
Latest news on "General industry information"

Военное обозрение

General Li Shangfu, who is under US sanctions, has been appointed China's new defense minister

In China, the Minister of Defense was replaced, General Li Shangfu was appointed the new head of the military department of the People's Republic of China, who replaced Colonel-General Wei Fenghe, who headed the Ministry of Defense since 2018. It is noteworthy that the new Chinese defense minister is under US sanctions because of cooperation with Russia.


Xi Jinping's third term will strengthen the confrontation between China and the United States

Xi Jinping's third term: which way will China go in the near future

Xi Jinping, elected for the third time as President of the People's Republic of China, will strengthen China's opposition to the United States and focus on the country's economic security and the consolidation of its internal unity, the New York Times writes.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The Pentagon has fallen into the trap of its own crimes

The Pentagon has blocked the exchange of US intelligence data with the International Criminal Court (ICC) on war crimes in Ukraine. Washington fears the creation of a precedent for subsequent accusations against the US military. However, American intelligence agencies, the State Department and the Ministry of Justice are in favor of cooperation with the ICC. President Joe Biden has the last word. What will he do?

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The United States began to communicate with Zelensky in a different tone

The President of Ukraine increasingly hears "no" from the US authorities when he shares his plans for the future with them. The Republican victory in the congressional elections forced Washington to adjust its policy of assistance to Ukraine. How critical are these changes for Kiev? And what is missing to make them truly critical?


A picture of Russia's victory is gradually emerging in Ukraine

American Thinker: Western media constantly lie about the Ukrainian conflict

The narrative of the Western media about Ukraine is one continuous lie that misleads society, writes American Thinker. The author believes that this leads the United States and NATO to a reckless policy on Ukraine, since it is extremely dangerous to conceal Russian successes.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Instead of NATO membership, Ukraine will get the "status of a porcupine"

Ukraine will join NATO, and Poland will dramatically strengthen. Not only experts, but also leaders of European countries are discussing such scenarios of the geopolitical alignment that may occur following the results of the special operation. It would seem that such a future does not bring Russia anything good. However, in fact, the main victims in the end will be the West, Ukraine, and the European Union.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

SBU found the extreme in the death of the legendary plane

Ex-top managers of the Antonov concern have been arrested in Ukraine. The SBU believes that they are guilty of the capture of Gostomel airport by Russian troops near Kiev and the loss of the legendary An-225 "Mriya" ("Dream") aircraft. Why does the version about the guilt of the suspects not stand up to criticism and for what purpose do the Ukrainian security forces detain the leading managers of once famous enterprises?


The failure of the F-22 and F-35? Why the US has returned to the production of F-15 fighter jets

How the US is changing outdated aircraft to the fourth-generation F-15EX fighter

Military experts believe that the US Air Force should abandon the purchase of fourth-generation F-15EX fighters, which are considered analogues of Russian fifth-generation Su-57 combat aircraft. About what the F-15EX is and whether its purchase will be a strategic mistake - in the material of the military observer "Gazeta.Ru" by Mikhail Khodarenka.

Военно-политическое обозрение (Беларусь)

The provocations of the Kiev regime with UAVs are a demonstration of indifference to their own people

For several months now, Ukrainian drones have been actively attacking objects in the depths of Russia.  Increasingly, we find information in the media that Ukrainian drones have hit critical infrastructure facilities in the Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod and other regions of the Russian Federation bordering directly on the new regions where hostilities are currently underway.

Независимое военное обозрение

"Basalt Oaks" are ready to go to Iran

Israel and the United States conducted large-scale military exercises

Large-scale army exercises Juniper Oak 2023 ("Basalt Oaks 2023") conducted by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) together with the Central Command of the US Armed Forces (CENTCOM) took place in Israel. 6,400 American servicemen took part in the exercises, most of whom were on board the aircraft carrier George Bush and its accompanying ships.

