
Transformation of the Russian Armed Forces in 2022-2024. Part 2: Weapons and equipment


The original was taken from a colleague of altyn73 in the Transformation of the Russian Armed Forces in 2022-2024.

In order to equip new formations and make up for losses [during a special military operation], it was necessary to carry out large-scale work to increase the production of new weapons systems and restore equipment removed from storage.

On one of the assembly lines of the Kurgan Machine-Building Plant (KMZ) there is a frame from the video from 01.12.2022. A source

Kurgan Machine-Building Plant produces new BMP-3, BMD-4M and BTR-MDM combat vehicles, as well as carries out repair and restoration work on BMP-2 vehicles. The increase in production of new equipment was restrained by the limited release of combat compartments (modules), but in 2023, the Motovilikha Plants-civil engineering enterprise, on a technological line designed for the production of oilfield equipment, mastered the production of artillery guns, including 100-mm 2A70 guns .

Blanks of gun barrels 100 mm 2A70 source https://t.me/Rogatkinlive/212

Recently, almost every month Kurganmashzavod reports on the shipment of two batches of BMP-3, i.e. the output has reached the level of 50-60 cars per month.

But even this volume of production of new cars is clearly not enough. It is required to supply several thousand combat vehicles to the troops in a short time. It is possible to take such a volume only by removing old samples of military equipment from storage.

On a foreign Internet resource https://twitter.com/HighMarsed Based on the study of satellite images of open areas of storage bases and repair plants, we carried out a calculation of military equipment before the start of the SVO. The accuracy of the calculation results is extremely doubtful, but at least it allows you to estimate the order of the numbers.

the number of military equipment in storage bases by the beginning of 2022

the number of military equipment at the sites of armored repair plants (armored personnel carriers) by the beginning of 2022. A note from myself - the 691st armored personnel carrier does not exist. There is a 691st military equipment storage base.

By mid-2023, the number of infantry fighting vehicles of various modifications at the eight largest equipment storage bases had decreased by a thousand units.

Such a volume of supplies did not cover the current needs of the army. Since July 2023, after the restructuring of production, there has been a sharp rise in the volume of production of refurbished equipment. For example, at the 560th armored repair plant (560 armored personnel carriers) in 2022, it was planned to produce 60 repaired IFVs per year, and by 2024 to reach the level of 160 vehicles per year. In October 2023, the 560th armored Personnel carrier shipped the same amount of equipment to the troops as it planned for the whole of 2022.

The restoration of combat vehicles (BMP, BMD, BTR and MTLB of various modifications), in addition to the bases for storing and repairing equipment, is carried out at enterprises - 81st and 163rd BTRZ (both Krasnodar Territory), 72nd BTRZ (Rostov Region), Volgograd Tractor Plant (Volgograd region), Volsky Mechanical Plant (Saratov region), Remdiesel (Tatarstan), Shcheglovsky Val (Tula region), Arzamas Machine-Building Plant (Nizhny Novgorod region), 103rd Arsenal (Mordovia), 61st BTRZ (Leningrad region), 144th BTRZ (Sverdlovsk region), Kurgan Machine-Building Plant (Kurgan region), Rubtsovsky Uralvagonzavod branch (Altai Territory), 103rd armored personnel carrier (Zabaikalsky Territory) and 560th armored personnel carrier (Amur region). The production of a wide range of spare parts for the repair of combat vehicles has been mastered at the Muromteplovoz enterprise (Vladimir region).

jpg" title="President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin inspects the upgraded BMP-2M Berezhok machine during a visit to the Shcheglovsky Val enterprise on 12/23/2023. source https://ria.ru/20221223/putin-1840929772.html ">

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin inspects the upgraded BMP-2M Berezhok machine during a visit to the Shcheglovsky Val enterprise on 12/23/2023. source https://ria.ru/20221223/putin-1840929772.html

It is worth noting that even samples of equipment removed from service, such as the BTR-50 and BMD-3, are being restored. Many units previously armed with wheeled armored personnel carriers are now receiving tracked vehicles. For example, the 228th motorized Rifle Regiment of the 90th Tank Division, according to the Ministry of Defense, received 30 BMP-3 units, although it was previously equipped with BTR-80 and BTR-82A

Links to businesses

Shcheglovsky val 11/23/2023 https://ria.ru/20221223/putin-1840929772.html

Muromteplovoz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RAwK7qVifQ

103rd Armored Personnel carrier https://smotrim.ru/video/2496408 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU4A9-ZWjwQ

Kurganmashzavod https://gtrk-kurgan.ru/ru /?option=com_video&cid=3&vn=28571&Itemid=144&p=143 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWmzAE71UFU

the enterprise of the High-Precision Complexes holding (144th, 163rd and 560th armored personnel carriers, 103rd Arsenal, Kurganmashzavod and its Rubtsovsky branch, Volsky Mechanical Plant, Volgograd Tractor Plant) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKRaYUaOfRo

Rubtsovsky branch of Uralvagonzavod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_M8wQJNbVI

