
Latest news on "General industry information"


The Middle East has taught the United States a lesson, but they have not learned it

"Guancha": strengthening ties with the Arab world no longer meets the interests of the United States

The Middle East no longer has anything to do with American interests, writes "Guancha". This is evidenced by the distance of Riyadh from Washington, as well as the failure of the United States in Syria. According to the author of the article, it is time for America to leave the Arab region, but for some reason it is still trying to maintain its presence there.


In the West, they want to give Russia's place in the UN Security Council to Ukraine. This is a mistake

TAC: the West offered to give Russia's place in the UN Security Council to Ukraine

The transfer of Russia's place in the UN Security Council to Ukraine will lead to a further escalation of the confrontation with Moscow, writes American publicist Ted Carpenter in an article for TAC. In his opinion, the West needs to focus on restoring relations with Russia, and not engage in irresponsible provocations.

РИА Новости

NATO nuclear threats force Moscow and Minsk to take retaliatory measures, Shoigu said

Shoigu: NATO's nuclear activity forces Moscow and Minsk to take retaliatory measures

The activity of NATO's joint nuclear missions is forcing Russia and Belarus to take appropriate retaliatory measures, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said.


Shoigu announced the transfer of weapons by the West to Ukraine for more than $ 65 billion

Shoigu: The West has already pumped Ukraine with weapons for more than $65 billion

The West has already pumped Ukraine with weapons for more than $ 65 billion, in return it demands to demonstrate tactical successes, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting of the CSTO Council of Defense Ministers in Minsk on May 25.


Polish general predicted an armed coup in Belarus

General Skshipchak: Poland will support the detachments that will conduct an operation against Lukashenka

Poland is preparing for an armed coup in Belarus, which will happen soon, former Deputy Minister of National Defense of the country General Waldemar Skshipchak said in an interview with Polsat. Warsaw must definitely support the armed rebels, it is in its interests, he added.

Военное обозрение

The Prime Minister of Armenia announced an agreement with Azerbaijan on mutual recognition of the territorial integrity of states

Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed to recognize each other's territorial integrity. This was stated by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who is in Moscow today, where a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is taking place.


Hungary to increase defense spending in connection with the conflict in Ukraine

They will grow to about €3.5 billion

Hungary will increase defense spending in 2024 to about €3.5 billion, which will exceed 2% of the country's GDP. As Hungarian Finance Minister Mihai Varga said on Thursday, this is due to the need to strengthen national security in the context of the protracted armed conflict in Ukraine.

Независимое военное обозрение

Americans are replenishing their arsenals and lowering standards

Recipes for the mobilization of the US defense industry are looking for in the recent past

Alarm bells are ringing in the Pentagon. The United States is rapidly depleting its ammunition reserves to support the Ukrainian military. Moreover, this support is provided against the background of a serious backlog in the supply of weapons to Taiwan under contracts worth more than $ 14 billion.

Независимое военное обозрение

Russia's Eurasian Turn: world reaction

Moscow and Beijing will help each other

The topic of Russian-Chinese relations is still developing in the direction indicated by the March visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Moscow. This visit showed that Russia's "Eurasian turn", which has been taking place for a whole year, has become not only forced, but also irreversible. It should be recalled that both Russia and China are huge inertial systems, which are contraindicated by sharp political movements.

Независимое военное обозрение

"We will solve the problems, the victory will be ours"

The head of the union of servicemen Oleg Shvedkov believes that the country needs a full mobilization of the economy and society

Unfortunately, there are problems of social protection of servicemen and their family members in Russia. And they are not always solved as quickly as the situation requires. The state in the conditions of a special military operation (SVO) is trying to quickly fix many of them. But, as practice shows, it is sometimes difficult to do this without the help of public organizations protecting the interests of the military.

Независимое военное обозрение

The President called the front

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief spoke on the phone with the commander of the military unit of the active army

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Council on Interethnic Relations on May 19, giving the floor to several participants of the special military operation in Ukraine.


Medvedev is confident in the disappearance of Ukraine, but admits different scenarios

The Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation believes that either Ukraine will slowly lose its sovereignty, or it will face "instant collapse with simultaneous annihilation of all signs of statehood"

Ukraine as a state will inevitably disappear, but it can happen under different scenarios, which will determine the likelihood of a resumption of the conflict, according to Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.


