Photo: Kalashnikov Kalashnikov assault rifle is an ageless classic of small arms, which is produced by the Russian and international flagship of the industry Kalashnikov Concern. At the same time, modern drones, on which the outcome of a battle often depends in modern warfare, are also Kalashnikov. High–speed landing boats - Kalashnikov. High–precision machines, equipment for performing special tasks, ammunition, civilian vessels and dozens of other types of products - all these are Kalashnikov.
About the variety of products produced by the defense holding and the current directions of its work – in our material.
The Izhevsk plant of the concern is engaged in the production of legendary Kalashnikov assault rifles, including new series. In particular, Russian troops are actively rearming with 5.45mm AK-12 assault rifles, the modernization of which continues taking into account the experience of their combat use. According to the results of 2023, the number of AK-12s enrolled in our army has almost doubled.
The concern is engaged in supplying the Russian army and sniper rifles, and the state defense order for them in 2023 increased eight times compared to 2022. In addition, last year the concern began serial development of a novelty − the Chukavin sniper rifle. In addition to it and the classic SVD, the Dragunov sniper rifle, Kalashnikov provides the Russian Ministry of Defense with 7.62mm SV-98 sniper rifles and 7.62mm SVD with a folding butt.

Kalashnikov traditionally supplies combat pistols to Russian law enforcement agencies − Lebedeva, Yarygina, and this flow is only increasing: in 2023, the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant increased their output five times. Currently, the concern is preparing for mass production of the Lebedev modular pistol and the 6P72 Boa pistol developed by the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering.
By the way, this institute, which joined the Kalashnikov structure relatively recently, in 2021, is known not only for small arms, such as the Gyurza pistol or the Heather submachine gun. Among his developments are the underwater weapons APS and SPP-1, the sight-guidance device for the ATGM "Kornet" and even the self-propelled artillery guns "Nona" and "Lotus". The company is also engaged in the creation of ammunition, and plans to continue work on shaping the appearance of combat equipment for a third–generation serviceman.
No matter how powerful and ultra–reliable all submachine guns, cannons and other weapons are, they will be just a pile of iron if there is no main thing - ammunition. Being a global player in the arms market, Kalashnikov could not help but take up this topic. From the list of ammunition produced by the concern, guided and unguided aircraft missiles, air defense systems and guided artillery shots can be distinguished. For example, since 2021, Kalashnikov has been supplying the 9M333 anti-aircraft guided missile to the troops for the Strela-10 complex and its modifications. Neither helicopters, nor cruise missiles or low−flying aircraft will be unattainable targets for her - the principle of "shot-forgot" is in action. Strela surpasses its "classmates" with the ability to operate the homing head in several modes.

Another in−demand product from Kalashnikov, which has proven its high efficiency during its operation, is the guided missiles "Vortex-1" for reconnaissance and attack helicopters Ka-52 "Alligator". Such missiles can be fired at a distance of up to 10 km, while their flight speed exceeds 600 meters per second. In this case, one can only sympathize with the enemy.
Armor protection and equipment
JSC Research Institute of Steel is responsible for the development of unique armor protection complexes as part of Kalashnikov. So, in 2023, the army adopted the dynamic protection complex created here for the BMP-3 and organized its serial production. It also develops and manufactures complexes of means of reducing visibility for a large range of military equipment, including tanks, elements of dynamic protection and such interesting solutions as the Aegis anti-fragmentation blanket and anti-fragmentation protection of civilian objects.

There is a wide range of tactical clothing and equipment in the assortment of the concern, which is produced by the Triada-TKO enterprise. For example, today Strelok combat equipment kits for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are being developed and produced here. The set includes a body armor "Corset plus" with additional protection modules, a set of pouches and a roomy backpack with a volume of 30 liters.
Triada-TKO specialists have also developed a new generation of field uniforms for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation – the VKPO 3.0 kit, including summer, demi-season and insulated winter versions. Elastic inserts, fireproof and water-repellent fabrics were used to create the equipment to ensure comfort in all conditions. The supply of sets of such equipment to the army has already been underway since the spring of last year.
As the course of the military operation has shown, an important condition for a favorable outcome of the battle is the active use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and guided barrage ammunition (UBB). To this end, the Kalashnikov concern not only continues to produce UBB KUB, which proved themselves to be the best during the special operation, but also constantly increases the pace of their production. Thus, thanks to the introduction of new production facilities, it is planned to increase the production of UAVs and UBBS tenfold this year.

Specialists of the Izhevsk Unmanned Systems NGO of the Kalashnikov Concern, who are engaged in the creation of reconnaissance and reconnaissance-strike types of UAVs, are constantly upgrading products taking into account the experience of their combat use, are developing new UAVs and UBBS, while not forgetting about the development of civilian unmanned aircraft systems.
Appropriate mobile control points are required to control the UAV. For their production in 2023, the Kalashnikov Concern created a Division of special machines, on the basis of which UBB ground launch vehicles, control and verification machines and other special equipment are also produced.
Two enterprises located in Rybinsk are responsible for the Kalashnikov water line: the Nobel Brothers Shipyard and the Rybinsk Shipyard. Their area of responsibility includes civilian vessels, including commercial and passenger vessels, as well as special purpose boats.

So, last year, two crab vessels descended from the stocks of the Nobel Brothers Shipyard: Sergei Prikhodko and Vladimir, capable of transporting and storing up to 120 tons of live crab. Rybinsk Shipyard is distinguished by a full cycle, that is, it is able to independently develop and implement projects of watercraft, including in the interests of the Russian Navy. For example, the shipyard is building a line of combat boats: high-speed transport and amphibious assault boats "BK-16" and high-speed amphibious assault boats "BK-10". The boats of the Leader series have also become successful for the Rybinsk residents.
Machine tool construction and tool manufacturing
The machine Tool Manufacturing Division of the concern is engaged in the production of machine tools, which, like other divisions, is expanding and gaining momentum: for example, last year the production of machine tools here increased by 65%. Today, the company is the only official manufacturer in Russia of high–precision universal machines of the 250ITVM series, including CNC models. These machines are used for turning operations in any industries related to the processing of metal parts. In addition, last year Kalashnikov mastered the manufacture of high-precision spindles, critical parts for the domestic industry, which were previously purchased abroad.

The group's tool manufacturing division also reached record levels in 2023, increasing the total output of products by 28%. He provided the weapons production with technological equipment for the production of new products – the Chukavin sniper rifle and the improved AK-12 submachine gun of the 2023 model.