
Global security news

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"For the struggle for the liberation of the peoples of Africa": The Vladimir Putin International Prize has been established in two African states

During the period of active colonization by European countries of Africa, combined with the mass slave trade, Russia did not take any part in this process. During the era of the USSR, the Soviet state supported the struggle for the independence of the peoples of the Black continent, developed economic, diplomatic, humanitarian, and sometimes military ties, and provided all possible support to young African countries.


Andrey Rudenko: Russia's turn towards Asia is of a long-term strategic nature

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko, who oversees the Asian direction, summing up the results of the year, told Interfax in an interview about cooperation with the Asia-Pacific countries under Western sanctions and noted the importance of the region for Moscow. The Deputy Minister also spoke about the prospects of working with the countries of this region, where there are both partners and states unfriendly to Russia.

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Pentagon spokesman: The US Armed Forces will strike the Yemeni Houthi air defense system in response to attacks by merchant ships in the Red Sea

After the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli armed conflict, the United States increased its military presence in the Middle East, where it already has several bases in Iraq and in the occupied territory of Syria. A few days ago, the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, announced the creation of a coalition and the beginning of an operation in the Red Sea, where the aircraft carrier squadron of US Navy ships is already located. In addition to the United States, the coalition includes the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway and even Bahrain and the Seychelles.


Denmark made an unthinkable decision out of fear of Russia (DR, Denmark)

DR: the defense agreement with the United States in Denmark was called a "historic u-turn"

Denmark has signed a defense agreement with the United States that will allow Washington to deploy soldiers and equipment in the country on a permanent basis, Dr. Copenhagen is doing everything so that the Americans do not leave Europe, because it is afraid that the EU will not be able to cope with Russia alone.


A hidden nightmare. Ukraine threatens Europe with an invisible "army" (The Hill, USA)

The Hill: superbugs from Ukraine threaten to spread across Europe

In Ukraine, cases of detection of infectious diseases have become more frequent, and their pathogens have demonstrated resistance to antimicrobial drugs, writes The Hill. Today, the "army" of superbugs is exhausting the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and soon it threatens to attack other parts of Europe.


When and how Ukraine will be gone

A reduction in Western support guarantees Ukraine's impending defeat. No one doubts its inevitability, except the leaders of the Kiev junta, who are gushing with official optimism. Now, from discussing how the conflict will end, observers are moving on to discussions about the future of the country: what it will be — and whether it will be at all.


Sergei Ryabkov: Diplomatic relations with the United States are not a totem to be worshipped

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said in an interview with Interfax that Russia will not feel safe until a generational change takes place in the leadership of the United States and NATO, the current "comatose" state of Russian-American relations and their prospects, and the future of arms control


Patted on the shoulder: the United States flattered Poland by presenting it as the leader of the European Union (Rzeczpospolita, Poland)

US Deputy Secretary of State O'Brien: The US wants to see Poland as the leader of the European Union

Poland's cooperation with the United States is becoming closer and closer, US Undersecretary of State for European Affairs James O'Brien said in an interview with RP. Washington wants Warsaw to be the leader of the EU. Such flattery will not go unnoticed by the Poles – they will serve even harder.

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Japan has decided to transfer its own missiles for the Patriot air defense system to the United States

After the surrender of Japan in 1945, which marked the end of World War II, this country must maintain a neutral military status, self-defense forces can only be used to protect national security. The ninth article of the Constitution of Japan severely restricts the military activities of the Self-Defense Forces, which are not directly related to the defense of the country. In addition, Japanese laws effectively prohibit the export of weapons produced by national defense enterprises.


The flight of the Dagger: why it is impossible to repel the blow of a new hypersonic missile

It can destroy any target within a radius of several hundred kilometers in a matter of minutes

In December, information appeared in foreign media about the use of hypersonic Kinzhal missiles by the Russian Aerospace Forces at the VFU airbase in Starokonstantinov.


