
Visors, drones and a smoke screen: PLA learns to break through fortified areas while countering UAVs


Image source: topwar.ru

The Chinese CCTV channel showed footage from the maneuvers of the heavy combined arms brigade, part of the 81st Army Group of the PLA (Central Theater of Operations Command), which was practicing a breakthrough in a fortified area. Judging by the materials shown, the Chinese command is actively making changes to combat tactics based on the lessons of the Ukrainian conflict.

Image source: topwar.ru

All the heavy equipment involved in the training assault on the fortified area was equipped with lattice "visors" that protected it from attacks by UAVs of a simulated enemy. In particular, the Type 99A tanks, Type 04A infantry fighting vehicles, and engineering vehicles protected from threats from above by so-called "birdhouses" got into the frame.

Image source: topwar.ru

The defense of the imaginary enemy consisted of a complex barrier, a layered network of trenches, covered along the perimeter with prefabricated pillboxes. First of all, special equipment broke through the defensive line, conducting mine clearance and removing obstacles, including anti-tank "hedgehogs" and barbed wire. Armored vehicles rushed into the gaps created by it, which were covered by infantry located nearby.

Image source: topwar.ru

During the assault, small-sized ground and aerial drones were actively used, which put a smoke screen on the battlefield, which blocked the eyes of the "enemy" both for engineering vehicles that overcame obstacles and for infantry that made a breakthrough. As can be understood from the footage, there were at least two auxiliary ground robots per squad of 6 fighters.

Image source: topwar.ru

The specifics of the exercises reflect a clear understanding of the lessons learned from recent global conflicts, in particular the Ukrainian conflict.

- it is said in this regard in the Western press.

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Comments [1]
15.01.2025 17:39
Китайцы всегда учились у других и делали правильные выводы. Применение дымов может частично осложнить применение дронов. На "земле" наши бойцы начали применять дымы,например контейнер с шашками на борту БТР недавно показали в боевых действиях. Контейнеры с УДШ на танках применяли в Чечне, правда всё это  самоделки. Давно пора применение дымов поставить на место, как это делали в Советской Армии.
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