Полное наименование: Американская военно-промышленная компания Northrop Grumman Corporation
Краткое наименование: "Northrop Grumman"
Адрес: 1840 Century Park East, Los Angeles, California 90067-2199
Тел.: +7 (310) 553-62-62
Факс: +7 (310) 553-62-62
e-mail: [/b]
www: http://www.northropgrumman.com/
Advanced Concepts & Technologies Division (AC&TD)
AESA ManTech Programs
AN/APG-77 F-22 Radar
AN/APG-81 - F-35 AESA Radar
Human-aided Optical Recognition/Notification of Elusive Threats (HORNET)
Mobile Chemical Agent Detector
Optical RF Communications Adjunct (ORCA)
Passive Infrared Cueing System (PICS)
Space Fence
AN/ZPY-1 STARLite Small Tactical Radar - Lightweight
Viper Strike
Warfighter's Tactical SIGINT Resource (WTSR)
Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems Division
737 Airborne Early Warning & Control System (AEW&C)
Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A)
TPS-78 and TPS-703 Solid-State Tactical Mobile Radar System
Multi-Role Electronically Scanned Array (MESA) Surveillance Radar
Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS)
Land & Self-Protection Systems Division
AN/ALQ-135 Internal Countermeasures System
ALQ-135M for Korea
AN/ALQ-155(V) Upgrade
Aviation Crew Trainer (ACT)
AN/ALQ-131(V) Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) Pod
AN/AAQ-24(V) Directional Infrared Countermeasure (DIRCM)
AN/AAR-54(V) Missile Warning System (MWS)
AN/ALQ-162(V)6 Countermeasures System
AN/ALQ-165 Airborne Self-Protection Jammer (ASPJ)
AN/ALQ-218 Tactical Jamming Receiver
AN/ALR-67(V)2 Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
AN/ALR-93(V)1 RWR/EW Suite Controller
AN/APR-39 Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
Advanced Self-Protection Integrated Suite (ASPIS)
Base Shop Test Facility (V)6
AN/USM-632(V)3 Base Shop Test Facility (BSTF)
Denro Model C4I Switching System (C4ISS)
Commercial Equivalent Equipment (CEE)
Combat Electromagnetic Environment Simulator (CEESIM)
Combined Intermediate-Level ATE (CIATE)
Common Infrared Countermeasures (CIRCM)
Denro Digital Voice Recording System
Environment Generation & Analysis (EGA)
Electro-Optical Module (EOM)
Electro-Optical Subsystem (EOSS+)
AN/USM-632(V)4 Electro-Optic Test Station (EOTS)
AN/GSM-397(V) Electronic System Test Set (ESTS)
Denro Enhanced Terminal Voice Switch (ETVS)
Falcon Edge Integrated Electronic Warfare Suite (IEWS)
Frequency Hopping Multiplexer (FHMUX) by Xetron
AN/TPQ-36(V)8 Firefinder Weapon Locating System
AN/TPS-80 Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR)
Guardian Commercial Aircraft Protection
Integrated Family of Test Equipment (IFTE)
Joint Combat Advanced Display and Debriefing System (JCADDS)
Joint Threat Emitter (JTE)
Longbow Fire Control Radar
Longbow Missile
LR-100 RWR/ESM/ELINT Receiver System
Multi Spectral Simulation
Next Generation Electronic Warfare (EW)
AN/TSM-217 Next Generation Automatic Test Station (NGATS)
Portable (PMkN) CEESIM
Automatic RF Distribution System (ARDS)
Xetron Computer Cosite Model (XCCM)
Denro Radio Control Equipment (RCE) Model 2001
Denro Rapid Deployment Voice Switch (RDVS)
Real-Time Infrared/Electro-Optic Scene Simulator (RISS)
Radar Track Display System (RTDS)
SCORPION(TM) Unattended Target Recognition Systems by Xetron
SCOUT Multi-Mode Radar System
Synchronization & Control System (SCS)
Denro Small Digital Voice Switch (SDVS)
Sight Integrated Rangefinder (SIRE) V
Signature Augmentation System (SAS)
Smart Integrated Vehicle Area Network (SiVAN)
Denro Shipboard Integrated Voice Communications System (SIVCS)
Signal Measurement System (SMS)
AN/ZPY-1 STARLite Small Tactical Radar - Lightweight
APR-39B(V)2 Suite of Integrated Sensors & Countermeasures (SISCM)
UAV Communications Relay by Xetron
Vehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar (VADER)
Viper Mid-IR Laser
Viper Strike
Vehicle Intercommunication System (VIS)
Next Generation Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Voice Switch
Virtual System Analyzer (VSA)
XR2000 Series Miniature Digital Receiving System by Xetron
Naval & Marine Systems Division
Advanced Seal Delivery System (ASDS)
AN/AQS-14 Sonar
AN/AQS-24A Airborne Minehunting System
Compact Integrated Bridge System for Ships (CIBS)
Intercooled Recuperated Gas Turbine Engine
VisionMaster FT Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS)
Navigation Systems Division (NSD)
The Hemispherical Resonator Gyro: From Wineglass to the Planets
Fiber-Optic Gyro Technology
Autonomous Integrity Monitored Extrapolation AIME®
CENTURION - A Total Port Maritime Surveillance Concept
Multioscillator Ring Laser Gyroscopes
ACCU-Track Civil ATC/MSSR Interrogator
AIME® (Autonomous Integrity Monitored Extrapolation) Technology
