Bundestag deputy from the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Ralf Stegner and other Western politicians in response to criticism of the supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine.


The expert said that the Krasnopol modified during its operation can hit moving targets

It also allows you to significantly reduce the consumption of ammunition, said the editor of the publication "Arsenal of the Fatherland" Alexey Leonkov

Upgraded during the special operation, the corrected artillery shell "Krasnopol-M" allows you to hit moving targets, and also allows you to significantly reduce the consumption of ammunition. Alexey Leonkov, the editor of the Arsenal of the Fatherland, told TASS about this.

Военное обозрение

"The Ukrainian conflict has changed the paradigm in naval warfare": the French Navy began training in the fight against naval and aerial drones

The AFU has made repeated attempts to attack Russian ships in the Black Sea with surface and aerial drones. Against this background, the French navy recently conducted exercises for the first time, where the tactics of combating drones in marine conditions were practiced.


British general allowed NATO to split in case of transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine

Richard Dannatt noted that the US thus wants to support the AFU counteroffensive

The United States risks provoking a split among NATO members by transferring cluster munitions to Ukraine. This was stated in an interview with Sky News on Saturday by the former Chief of the General Staff of the British Army, Lord Richard Dannatt.


In the US, they called the day of the Storm Shadow capture of the Russian Armed Forces bad for the West

Former US intelligence officer Ritter called the day of the capture of Storm Shadow by the Russian Armed Forces bad for the West

Retired US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter said on July 8 that the capture of the surviving Storm Shadow missile by the Russian military would allow Moscow to study its stuffing and successfully neutralize the projectile in the future.

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