
News of the nuclear industry and energy


"Understands the need": Nebenzia on Biden's attitude to start-3

Nebenzia assessed the prospects for extending the start-3 Treaty under Biden

Democrat Joseph Biden, who is now considered the most likely winner of the us presidential election, is aware of the importance of extending the Treaty on strategic offensive arms reduction, said Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Russia's nuclear forces will deprive Ukrainian intelligence

Vladimir Putin said that Russia is completing the creation of a nuclear forces control center, which is almost completely protected from nuclear attacks and equipped with the most advanced equipment and communications facilities. Moscow has already seriously modernized its nuclear triad in recent years. Now it's time to update its management system, which Russia inherited from the USSR and was developed on the territory of Ukraine.

РИА Новости

Lavrov said that inspectors from the United States at the Russian factories will not be

There will be no American inspectors at Russia's nuclear weapons factories, as was the case in the 1990s, Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters.


Sudan transit: why does Russia need a naval base in Africa?

Dmitry Litovkin-about a new safe Harbor for the Russian Navy

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a submission addressed to Vladimir Putin, suggesting the opening of a logistics support point for our warships in this country in Sudan.

Российская газета

Formidable trio: The Drive was impressed by rare photos of Russian air force bombers

the Drive was impressed by the photos of Tu-160, Tu-95 MS and Tu-22 M3 bombers, showing off fully armed.

The Drive portal was impressed by a photo report from the Engels long-range aviation unit (Saratov region, published recently by the Russian defense Ministry). It presents strategic bombers Tu-160, Tu-95 MS and Tu-22 M3 with the layout of their weapons. As the journalist notes, so far there have been very few opportunities to see these aircraft with a potential payload.


Contract for the first two us nuclear missile submarines of the new type Columbia

On November 5, 2020, the US Navy signed a $ 9.474 billion contract with the General Dynamics Electric Boat shipyard (GDEB, part of the General Dynamics Corporation) in Groton, Connecticut, for the construction and testing of the first two us nuclear - powered missile submarines of the new generation-SSBN 826 Columbia and SSBN 827 Wisconsin.


Lukashenko: Belarus becomes a nuclear power (TUT, Belarus)

Alexander Lukashenko opened the belaes In Ostrovets on Saturday, November 7. "A historic moment: the country becomes a nuclear power," he said. The author recalls that in early September, the Baltic States agreed that after the launch of the nuclear power plant in Ostrovets, they would stop buying electricity from Belarus.

Российская газета

What will change in existing military doctrines

at the Ogarkov readings held at the end of last week, sensational statements were made. One of them concerned the inevitable revision of existing military doctrines.

Marshal Ogarkov of the Soviet Union, who was chief of the General staff of the armed forces of the USSR from 1977 to 1984, became the face of such readings because in his theoretical works he anticipated the development of the armed forces on a global scale, which is only beginning now. This is also known abroad, so the event is attended by leading Western military analysts.

ИнВоен Info

India's hypersonic weapons: achievements and consequences

In September 2020, India announced a successful test of ramjet technology. The engine was designed specifically for installation on a hypersonic technology demonstrator (hypersonic technology demonstrator vehicle, HSTDV).

Ежедневная рассылка новостей ВПК на электронный почтовый ящик
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Мнения о российском флоте.