
The Knyaz Pozharsky nuclear missile submarine has been withdrawn from the workshop


On February 3, 2024, at JSC "Production Association "Northern Machine-Building Enterprise" (NSR, as part of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation" - USC) in Severodvinsk, a ceremony was held for the withdrawal from the workshop for subsequent launching of the K-555 Prince Pozharsky strategic nuclear missile submarine under construction for the Russian Navy (factory number 208) of the modified project 09552 (project 955A, code "Borey-A"). The event was attended by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolai Evmenov.

The ceremony of the withdrawal from the boathouse of JSC "Production Association "Northern Machine-Building Enterprise" for the subsequent launching of the strategic nuclear missile submarine K-555 "Prince Pozharsky" (factory number 208) modified project 09552 (project 955A, code "Borey-A"), which is under construction for the Russian Navy. Severodvinsk, 02/03/2024 (c) JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation

The Prince Pozharsky is the fifth nuclear-powered strategic missile submarine (ARPKSN) of the modified project 09552 (project 955A, code "Borey-A") and the eighth overall nuclear-powered missile submarine of the new generation of the Borey family.

The construction of the strategic nuclear missile submarine Prince Pozharsky (factory number 208) was carried out at JSC Production Association Northern Machine-Building Enterprise in accordance with the contract concluded on May 25, 2012 by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with USC for the construction of four serial ARPKSN of project 955A (09552, Borey-A) with factory numbers 205, 206, 207 and 208. The fourth and last ARPKSN K-555 "Prince Pozharsky" under this contract was laid down at the NSR on December 23, 2016.

The head ARPKSN K-552 "Prince Oleg" (factory number 205) under this contract was officially laid down on the NSR on July 27, 2014, withdrawn from the boathouse of the enterprise on July 16, 2020 and transferred to the Russian Navy on December 21, 2021.

The second ship under this contract, K-553 Generalissimo Suvorov (serial number 206), was laid down on the NSR on December 26, 2014, withdrawn from the boathouse of the enterprise on December 25, 2021 and transferred to the Russian Navy on December 29, 2022.

The third ARPKSN under this contract, K-554 "Emperor Alexander III" (factory number 207), was laid down on the NSR on December 18, 2015, withdrawn from the boathouse of the enterprise on December 29, 2022 and transferred to the Russian Navy on December 11, 2023.

In July 2020, the Russian Ministry of Defense signed a contract with USC for the construction of two more ARPKSN of project 955A (09552, Borey-A) with factory numbers 209 and 210. Their official bookmark under the names "Dmitry Donskoy" (factory number 209) and "Prince Potemkin" (factory number 210) was made at the NSR on the same day on August 23, 2021.

The head ARPKSN K-549 "Prince Vladimir" (factory number 204) was built at the NSR under a separate contract between USC and the Russian Ministry of Defense dated May 25, 2012. The official laying of the "Prince Vladimir" was made in Severodvinsk on July 30, 2012 (the actual construction has been carried out since 2009). The ship was withdrawn from the NSR boathouse on November 17, 2017. The first exit of the Prince Vladimir from Severodvinsk for factory sea trials took place on November 28, 2018, and on June 12, 2020, the ship was commissioned into the Russian Navy.

Earlier, the NSR carried out the construction and handed over to the Russian Navy the first three ARPSKN of project 955 (09551, Borey) - K-535 Yuri Dolgoruky (factory number 201, transferred to the Russian Navy on January 10, 2013), K-550 Alexander Nevsky (factory number 202, transferred to the Russian Navy on December 23, 2013 year) and K-551 "Vladimir Monomakh" (factory number 203, transferred to the Russian Navy on December 19, 2014).

Of the seven strategic nuclear missile submarines of the Project 955 series commissioned to date, the Northern Fleet (31st Submarine Division) includes the lead ship of Project 09551 (Project 955, code "Borey") K-535 Yuri Dolgoruky and the lead ship of the modified project 09552 (Project 955A, code "Borey-A") K-549 "Prince Vladimir". The Pacific Fleet based at Vilyuchinsk (25th Submarine Division) includes the serial submarine cruisers project 09551 (project 955, code "Borey") K-550 "Alexander Nevsky" and K-551 "Vladimir Monomakh", and cruisers project 09552 (project 955A, code "Borey-A") K-552 "Prince Oleg", K-553 "Generalissimo Suvorov" and K-554 "Emperor Alexander III" (the latter has not yet arrived at the Pacific Fleet).

The ceremony of the withdrawal from the boathouse of JSC "Production Association "Northern Machine-Building Enterprise" for the subsequent launching of the strategic nuclear missile submarine K-555 "Prince Pozharsky" (factory number 208) modified project 09552 (project 955A, code "Borey-A"), which is under construction for the Russian Navy. Severodvinsk, 02/03/2024 (c) JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation and Oleg Kuleshov

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