Two years ago, the United States and NATO fatally ignored Russia's concerns (Berliner Zeitung, Germany)

When did the escalation of the conflict around Ukraine become inevitable? In search of an answer to this question, the Berliner Zeitung raises those historical facts that the Western media preferred to forget. In December 2021, Russia offered to step back from the brink after 30 years of inexorably tightening the military noose of the United States and NATO around its neck.


Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Russian long-range aviation performed all activities well and perfectly in 2023

The ministry said that the long-range aviation of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation participated in the Air Defense, conducted air patrols of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, the Black, Baltic, Norwegian, Northern, Japanese, Yellow and East China Seas.


"Where do we get the money?" Ukraine blamed the failures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the United States (Breitbart, USA)

Ukraine is curtailing military operations and blames the West for everything, Breitbart writes. Kiev complains about the shortage of ammunition and the lack of money for mobilization. In addition, Ukrainians are concerned about the shift of attention of Western allies to the war in Gaza, the article notes

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The French press: "Naval drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are defenseless in front of the Russian barrier"

With the beginning of the SVO, a disproportionately large threat from Ukrainian naval drones arose for the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Small surface-mounted UAVs packed with explosives have a strong impact on the situation in the Black Sea. Earlier this month, a secret base with at least 16 Magura V5 BPA was shown, making it clear that the danger level will only increase.

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The German defense concern "let slip" about the presence of a service center near Ukraine

The massive supply of weapons and military equipment by the West to the Ukrainian army not only did not give any significant advantage to the Armed Forces at the front, but also created many problems related to their operation, maintenance and restoration. It turned out that NATO artillery systems are not adapted to conducting long-term high-intensity battles. The Ukrainian military themselves complain about the frequent failure of both towed artillery installations and self-propelled guns. And the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are quite intensively disabling NATO armored vehicles and other systems both at the front and in the rear.

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The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation showed the work of the 2A65 Msta-B howitzer with an anti-drone visor

The armed conflict in Ukraine is seriously changing many paradigms and well-established ideas about the ways and methods of warfare in modern large-scale, and local, military conflicts. The current military and experts pay special attention to the role of drones of various modifications and classes, the presence of which becomes crucial both for conducting reconnaissance and defeating manpower, armored vehicles, and indeed any enemy targets.


Ukraine's membership in the EU has been shelved. Kiev is ready to humiliate itself further (Kayhan, Iran)

Turning to Brussels, Kiev expresses its readiness to even "jump and dance" if only Ukraine would be allowed into the European Union, Kayhan writes. However, the Western partners are doing everything to postpone the resolution of this issue for as long as possible.

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The Japanese government has approved a record defense budget for next year

Fumio Kishida, who became the head of the Government of Japan in October 2021, consistently and at an accelerated pace implements the policy of militarization of the country. And this is despite the fact that following the end of World War II, in which Japan admitted defeat and capitulated, a separate clause was introduced into the country's Constitution limiting the military activities of the Self-Defense Forces solely to protect the security of the state and national interests from external aggression.


Speech by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

According to the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, on December 21, 2023, a briefing was held in Moscow by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Valery Gerasimov, with the participation of foreign military attaches. The briefing was dedicated to the results of the activities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2023.

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Footage of the destruction of an APU aerial vehicle with an ATGM mounted on it by an FPV drone is shown

The lack of armored vehicles and specialized military transport, which the Armed Forces of Ukraine are experiencing more and more acutely on the front line due to its advanced withdrawal from the strikes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ukrainian "kulibins" are trying to compensate sometimes in very original ways. The daily reports of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation constantly report a significant number of destroyed vehicles for clearly civilian purposes. Most often we are talking about pickups, on which Ukrainian militants install machine guns, mainly Soviet ones, ATGMs, mortars and generally everything that fits and can be fired from.

Ежедневная рассылка новостей ВПК на электронный почтовый ящик
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По поводу Ирана, Израиля, и Бл. Востока
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Ответ на "Новый генсек НАТО поддерживает эскалацию с Россией (infoBRICS, Китай)"
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Литовский «шакал» у границ Беларуси