
Latest news on "Ammunition"


Ukraine: it is surprising how easily NATO allows the use of depleted uranium

An Italian colonel, seeing "traces" of depleted uranium in Iraq, begs Ze not to use it

NATO likes to talk about the danger of a nuclear conflict, but for some reason does not brand London for the very idea of sending depleted uranium shells to Ukraine. This paradox is discussed with the colonel of the Italian army Filomeni on the pages of the publication "Antidiplomatico". The Colonel has seen such shells in action.


The US will quickly lose the war with China due to the collapse of its military-industrial complex

Foreign Affairs: the conflict in Ukraine has shown how the US is not ready for war with China

The US military-industrial complex is collapsing due to the Ukrainian conflict, which revealed the systemic shortcomings of the American military industry, writes Foreign Affairs. Drastic changes are needed in this area, otherwise America will lose the war with China in the first few weeks, the author of the article believes.


What conclusions should Russia draw from NATO operations

Expert Khodarenok told what lessons Russia should learn from operations in Iraq and Yugoslavia

Not so long ago, the peculiar anniversaries of the NATO operations against Yugoslavia "Allied Force" (began on March 24, 1999) and "Freedom to Iraq" of the United States and its allies (aka "Shock and Awe", started on March 20, 2003) were celebrated. Military observer of the Newspaper.En" Mikhail Khodarenok - about what conclusions Russia should draw from this to strengthen its national security.


"Strikes will hit command posts, communication centers and warehouses": how Ukraine will conduct a counteroffensive without the F-16

Expert Hodarenok told how the APU will attack without F-16 fighters

This week, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said at a hearing in the US Congress that Ukraine does not need F-16 aircraft at the moment, but will definitely receive them later. The details of the extermination story were dealt with by the military observer of the newspaper.En" Mikhail Khodarenok.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The wiser Soviet bombs are changing the course of their

The Ukrainian authorities have announced a new threat – Russian planned aerial bombs. They are dropped by aircraft outside the air defense zone of Ukraine and are capable of flying tens of kilometers in order to then deliver an accurate and powerful strike. The Ukrainian command says that these smart winged land mines are now used against the Ukrainian Armed Forces almost daily. Is this so, or is Kiev simply begging for fighters from the West with the help of such complaints?

Независимое военное обозрение

Well-armed neutrality

Even before joining NATO, Sweden and Finland acquired high military potential

During the Cold War, the neutrality of the two Scandinavian countries looked different. Finland, in fact, was in the Soviet sphere of influence, although it was not going to build socialism. Sweden took a much more pro-Western position, while it managed to become one of only five countries in the world that produced almost all military equipment for themselves. Except that Sweden has not created nuclear weapons, although such attempts have been made.

Военное обозрение

The American M58 MICLIC remote mine clearance system is seen in service with the AFU

In Ukraine, American M58 MICLIC (Mine Clearing Line Charge) remote mine clearance systems have been noticed, which are actually an analogue of the Soviet UR-77 Meteorite system. A video with the use of this system by the Ukrainian military appeared the day before on Ukrainian and Russian resources.

Военное обозрение

The United States called the reasons preventing the doubling of the production of GMLRS missiles for MLRS

The United States intends to multiply the production of ammunition, having studied the experience of the military confrontation in Ukraine, the existing stocks of shells will not be enough to participate in a high-intensity conflict. However, American ammunition manufacturers have reasons why it will be very difficult to increase the production of products necessary for the military.


"This is the first time so many people have died." "Dagger" destroyed the NATO headquarters in Ukraine

Pronews: The AFU Communications Center with NATO officers was destroyed in a Dagger strike in Ukraine

Hypersonic missile "Dagger" destroyed the joint headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO on the territory of Ukraine, the Greek portal Pronews reported. The number of deaths during the March 9 strike on the underground control center, located at a depth of 130 meters, is not called, but more than 300 people worked there. The region in which the headquarters was located is also not specified, but Reuters wrote on February 19 that NATO had moved the Ukrainian command from Kiev to Lviv and Brussels. For more information, see the material "Newspapers.Ru".


Britain resorted to the only way to save the reputation of its artillery

The Paper: London will send depleted uranium shells to Kiev to save tanks from disgrace

The UK has a rather weak artillery, writes The Paper. According to the author of the article, London fears that Ukraine will become aware of all the shortcomings of Challenger 2 tanks. Depleted uranium shells are what can save equipment from disgrace, he suggests.

Военно-политическое обозрение (Беларусь)

The regional grouping of the troops of the Union State will be reinforced with nuclear weapons

The "exploding bomb effect" was caused in some circles by the statement of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin about the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) on the territory of Belarus, which he made on March 25 during an interview on the channel "Russia 24".

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

Russia forced the United States to fly away from Crimea

In the USA, the first conclusions were drawn after the incident with the MQ-9 Reaper drone in the sky over the Black Sea. Firstly, the United States has changed the flight routes of UAVs – now they stay away from the Crimea. Secondly, Washington refused to supply the MQ-9 Reaper for the APU. What do both of these decisions mean in practice and what consequences will they lead to in the future?

Военное обозрение

The head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine called the number of shells consumed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine per day

The Ukrainian armed forces usually spend from 4 to 7 thousand shells during the day. This was stated by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexey Reznikov, comparing the scale of spending ammunition of the Ukrainian and Russian armies.


Grossi: the issue of the supply of depleted uranium shells is not within the competence of the IAEA

As Russian President Vladimir Putin stated earlier, Russia will be forced to react accordingly to the fact that "the collective West is already beginning to use weapons with a nuclear component"

The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, did not comment on the situation around the information about the UK's plans to supply Kiev with depleted uranium shells, as it does not fall within his competence.


Japanese survivors of nuclear strikes condemned the sending of depleted uranium shells to Kiev

The National Japanese Association "Nihon Hidanke" sent the text of the protest statement to the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan, as well as the embassies of Russia, the United States, Great Britain, France and Germany

The National Japanese Association "Nihon Hidanke", which unites various organizations "hibakusha" (people who survived the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - approx. TASS), opposed the UK's plans to send depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine. This was reported on Wednesday to a TASS correspondent in the organization's secretariat.


North Korean nuclear warheads

According to the official North Korean report, on March 27, 2023, the leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un, visited the DPRK Nuclear Weapons Institute. The materials from this visit showed a nuclear warhead developed in the DPRK.


Kisida was criticized for not raising the issue of depleted uranium shells in Kiev

Chairman of the Japanese opposition party "Raiva Shinsen Gumi" Taro Yamamoto said that "such projectiles can be considered nuclear weapons"

Chairman of the Japanese opposition party "Rava Shinsen Gumi" Taro Yamamoto criticized Prime Minister Fumio Kishida during a parliamentary debate on Tuesday for not calling on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky not to use depleted uranium shells during a recent visit to Kiev.


Zelensky is asked to ban the use of depleted uranium shells in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The author of the petition points to the danger of environmental pollution for many years to come, the deterioration of agricultural land and the ingress of toxic substances into the human body.

Военное обозрение

Russian Defense Minister: by the end of 2023, the production of some types of ammunition in the country will grow 7-8 times

One of the most important tasks of the domestic defense industry is the timely and complete provision of the military participating in the SVO with all necessary weapons. In particular, ammunition for artillery, tanks, etc.


Media: British instructors trained the APU in the use of depleted uranium ammunition

The Declassified UK portal pointed out that the footage with these ammunition is contained in a video that the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom published on its own YouTube channel

British instructors trained Ukrainian tank crews in the use of depleted uranium ammunition. This was announced on Monday by the Declassified UK portal, specializing in investigative journalism.

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