
For Israel, internal threats are becoming more dangerous than external ones


The IDF remains in the top five of the strongest armed forces

Since its formation in 1947, Israel has been surrounded by hostile Arab States, with which it has fought six times – not counting the permanent war against the Palestinians on its own territory. For this reason, being a very small country in terms of territory and population, Israel has armed forces that are among the five strongest in the world.

The Israeli Armed Forces are recruited by conscription, which even women are subject to. At the same time, all military personnel are constantly undergoing retraining in the units to which they are assigned. The level of combat and moral and psychological training of Israeli military personnel is considered to be the highest in the world, although today confidence in this is somewhat shaken ( "Israel slept through the Hamas attacks", "HBO", 10/13/23).

Israel is an exclusive partner of the United States, receiving the latest military equipment from them. Some equipment is purchased in other Western countries. In addition, the country has a very powerful military-industrial complex of its own, producing weapons and equipment of all classes, including nuclear weapons and their means of delivery.

At the same time, due to the country's constant readiness for a major war along the entire perimeter of the borders, a significant amount of old equipment, including captured Soviet equipment, was in storage in Israel until recently. Recently, a significant part of this equipment has been disposed of. Whether this was a mistake, the future will show ( "The IDF is losing its former strength ", "HBO", 12/15.23).


The Israeli ground forces are divided into three military districts. Moreover, it is the command of the districts that directs the actions of the forces subordinate to them, and the command of the ground forces as a whole has only administrative functions. Each district consists of several divisions.

The Northern Military District includes four divisions. These are the 36th armored division "Gaash" (it includes the 1st infantry "Golani", the 7th "Saar me-Golan", the 188th "Barak", the 263rd reserve "Merkavot ha-Esh" armored, the 6th reserve infantry "Etzioni", 282nd "Golan" Artillery Brigade); 91st territorial division "Ha-Galil" (300th "Baram", 769th "Hiram" infantry brigades, 3rd Reserve Infantry Brigade "Alexandroni", 8th Reserve Tank Brigade);

146th Reserve armored Division "Ha-Mapats" (2nd infantry "Karmeli", 4th "Kiryati" and 205th "Egrof ha-Barzel" reserve armored, 228th reserve infantry "Alon", 226th reserve amphibious "Nesher", 213rd reserve artillery "Tkuma" brigade); 210th reserve armored division "Ha-Bashan" (474th territorial brigade "Ha-Golan" and 810th territorial brigade "Ha-Hermon", 9th reserve infantry brigade "Oded", 679th reserve tank brigade "Utsvat Iftah", 209th Reserve Artillery Brigade).

The central Military District includes three divisions and a separate brigade. These are the 877th territorial division of Judea and Samaria (territorial brigades "Menashe", "Ephraim", "Shomron" ("Samaria"), "Benjamin", "Etzion", "Yehuda");

98th Reserve special division "Ha-Esh" (35th "Tsankhanim", 55th reserve "Khod ha-Hanit", 551st reserve "Hetzei ha-Esh" parachute brigades, 89th Commando Brigade, 214th artillery regiment "Kela David"); 99th Reserve division "Ha-Bazak" (900th infantry "Kfir", 11th Reserve commando "Iftah", 646th reserve amphibious assault "Shualei Marom", 179th reserve armored "Ram" brigades); 417th territorial brigade "Jordan Valley".

The Southern Military District includes four divisions and a brigade. These are the 162nd armored division "Ha-Plada" (401st armored "Iqvot ha-Barzel", 84th infantry "Givati", 933rd infantry "Nahal", 5th reserve infantry "Sharon", 215th artillery "Amud ha-Ash" brigades); 80th territorial division "Edom" (territorial brigades 512th "Faran", 406th "Yoav"); 143rd territorial division of the Gaza Strip "Shualei ha-Esh" (territorial brigades "Ha-Gefen", "Qatif"); 252nd Reserve armored Division "Sinai" (12th "Ha-Negev", 16th "Jerusalem" reserve infantry, 10th "Harel" and 14th "Ha Mahats" reserve armored, 425th Artillery training brigade); 460th armored training brigade "Bnei Or".

