
Kalashnikov President: introducing neural networks into Legionnaire and drones - TASS interview

Image source: Пресс-служба концерна "Калашников"

One of the country's largest defense concerns, Kalashnikov, has not only shown an operational response to the aspirations of the military since the beginning of its operation, rapidly modernizing small arms, but also continues to develop in other areas: from drones to artillery. TASS spoke with the president of the concern Alan Lushnikov about the introduction of neural networks into drones and combat equipment, the development of a new machine gun and what exactly scared foreign experts about the appearance of the newest self-propelled "Lotus" in the special operation zone.

— Alan Valerievich, the Kalashnikov concern has been producing not only small arms and ammunition, but also drones for a long time. Over the past year, you have improved the combat power of the KUB UAV, and also introduced several new drones, such as the Skat-350M and Karakurt. What other novelties does the concern have? What trends in the field of unmanned systems will reflect your new products?

Yes, to our general satisfaction, both us, the manufacturers, and the fighters in the SVO zone, the Skat-350M turned out to be a successful model. In addition to videos of its use, which we sometimes post on our channels, we receive other types of feedback on this device. So far, they are all positive. As for new products, of course, we make a lot of different devices and transfer them to the testing area, it's not a secret. But almost all of them are experimental models, so we can't even talk about them officially. From what we present openly to specialists — the KUB-E UAV, the Tachyon UAV complex, the Garnet-1-E remote monitoring and relay complex, the Garnet-4 remote monitoring complex, the Quasi-Mast equipment lifting system (SPA), an unmanned aircraft "Alfa-E" and a hybrid vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft for industrial tasks "Legionnaire-E29".

— Now many drone manufacturers are trying to integrate neural networks into their products to identify targets and even make decisions about their destruction. Is Kalashnikov introducing artificial intelligence into its drones?

- of course. We are working on the implementation of an automatic target designation system at the end of the flight of a guided barrage munition. This is one of the priorities for the modernization of our products.

— At the end of last year, you told about the first dispatch of kamikaze drones "CUBE" to the troops in a new modification - with a warhead of increased power. How successfully is it possible to saturate the troops with these barrage ammunition? Is there a request from the military for any further improvement in the characteristics of the "CUBE"?

— UBB (guided barrage ammunition — approx. TASS) "CUBE" are supplied to the customer in accordance with the state defense order. Every year we increase the production of these products. More recently, this summer, we conducted another test of the "Cube". It is necessary to ask customers about the effectiveness of its application. I'm not authorized to talk about it.

— Is increasing the noise immunity of your drones on the agenda?

Increased noise immunity characterizes all our products. In the mentioned serial device "Skat-350M", appropriate solutions are being implemented on an ongoing basis.

Speaking of equipment. Last November, you spoke about active work on the Legionnaire equipment and the inclusion of a drone in its composition. How are things today? Six months later, is there any news, any details?

Well, first of all, "Legionnaire" is not just a uniform. This is a complex life support system for a fighter using artificial intelligence. Such projects are not implemented in six months or even a year. Currently, work on the project is at the stage of completion of the research stage (research work - approx. TASS). The project implementation plan has been agreed upon by the customer, as well as all relevant work.

This year, Kalashnikov began supplying an improved AK-12 assault rifle of the 2023 model to the troops. Does this mean that the previous versions of 2018 and 2021 are no longer being produced? Should new design changes be expected? How often do you get feedback from fighters on your products?

I'll start with the last one. We regularly visit the SVO zone! Recently, a group of designers was there and met with the fighters just to get feedback. By the way, this connection is not limited to the AK-12. We are talking about all our products, about sniper rifles, about drones, about precision weapons, about missiles…

As for the AK-12 specifically, the 2023 sample took into account the most important claims and shortcomings that its revealed. We eliminated them

Will there be new changes — if the number of complaints exceeds the critical point and the customer's specialists prepare changes to the technical specification for the product, we, of course, allow such changes. But again, this depends, among other things, on clarifying the circumstances of the problem. And that's why we go there. To be honest, many mistakes could have been avoided with proper care and maintenance of the machine. From the concern, I can only say that we are preparing a series of videos in which we will talk about the proper handling of the AK-12. We will post them on the most accessible and popular resources. By the way, I count on your help in this.

Now, as for the production of various modifications of the AK-12. The production process is set up in such a way that after the equipment is reconfigured for new design documentation, it will no longer be possible to produce previous versions, and there is no need. So yes, from now on we produce and supply the AK-12 only in the 2023 version.

— Another high—profile novelty of recent years is the Chukavin sniper rifle, and the concern already supplies it in series. Has the experience of using this weapon in its own way suggested any improvements, as in the case of the machine gun? And when should we expect to adopt a rifle?

Yes, indeed, the rifle is already being mass-supplied to the customer and is taking part in its own. The Kalashnikov Concern receives feedback from users. Basically, the rifle is evaluated positively, especially its accuracy and accuracy of fire, but there are requests to improve some ergonomic characteristics. Kalashnikov is working to improve the user characteristics of the rifle.