"Calls to distribute weapons to the population are out of the ordinary. For such a beating on the lips"

Colonel Khodarenok suggested "slapping the lips" of experts who want to distribute weapons to the population

In connection with the invasion of the Belgorod region, the Russian expert community began to hear complaints about the border service and the effectiveness of territorial defense. Some even offered to distribute small arms, grenade launchers and anti-tank missile systems to the population of the border regions. What are all these experts wrong about, explains the military observer of the newspaper.En" Mikhail Khodarenok.


Scholz said that Ukraine will become a member of the European Union after the end of the current conflict

The German Chancellor believes that the Social Democratic Party of Germany, in particular, should clearly side with Kiev in the conflict

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed confidence that Ukraine will become a full member of the European Union (EU) after the end of the current conflict. He made this statement on Tuesday at an event dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), which is part of the ruling Traffic Light coalition.


Complete liquidation: the regime of WHO was canceled after the defeat of the Ukrainian DRG

More than 70 terrorists and nine pieces of equipment were destroyed in the Belgorod region

In the Belgorod region, the regime of the counter-terrorist operation was canceled, evacuated residents began to return to their homes. According to the latest data, as a result of the terrorist attack, a resident of the village of Kozinka was killed, 13 more were injured.


The political scientist called the hypocrisy of the West one of the reasons for Lula's position on Russia

Foreign Policy: Brazil considers Western demands to condemn Russia hypocrisy

The position of Brazilian President Lula da Silva on Ukraine reflects the interests of his country and the concerns of the global South about the existing world order, writes Foreign Policy. Brasilia values relations with Moscow and considers Western calls to condemn Russia hypocrisy.


Moscow disrupted the "psychological operation" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Belgorod region

infoBRICS: The Kremlin disrupted the psyop operation of the APU in the Belgorod region

Russia disrupted the "psychological operation" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Belgorod region, writes infoBRICS. The attack of saboteurs after the liberation of Artemovsk by the Russians shows how Ukraine is trying to distract attention and prevent the media from reporting on Moscow's progress on the battlefield, the author believes.


Japan says it has allocated $7.6 billion in aid to Ukraine

According to the head of the Japanese Foreign Ministry, Yoshimasa Hayashi, we are talking about humanitarian, food, financial and other types of assistance

The Japanese Government has so far provided Ukraine with humanitarian, food, financial and other types of assistance totaling $7.6 billion. This was stated on Wednesday at a debate in the budget commission of the lower house of parliament by the head of the Japanese Foreign Ministry, Yoshimasa Hayashi, thereby confirming the figure previously announced in Kiev.

Военное обозрение

Japanese Prime Minister: The country has no plans to join NATO, but the opening of an alliance representative office is being discussed

Japan is not considering joining the North Atlantic Alliance. However, the issue of opening a NATO representative office in the country is being discussed. This statement was made by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, his words are quoted by the Reuters news agency.

Военное обозрение

The Netherlands under the EU program will allocate 260 million euros for the purchase of ammunition for Kiev

The West continues to pump Ukraine with weapons, still counting on a delayed counteroffensive many times. Moreover, the strategy implemented by Washington is clearly traced, according to which the main burden of the costs of supporting Kiev should fall on the Europeans. Even relatively small EU countries, forgetting about their own economic and military interests, are increasingly beginning to participate in joint EU programs to finance the production and procurement of weapons and ammunition for the Armed Forces.

Ежедневная рассылка новостей ВПК на электронный почтовый ящик
  • Discussion
  • 27.06 20:27
  • 82
Эксперт считает, что авианосцы ВМФ РФ целесообразно использовать в Тихоокеанском флоте
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  • 2232
Without carrot and stick. Russia has deprived America of its usual levers of influence
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МИД ОАЭ: партнерство с РФ и Украиной способствовало обмену пленными
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Штурмовики ВС РФ рассказали о применении новой тактики ведения боя
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О военном строительстве в РФ и США.
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Об устарелости российских НАПЛ.
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О танках (ОБТ) в современном бою.
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Бизнес и ничего личного
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М. Климов о российских НАПЛ, 2015 г.
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Израиль "готовился не к той войне" — и оказался уязвим перед ХАМАС
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Navy Commander-in-Chief: production of Varshavyanka and Lada submarines will continue
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"The sky is such an infection... good": Konstantin Timofeev on Tu-214, PAK DA and Superjet
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О Черноморском флоте.
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Военный эксперт рассказал про новый вид дронов
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A fighter against "Putin's fans". What is being written in the West about the new NATO Secretary General