
Photo gallery: Russia has started factory sea trials of the first serial strategic submarine of the project 955A

Image source: naked-science.ru

Russia has begun factory sea trials of one of its most powerful strategic nuclear submarines, the Knyaz Oleg submarine. This is the second ship built according to the upgraded project 955A "Borey-A".

According [...] to TASS, on May 30, the first test launch of the new strategic missile submarine of the project 955A "Borey-A"took place. According to previously published data, the tests could start in June.

There was also information that the first serial missile carrier of the project 955A will be part of the fleet by the Day of the Russian Navy, which this year will be celebrated on July 25.

"Prince Oleg»

Image source: Oleg Kuleshov

According to an informed source, the ship's delivery dates had to be postponed, since during the tests the submarine should carry out a combat training launch of the R-30 Bulava-30 intercontinental ballistic missile. The launch will be carried out from the Barents Sea: the submarine will be in an underwater position. The target is located at the Kamchatka Kura test site.

"Prince Oleg»

Image source: Oleg Kuleshov

The submarine "Prince Oleg" was officially laid down on July 27, 2014 and launched on July 16, 2020. Its displacement (underwater) is 24,000 tons.

"Prince Oleg»

Image source: Oleg Kuleshov

The boat is 170 meters long and 13.5 meters wide. The crew consists of 107 people. The main armament is 16 R-30 solid-fuel ballistic missiles. Previously, there was information about an increase in the number of missiles, but the information, as far as we can judge, is not true.

"Prince Oleg»

Image source: Oleg Kuleshov

According to open sources, the distinctive feature of the Borey-A missile carriers is that they do not use the reserves from previous models of nuclear submarines, such as the Pike-B. This allows you to fully unlock the potential inherent in the project.

According to media reports, the submarines of the updated project differ from the basic version with a lower level of physical fields and, accordingly, better stealth. The Borey-A boats have more advanced means of communication, detection and weapons control. The creators also improved the habitability of the crew.

K-535 " Yuri Dolgoruky»

Image source: wikipedia

Currently, the Navy has four submarines of project 955/955A in service. The very first ship of the series — K-535 "Yuri Dolgoruky" - was transferred to the fleet in 2013. The transfer of the first ship of the modernized project-K-549 "Prince Vladimir — - took place in 2020.

In the foreseeable future, the submarines of the project 955/955A will become the basis of the marine component of the Russian nuclear triad, taking the place of the boats of the project 667BDRM "Dolphin".

Russia is also re-equipping its fleet of multi-purpose nuclear submarines, gradually putting into operation new boats of the Yasen project.

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