AN/APX-101(V) Mark XII IFF Diversity Transponder
AN/APX-109(V)3 Combined IFF Interrogator/Transponder
AN/APX-110 IFF Diversity Transponder
AN/APX-121(V) Mode S Mark XII IFF Transponder
AN/TYQ-23(V)4 USMC Command and Control System
AN/TYQ-23(V)4A USMC Command and Control System
AN/TYQ-23(V)5 USAF Command and Control System
AN/UPX-39(V)1 Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) IFF Interrogator
AN/UPX-39(V)2 Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) IFF Interrogator
C-17A Aircraft Warning and Caution Computer System (WCC)
Central IFF System AN/UPX-24(V)
Fiber-Optic Acoustic Sensors (FOAS)
Fiber-Optic Towed Arrays
Field Engineering & Services
FlightPro Scalable Mission Computer
FlightSuite(TM) Quiet Cockpit Technology
G-2000 DTG Gyroscope Product Suite
Hemispherical Resonator Gyro
Life Cycle Programs
LN-100G Inertial Navigation System with Embedded GPS
LN-100R Embedded INS/GPS
LN-120G Stellar-Inertial Navigation System
LN-200 FOG Family Advanced Airborne IMU/AHRS
LN-251 Digital INS/GPS System
LN-260 Advanced Embedded INS/GPS
LN-270 Family - INS/GPS Navigation and Pointing/Stabilization System
LN-92 Inertial Navigation System
LN-93 Inertial Navigation System
LN-94 Inertial Navigation System
Logistics Systems Engineering
LTN-101E GNADIRU (Global Navigation Air Data Inertial Reference Unit)
LTN-2001 GPS Sensor Unit
LTN-2012 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
LTN-90-100 Inertial Reference System (IRS)
LTN-92/CMA-900 Inertial FMS
LTN-92 Ring Laser Gyro Inertial Navigation System
LTR-97 Fiber Optic Gyro VG/DG Replacement System
LTR-97 LHAS Fiber Optic Gyro Heading and Attitude System
MAG-16 MEMS Single Axis Gyro
MH-60R/MH-60S All-Glass Cockpit Smart Multi-Function Display
MH-60R/MH-60S All-Glass Cockpit Video Monitor
Modular Control and Reporting Platform (MCRP)
Multi-Radar Tracker (MRT)
SIRU Inertial Reference Unit for Space - Dual
Scalable SIRU Inertial Reference Unit for Space
SIRU Inertial Reference Unit for Space - Core
Submarine Hull Arrays
Sperry Marine
4000 GMDSS Communications Console
AN/APN 242 OEM Replacement for AN/APN-59 Radar
AN/WQN-2 DSVL Doppler Sonar Velocity Log
BridgeMaster E Series of Naval Radars
DTR600 Digital Tape Repeater
ES5100 Navigation Echo Sounder
GYROFIN Ship Roll Stabilizer
Magnetic Compass System
MK27F Attitude and Heading Reference System
MK 39 Ring Laser Gyro Inertial Navigation System
NAVICOM F77 Marine Communication Terminal
NAVIGAT 2100 Fiber Optic Gyrocompass
NAVIGAT X MK 1 Digital Gyrocompass
NAVIGAT X MK 2 Digital Gyrocompass
Naviguide 4000 Manual Ship Steering System
NAVIKNOT Multisensor Speed Log Series
Navipilot 4000 Ship Steering Control System
NAVIPRINT Voyage Data Marine Printer
NAVITWIN IV Heading Management System
R4 Automatic Identification System (AIS)
Sperry Marine Military Integrated Bridge System (IBS)
SteerMaster Control System
VisionMaster FT Chart Radar
VisionMaster FT ECDIS
VisionMaster FT Integrated Bridge System (IBS)
VisionMaster FT Radar
VisionMaster FT TotalWatch
VoyageMaster II
Voyagemaster III Voyage Data Recorder (VDR)
Targeting Systems Division
Advanced IR Tracking Adjunct System (AIRTAS)
Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radars
Advanced Laser Targeting System (ALATS)
AN/AAQ-28(V) LITENING Low Risk, Next Generation Targeting Pod
AN/AAQ-32 Internal FLIR Targeting System (IFTS)
AN/APG-68(V)9 - F-16 Multimode Fire Control Radar
AN/APG-77 F-22 Radar
AN/APG-80 - F-16 AESA Radar
AN/APG-81 - F-35 AESA Radar
AN/APN-241 C-130 Color Weather/Navigation Radar with Prediction Windshear Detection
E-8C Joint STARS AN/APY-7 Radar Logistics & Depot Support
AN/APQ-164 B-1B Radar
CEAFAR Minor War Vessel Radar (CEAFAR MWVR)
Dark Star Laser Designator
Laser Target Designator/Ranger (LTD/R) for F/A-18
F-35 Distributed Aperture System (EO DAS)
GLTD II (Ground Laser Target Designator)
GLTD III (Ground Laser Target Designator III)
LANTIRN Laser Designator Ranger (LDR)
Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder (AN/PED-1 LLDR)
Mark VII Handheld Eyesafe Laser Rangefinder
Mark VIIE Hand-Held Target Locator
Kiowa Warrior Mast-Mounted Sight (MMS) Sensor Suite
Main Battle Tank Eyesafe Laser Rangefinder (MBT-ELRF)
Miniaturized Satellite Threat Reporting System (MSTRS)
MMS-Laser Rangefinder/Designator (LRF/D)
Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program (MP-RTIP)
Night Hunter II
Airborne Maritime Patrol Systems
AWACS APY-2 Radar Support
Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR)
Scalable Ship Sensor Solutions
Special Operations Forces Laser Rangefinder Designator (SOFLAM)
Target Acquisition Designation Sight (TADS) Laser Rangefinder/Designator (LRF/D)
Television Camera Set (TCS)