
In Belarus, a Russian tank with a "Drozd"was noticed

Image source: Кадр: Минобороны РФ

An unusual modification of a Russian tank was noticed on the video of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Among the equipment of the Guards Kantemirov division, which was loaded on the echelon in Belarus, there was a T-80UM2 tank. A special feature of the modification was the active protection complex (KAZ) "Drozd-2", reports Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

The tanks in the video were being prepared to return to the point of permanent deployment after the joint strategic exercises "West-2021". On the tower of one of the cars, you can see the elements of the active protection complex "Drozd-2".

Previously, promising KAZS were worked out on the T-80 series tanks. So, the T-80UM1 received the KAZ "Arena", the development of which began in the 1980s. A modified version of the complex is installed on the T-90MS tank. In turn, the T-80UM2 was equipped with elements of the KAZ "Drozd-2".

The Drozd-2 complex became a development of the basic KAZ model. The system is designed to detect and destroy attacking ammunition. KAZ provides protection against cumulative grenades and anti-tank missiles. The complex was developed in the 1980s, but economic difficulties prevented mass production.

Earlier it became known that the role of a conditional enemy at the Zapad-2021 exercises was played by BTR-70 armored personnel carriers and T-80UD tanks. The decommissioned equipment was destroyed during the practice of repelling the attack.

Daniil Irinin

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