In addition, there are a significant number of special and support units.

It is in service with the ground forces that most of the Israeli nuclear arsenal is located (its existence is not officially confirmed, but there is no doubt). There are from 50 to 90 medium-range ballistic missiles (BRSD) "Jericho–2" (flight range – 1500-1800 km, warhead weight - 750-1000 kg) and up to 150 tactical missiles (OTR) "Jericho-1" (500 km, warhead – 1 ton). The Jericho-3 BRSD enters service (4.8–6.5 thousand km, up to three warheads with a total weight of up to 1.3 tons). The number of nuclear warheads is, according to various estimates, from 100 to 400, the number of launchers (PU) for all Jericho is from 23 to 50 (name/news/747831_nasledniki_davida_i_ih_prashi.html " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"The heirs of David and their slings", "HBO", 07/21/23).

The Israeli army's tank fleet includes up to 1,377 Merkava tanks (up to 777 Mk3, up to 600 of the most modern Mk4; up to 384 Mk1 and up to 572 Mk2 – in storage). All the values given are the maximum possible, the actual number of Mk1/2/3 tanks may be significantly less.

In addition, up to 350 old British Centurion tanks and up to 1 thousand Magah tanks, which are modernized American M60 and M48 (up to 220 Magah-7, up to 711 Magah-6, up to 140 Magah-5), can be stored. But most likely all or almost all of these cars have already been disposed of (as well as the Mk1 Merkavs).

There are 300 combat reconnaissance vehicles (BRM) of own production RBY-1, eight German Tpz-1 Fuchs.

Israel became the first country to create IFVs and armored personnel carriers on the chassis of tanks with an appropriate level of protection. There are 383 Namer infantry fighting vehicles (on the Merkava chassis), up to 219 Akhzarit armored personnel carriers (on the chassis of the captured Soviet T-55), up to 14 Nakpadon armored personnel carriers (on the Centurion chassis). In addition, there are up to 2,000 American M113 armored personnel carriers (some of them are in storage; there are also 435 M577 command and staff vehicles based on them), 148 of their own Wolf and at least six newest Eitan.

350 American self-propelled artillery units (ACS) M109 (155 mm) are in service. In addition, up to 76 M109, 148 own self-propelled guns L-33 and 50 M-68 (155 mm), up to 70 M107 (175 mm), 36 M110 (203 mm) are in storage. Up to 300 captured Soviet towed guns M-30 and D-30 (122 mm) and up to 24 M-46 (130 mm), 40 converted M-46, 50 own M-68/71 and 81 M-839/845 (155 mm) are in storage. They are armed with 250 mortars (81 mm), 264 self-propelled mortars "Kardom" and 250 M-65 (120 mm). At the same time, 1100 mortars (81 mm), 650 (120 mm), 18 M-66 (160 mm) are in storage. There are 63 American MLRS multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) (227 mm); 16 M270, as well as up to 58 Soviet MLRS BM-21 (122 mm) and from 12 to 36 BM-24 (240 mm), 50 own LAR-160 (160 mm) and 20 MAR-290 (290 mm) – in storage. As in the case of old tanks, most of the outdated and captured artillery systems have most likely already been disposed of.

There are several hundred domestic anti-tank missile systems (ATGMs) "Spike" of various modifications.

The military air defense system includes at least 500 American man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) "Stinger" and 40 of its own anti-aircraft missile and cannon complexes (ZRPC) "Macbeth" (created by installing four Stinger MANPADS on the American anti-aircraft self-propelled gun (ZSU) M163).


The Israeli Air Force has air bases as its main tactical units: 1st (Ramat David), 2nd (Sdot-Miha; rocket), 4th (Hatzor), 6th (Hatzerim), 8th (Tel Nof), 10th (Bikat-Uvda), 15th (Sde-Dov, Tel Aviv), 21st (Haifa), 25th (Mitzpe Ramon), 28th (Nevatim), 30th (Palmachim).

