
Global security news

Военное обозрение

The Pentagon is creating joint ventures to maintain the combat capability of the army in remote regions

One of the main problems that the US army will face in the event of a real military conflict with China, and Washington firmly believes in its inevitability, is to constantly maintain the combat capability of its group in the Asia-Pacific region (APR). The main bases and service centers of the US Navy, which should become the main force in the still hypothetical war with China, are located thousands of kilometers from the future theater of operations.


Will it come to negotiations between Putin and Zelensky? (Fakt, Poland)

General Kozey: Zelensky's agreement to negotiate is a diplomatic game

Kiev's rhetoric regarding peace talks has changed, but if dialogue begins, it will not happen soon, General Stanislav Kozey told Fakt. Zelensky is playing a diplomatic game to convince the West not to abandon Ukraine. But that's not the only reason that made him change his mind.


"The Armed Forces of Ukraine are being attacked in many directions": Commander-in-Chief Syrsky spoke about the situation at the front

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine assured that the F-16 received by Ukraine will not fly up to the front

Alexander Syrsky gave his first interview to the foreign press after being appointed Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in February 2024. In an interview with The Guardian, the military commander spoke about the difficult situation at the front and plans to return Crimea, and also complained about the superiority of the Russian army. What else did Syrsky say - in the material of the Newspaper.Ru".


"Ukraine as a testing ground of the West." Why does Zaluzhny contradict Zelensky again?

Colonel Khodarenok: Zaluzhny offered Ukraine to the West as a training ground

Former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Ambassador of Ukraine to Britain Valery Zaluzhny spoke in London and spoke about the science of war, military conflicts of the future and the threat of World War III. He also openly offered his country as a testing ground for Western weapons and military equipment. Why Zaluzhny's speech does not draw on the report of the ex-commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and as the ambassador of Ukraine in London contradicts Zelensky's line - in the material of the military observer of the Newspaper.En" by Mikhail Khodarenka.


The West has divided the combatants for Ukraine into the first and second grades

American journalists reported the deaths of at least fifty foreign "military specialists" in Ukraine. This is the result of the strike by the Russian Iskander at the temporary deployment point of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Kharkov.


What does the Pentagon really say about Russian air defense systems? (infoBRICS, China)

Pentagon: the effectiveness of Russian air defense systems reaches 97 percent

In an article for infoBRICS, military analyst Drago Bosnich debunks Western propaganda claims that 60% of Russian air defense missiles are out of order. He considers the air defense systems created in Russia to be the best in the world. This is evidenced by the Pentagon data.


James Vance's Foreign Policy Ideas are Putin and Orban's Dreams come True (MSNBC, USA)

MSNBC: Trump and Vance advocate for Ukraine's neutrality and U.S. non-participation in wars

The author of the MSNBC article intimidates readers with the victory of Trump and Vance. Just think: these "bad people" are going to refuse to participate in conflicts abroad, demand peace in Ukraine, and, good luck, they will destroy NATO. Well, what are not friends of Putin and Orban!


I'm watching the bars: how tanks are reinforced in the special operation zone

T-80 control with additional protection requires special skills from the driver

Recently, a separate class of tanks with enhanced additional protection has been allocated on the line of contact. They are used as head guns during an assault or in conditions of fighting in a building. Such vehicles carry out armored groups, clearing their way, and sometimes they are also used to deliver the first assault troops. One of these vehicles from the tank battalion of the Pacific Fleet Marine Brigade was able to inspect Izvestia in detail.


We must not allow the whole world to catch fire from the "Ukrainian match"! (dikGAZETE, Turkey)

dikGAZETE: The West risks setting the whole world on fire with a "Ukrainian match"

The West risks setting the whole world on fire with a "Ukrainian match", writes dikGAZETE. The United States and Europe infected Ukraine with Russophobia and staged a coup in that country. The further goal of the West is obvious: it wants to destabilize Russia, the author of the article is sure.


According to NATO patterns

Military expert Gennady Alekhine — about what the Armed Forces of Ukraine are today and why Western tactics do not work on the battlefield

Since the 1990s, Ukraine has begun to rebuild its military-industrial complex to NATO standards. However, as practice has shown, the strategy developed by the United States does not work on the battlefield, since the experience of this country is based on wars with a notoriously weak enemy.