Независимое военное обозрение

Pakistan is trying to negotiate with the militants

Terrorists have become more active in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province

Since the end of 2022, the terrorist organization Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP, banned in the Russian Federation) has been actively regrouping. The TTP is an alliance of extremist networks that have been fighting the Pakistani government since 2007.

Независимое военное обозрение

Civilizations collide in many spheres

Factors of development of the strategy of the world hybrid war

The strategy of the world hybrid war (MGW) is developed on the basis of a group of key factors inherent in this type of military conflict. These include the factor of multi-sphere, as well as temporal, spatial and civilizational factors. Multi-sphere implies a combination of informational, military, financial, economic and diplomatic impact on all spheres of public life of the enemy in real time, united by one plan.

Независимое военное обозрение

America is angry, Russia is concentrating, China is preparing

Changes in the world arms markets in 2023

Despite the disruption of global supply chains and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, arms sales by companies from the SIPRI Top 100 rating are growing. The growth is observed for the seventh year in a row, in 2021 it amounted to 1.9% by 2020. In absolute terms, sales of military products by the largest companies in the industry amounted to $592 billion, according to a recent report by the Stockholm Institute.

Независимое военное обозрение

How the Soviet defense industry was preparing a radical change in the war

High-speed welding machines, Mosin rifle and "flying tank"

The most important stage on the way to Victory was the achievement of a radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War. The turning point began with the Stalingrad triumph of the Soviet troops and ended with the defeat of the Nazis on the Kursk-Orel arc. The turning point was predetermined by the generalship of marshals and generals, the courage and heroism of soldiers and officers, the excellent work of the military-industrial complex (MIC). This article is devoted to the last of these sources of radical fracture.

Независимое военное обозрение

Footrest from the East, rescue from the West

Beijing has proposed a peace settlement plan that is completely unacceptable to Moscow

It has now been firmly forgotten how in 2008-2009 Moscow demanded that Europeans and Americans finally create a new unified system of European security. No one, including members of the CSTO, responded to her call, because no one, except Moscow itself, felt the need for such a system.


Americans opened their eyes to the "unity" of Ukraine

Newsweek: the conflict has aggravated the previously existing split in Ukrainian society

The unity of Ukraine is a myth, writes Newsweek. The country is split in many ways, and the conflict has only exacerbated these differences. The current desire of Ukrainian nationalists to suppress everything connected with Russia may well turn out to be an attempt to exterminate any opposition.


Ukraine has already lost in the conflict with Russia

Al Binaa: Ukraine is doomed to defeat in the conflict with Russia

In the conflict with Russia, Ukraine is already the losing side, and its final defeat on the battlefield is only a matter of time, writes Al Binaa. The Nazi Kiev regime will collapse, dreams of world greatness will turn to dust, and the West will not care about the plight of Ukrainians.


The world did not "buy" the American version of the undermining of the "Northern Streams"

Huanqiu shibao: The US has done a good job on a new version of the undermining of the "Northern Streams"

The West holds everyone around it for "fools" – this is the only way to explain the extremely dubious version of the undermining of the "Northern Streams", which appeared in the media, according to the author of the article in "Huanqiu Shibao". The United States invented it to justify itself in the eyes of others. But their "explanation" is inconclusive.


Nikkei: Japan's military command offered to supply Ukraine with MLRS

According to the publication, no decision has been made on this issue

The command of the Japanese Ground Forces proposed to supply Ukraine with MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) multiple launch rocket systems, which are supposed to be decommissioned by fiscal year 2029. No decision has been made on this issue, since the current policy in the country prohibits the export of weapons to conflict zones, the Nikkei newspaper reported on Friday.


Get the "Daggers": in response to the Bryansk terrorist attack, a missile strike was launched

Hypersonic weapons were used to destroy particularly important objects

The Russian armed forces launched a retaliatory missile strike in response to the terrorist attack in the Bryansk region. In Ukraine, key military and energy infrastructure facilities, enterprises of the military-industrial complex (MIC) and drone bases were hit.

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