JSC "Remdiesel" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyXmLtJwWos and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEKM6ySnwCM

560th Armored personnel carrier https://portamur.ru/news/detail/bronetankovyiy-remontnyiy-zavod-v-amurskoy-oblasti-otpravil-v-voyska-partiyu-bmp / and https://www.interfax-russia.ru/far-east/news/bronetankovyy-remontnyy-zavod-v-priamure-perehodit-na-aktivnuyu-raskonservaciyu-tehniki and http://www.belraion.ru/index.php/2014-12-18-23-22-39/2014-12-19-03-29-19/obesp/obesp-npa/item/6491-my-rabotaem-na-nashu-oboronu

The first serial installation is 2C35 source https://tass.ru/armiya-i-opk/19861309

Serial production of new barrel artillery systems until 2022 was carried out only at one enterprise - Uraltransmash (Sverdlovsk region), where new 2C19M2 Msta-SM self-propelled guns were assembled and the old installations were upgraded to the 2C19M1 level. After the start of its production, the output of self-propelled units was increased. During the visit of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to the enterprise on January 30, 2024, a plan for the shipment of 18 installations in February 2024 was announced. Also in February 2024, the shipment of the first serial batch (six units) of the new 2C35 self-propelled units "Coalition" was planned. The pre-production batch of 2C35 installations underwent military tests in combat conditions as part of the 236th Artillery Brigade of the 20th Combined Arms Army. The brigade distinguished itself in the battles and became the Guards on March 31, 2023. Now serial installations will be used to equip units of new artillery divisions.

Calculation of the 236th Artillery Brigade ( four 2S19M2 installations and four 2S35 installations) at the military parade on Red Square, Moscow, 06/24/2020. the source of the video footage of the Parade broadcast on the Russia TV channel

According to a report on the Rogatkin-Live telegram channel, the Motovilikhinsky Plants restored production of towed 2A65 Msta-B artillery guns at the enterprise

Source https://t.me/Rogatkinlive/212

Although I have not seen any official statements about the launch of production. Indirectly, this event is confirmed name/news/848636_industrialnyi_direktor_rosteha_novye_boepripasy_uchityvayut_zashitu_trofeinoi_bronetehniki-intervyu_tass.html " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">in the words of Bekhan Ozdoev, industrial director of the cluster of conventional weapons, ammunition and special chemicals of Rostec State Corporation, If we compare the domestic "defense industry" at the beginning of 2022 and now, the difference is huge. We have reached such a pace and volume of production that until recently seemed unrealistic. Compared to 2022, the volume of production of self-propelled artillery increased 10 times, towed artillery - 14 times. Mortars - 20 times, MLRS - 2 times. In addition, the production of components has been established. In particular, the production and repair of tank guns and barrels for artillery weapons has doubled. As a result, in 2023 Rostec fulfilled the state defense order for the supply of artillery in full.

In total, over the past 2023, according to Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Alexei Krivoruchko, the Armed Forces received over 3 thousand armored vehicles, 4 thousand artillery pieces and multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), artillery reconnaissance and counter-battery warfare, as well as more than 150 samples for the RCBZ troops, including heavy flamethrower systems. As much as I would like to, it is not possible to cover the huge needs of the army only through the release of new systems. Most of the artillery pieces come from the removal of old weapons from storage.

On a foreign Internet resource https://twitter.com/HighMarsed Tables of changes in the number of artillery systems in open areas of military equipment storage and repair bases are presented. You should not completely trust this information.

Changes in the number of barrel artillery at storage bases

The number of MLRS at storage bases in early 2022

The requirements for the storage of artillery pieces are much simpler than those of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. We can confidently say that most of the unserved artillery systems immediately enter the army. Judging by recent satellite images, many of the remaining systems in storage have already had their gun barrels removed. Without a doubt, they were sent to the troops to replace the failed barrels due to wear due to the large barrel.

By the beginning of 2022, serial production of new multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) was launched Tornado-G and Tornado-C at the Motovilikha Plants enterprise.

Source https://t.me/Rogatkinlive/212

Since the beginning of the SVO, the issue of MLRS has doubled. The 232nd Rocket Artillery Brigade ( Central Military District ) has been re-equipped with Tornado-C systems

Prior to the start of its operation, the 79th Reactive Artillery Brigade (Western Military District) and the 439th Reactive Artillery Brigade (Southern Military District) received Tornado-C systems. According to unconfirmed reports, the regular number of launchers in the brigade has been doubled - from twelve to twenty-four.

Serious difficulties arose with the repair of the 9K57 "Hurricane" installations, but starting in 2023, the modernized 9K57-1 "Hurricane-1" systems on the BAZ-69092 chassis went to the troops. The Ministry of Defense recently released a video of the combat use of the new Hurricane-1 system

Many improvised artillery installations appeared in the troops . For example, the craftsmen of the 681st separate artillery regiment put a 57 mm S-60 anti-aircraft gun on an MTLB armored personnel carrier.

Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjlQdVF_1ZM

It is worth writing separately about the equipment of tanks.

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