The basis of the Air Force is made up of American fighter-bombers. There are 39 newest F-35A, 57 F-15s (16 A, 5 B, 17 C, 19 D; another 6 to 13 A, 1 B, 1 D in storage), 25 F-15I (an analog of the American F-15E strike aircraft), 217-218 F-16 (73 C, 48-49 D, 96 I; another 52 A, 14 B, 5 C, 1 I in storage). In addition, old fighters are in storage – up to 163 American F-4s (up to 110 F-4E, up to 53 F-4–2000) and from eight to ten RF-4E scouts, up to 70 of their own Kfir (20 C1, 34 C2, 1 TC2, 1 R-C2, 16 C7), but in reality most of them have already been disposed of.

Also, the combat aircraft include eight American AT-802F anti-guerrilla attack aircraft (officially considered fire-fighting aircraft). Up to 166 old A-4s (up to 64 N, 52 A-4E, up to 8 F, up to 42 H) are in storage, but most of them are not operational or have already been disassembled.

There are three Gulfstream-550 electronic warfare (EW) aircraft in service (six RC-12D reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft, seven EC-707 and one RC-707 in storage), 12-13 tankers (four to five KS-130H, eight KS-707), more than 60 transport aircraft (18 C-130 – six E, five H, seven J; one more H in storage), one VC-707, one Boeing-707 (three more in storage), 22 Beach-B200, 22 A-36; in addition, two or three Beach-65B80", up to 20 Do-27, 8-15 Do-28, 11 TB-20 – in storage). All of these aircraft are American-made, except for the decommissioned Dutch Do-27/28 and French TV-20.

Training aircraft – 17 German Grob-120, 20 American T-6A (one more in storage), 10 combat training TA-4 (one H, nine J; two more-three H, six-eight J in storage) based on the aforementioned A-4 attack aircraft, 30 newest Italian M-346.

Combat helicopters – 45 AN-64 Apache (25 A, 20 D; one more A in storage); up to 49 AN-1 Cobra (up to 13 E, up to 20 F (+ 56 for spare parts only), 12 S, four Q) in storage. Multipurpose and transport helicopters – 19 OH-58B (one more in storage), up to 10 CH-53A (up to four more A and five more D in storage) and up to 14 S-65C, 39 S-70A and 10 UH-60A, three Bell-206 (up to 48 more in storage In addition, 15 Hughes-500, up to 25 Bell-212, one SA315B, five SA321 are in storage. All helicopters are also American-made, except for the French SA315/321.

Israel is currently the only country in the world with a tactical missile defense (ABM) system. It includes three Arrow anti–missile batteries (12-24 PU) and 10 Iron House anti-missile batteries (30 PU), both systems are of their own production.

The "classic" air defense system includes 17 batteries of the American Advanced Hawk anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) (102 PU) and seven batteries of the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) (56 PU) (however, Patriots can also solve missile defense tasks), 105 American M163 ZSU (20 mm) and 60 Soviet ZSU-23–4 Shilka, 755 anti–aircraft guns - 150 Soviet ZU-23 (23 mm), 455 American M167 and their own TSM-20 (20 mm), 150 Swedish L/70 (40 mm). The "advanced Hokies" and all captured systems may be in storage, some of them have already been disposed of.


The Israeli Navy has three newest German submarines (submarines) of the Dolphin type and two improved Tanin type (212 ave., another one is under construction). It is believed that these submarines can carry sea-based nuclear cruise missiles (CRMS), although it is not entirely clear what type. Germany builds these submarines for Israel at half price or even for free – as compensation for the Holocaust.

There are three Eilat-type missile corvettes (Saar-5) and three Magen-type (Saar-6), eight Hetz-type missile boats (Saar-4.5), up to 33 patrol boats (nine Dvora-type, 15-17 typeSuper Dvora" (two-four Mk2, 13 Mk3), five-seven of the Shaldag type; up to seven of the Dabur type in the sludge), the landing ship Nakshon. The naval aviation has three IAI-1124 base patrol aircraft of its own production (possibly transferred to storage) and five French AS565 anti-submarine helicopters.

In the foreseeable future, the potential of the Israeli Armed Forces as a whole is more than enough to fend off any conceivable external threat. Although, as practice shows, the threat can come from within.

Alexander Khramchikhin

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