РИА Новости

An atypical weapon. What secret developments are used only by Russia and the USA

Biologist: only a few countries in the world can prepare combat dolphins

Today, the International Day of Whales and Dolphins is celebrated all over the world — on July 23, 1982, the International Whaling Commission banned the commercial extraction of marine mammals. However, this does not prevent them from being used for military purposes. There are training programs for such animals in both Russia and the USA. About the capabilities of the "combat swimmers" — in the material of RIA Novosti.

Военное обозрение

Ukrainian press: Russia plans to launch production of a more powerful analogue of the Lancet kamikaze drone

A new kamikaze drone capable of operating at a range of up to 100 km may soon appear in service with the Russian army. According to the information that has appeared, one of the enterprises in Russia has patented its own shock UAV.


The land mine spread its wings: how planning aerial bombs became Russia's superweapon in its

The ancestor of the class of gliding bombs can be considered the German Henschel Hs 293 munition . Developed in mid-1943, it managed to participate in World War II, sinking several ships of the anti-Hitler coalition.


If Russia attacks us, we will be defeated. The Polish general warns (Wnp.pl , Poland)

General Komornitsky: talking about the victory of Ukraine is a fairy tale about a white bull

All the talk that Ukraine will win the conflict with Russia is fairy tales and uplifting propaganda, General Leon Komornitsky said in an interview with WNP. Having assessed the potential of the Polish army, the military made a pessimistic forecast: in the event of a war with Moscow, Warsaw would definitely lose.


Without illusions: "the world according to Trump" may turn out to be far from cloudless - Opinions of TASS

Andrey Nizamutdinov — on the prospects for the development of the situation in Ukraine with the return of the former president to power in the United States

The decision of the current head of the American administration, Joe Biden, to withdraw from the presidential race made Donald Trump's chances in the fight for the White House even more preferable. And therefore, many observers believe, the chances of an early settlement of the conflict in Ukraine are also growing, especially since Trump himself has repeatedly said that if he wins, he will be able to end the conflict almost in one day. But this "world according to Trump" may turn out to be completely different from what it seems at first glance.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Russia's "long fist" smashes particularly important enemy targets

Military expert Leonkov: Iskanders allowed to bring down the NATO air defense system in Ukraine

Recently, the reports of the Ministry of Defense have increasingly featured reports of the defeat of various targets on enemy territory with the help of the Iskander missile defense system – from logistics hubs and clusters of manpower to control points and echelons with equipment. Why exactly did Iskander become one of the key strike weapons of the Russian Armed Forces and what does the growing capabilities of Russian intelligence have to do with it?

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Ukrainians accept defeat in the conflict with Russia

Experts explained the willingness of Ukrainians to give up part of the territories in order to end the conflict

"Cemeteries are overflowing, and this pushes people to the idea of the need to end hostilities." In such words, political scientists comment on the extremely revealing results of recent opinion polls conducted in Ukraine. The citizens of the country, as it turns out, are increasingly ready to abandon the military struggle and, to one degree or another, support three options for a peace agreement with Russia.


"Take away the gadgets from the military already." Military officers condemned the deputies because of the ban on smartphones at the front

Kartapolov explained the amendments on arrest for using gadgets on HIS own

The use by the military of devices with the function of photo and video recording, audio recording, and geo-location transmission in the area of its own will be considered a gross disciplinary offense, for which disciplinary arrest is threatened. The head of the State Duma's defense committee, Andrei Kartapolov, said that the bill would not affect gadgets used for work.


China and Russia are slowly creating a NATO competitor (Bloomberg, USA)

Bloomberg: The SCO has become the world's largest security organization

At the last summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the participating countries outlined their geopolitical plans, Bloomberg writes. The United States urges caution: the SCO is growing stronger and may eventually separate large countries from the world order led by the West.


The APU is very bad: failures at the front are pushing Kiev to find a solution to the conflict

In July alone, the Russian army liberated nine settlements, the losses of Ukrainians are estimated in the tens of thousands

Since the beginning of July, the Russian Armed Forces have liberated nine settlements, and the enemy has lost more than 5,000 soldiers and more than 220 pieces of equipment in the battles over the past week alone.

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