Documents on the adoption of the rifle are currently being issued by the state customer — the Ministry of Defense.

— It is known that the concern is working on a new 5.45 mm machine gun. Could you tell us more about it?

The machine gun is designed to increase the effectiveness and expand the combat capabilities of units of the Ground Forces, airborne forces, Marines and special forces units. The work is carried out according to the customer's technical specifications.

The product is considered as a means of fire support for military units to create long and dense firing when using a light 5.45 ×39 mm cartridge, which significantly increases the wearable ammunition

In the near future, we will present the product to the general public.

Speaking of precision weapons, we can't help but ask about the Whirlwind missile. A year ago, you said that Kalashnikov specialists are working on its modification for unmanned aircraft carriers. How are the works going, has the shape of the rocket been determined? And what kind of media can we be talking about?

The Vortex-1 rocket itself is universal and can be launched from any carrier without any modification of its design. The work on the integration of the rocket itself is carried out by the manufacturers of the carriers together with our specialists. Cooperation in this area with a number of Russian manufacturers continues.

— Alan Valerievich, we also can't help but ask about the self-propelled artillery gun (SAO) "Lotus". It has not even passed state testing yet, and in Poland they were already afraid of its use at the front. Can you make it clear when the gun can really start working for our army? Will it really be as formidable a weapon as our colleagues fear?

To begin with, they are not our colleagues. And as a weapon, the 120—mm self-propelled artillery "Lotus" developed by our Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering is indeed very formidable. Therefore, they are right to be afraid!

Let me remind you that the Lotus is being created to replace the Nona SAO in artillery units and units of Airborne Troops, which has been in service since 1981.

The Lotus is 1.5 times superior to the Nona-SM CAO in terms of the firing range of standard high-explosive fragmentation shells, in terms of the ammunition carried and in terms of the integral indicator of the power of the main high-explosive fragmentation projectile. In addition, the gun is equipped with automated guidance drives that increase the speed and accuracy of gun guidance; mechanized ammunition stowings that facilitate and accelerate the work of the loader; has a significantly higher level of armor protection of the combat crew, the circular rotation of the turret ensures firing in the range of 360 degrees horizontally and has a number of other significant advantages compared to the "Non- SEE".

Lotus has been tested in more than 130 types of inspections. Including: stationary and special tests; shooting and transportation tests, ergonomic expertise and reliability assessment, as well as climatic tests. During the firing tests, for example, checks were carried out for the maximum firing range, the performance of fire missions in the "simultaneous fire raid" mode.

In addition, any military expert will confirm to you that the highest exam that every weapon must pass is a combat test. So, to the question of "when the gun can really start working for our army," I will answer that it is already working for our army, passing its inspection in the zone of its own.

— In May, it became known that Kalashnikov was taking control of the LOMO plant. It turns out that the concern will now independently produce sights for its firearms and precision weapons assembled at its facilities? Can we soon hear about the entry of any other enterprise into the Kalashnikov circuit?

In fact, over the past year, and I mean that we are talking in August, so since August last year, three large enterprises of the Russian defense industry have entered the contour of the concern. These are the Lipetsk Mechanical Plant, the Kirov plant "Mayak" and "LOMO". In all cases, the relevant decisions were based on synergy with the main activities of the concern, the desire to reduce costs, primarily within the framework of the state defense order. LOMO is not even so much sights, it is one of the domestic leaders in the production of optical, optoelectronic, opto—digital and opto-mechanical devices and systems that are widely used in the manufacture of a wide variety of weapons, military and special equipment. His products are also successfully integrated into our high-precision products and UAVs. As, by the way, the products of "Mayak". I promise that in the near future we will try to present the concern's defense developments with LOMO devices embedded in them. LMZ is a very serious asset in the production and repair of armored hulls and tracked chassis for air defense systems (anti—aircraft missile systems — approx. TASS). LMZ together with the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant will form a fairly strong tandem in their niche. 

And regarding the further, if I may say so, "expansion" of the concern, I will answer this way: if there is a really tangible prospect of synergy and savings of state funds, we are ready to consider any options together with the heads of our defense industry. And this fully meets one of our strategic goals, which I have repeatedly mentioned — to prove that a private company can be successful in the state defense order. So far, everything is working out for us. Actually, this is where the idea was born to transfer LOMO to our management — not everything was smooth with the execution of the state budget.

— Over the past few months, you have excited motorists with news about the releases of Izh motorcycles. Tell me, can we talk about a full-fledged return of Izhakov? After all, the decrease in motorcycle imports plays into the hands of the domestic industry! Or are these still single collectible replicas?

Alas, it's the last one so far. So far, collectible replicas. The fact is that the production lines of those years have been lost! In fact, if we talk about possible series, then this is a production from scratch. But you understand what production from scratch is, what's behind it. But we will definitely count everything! The market, investments. We'll see. You are right that the withdrawal of imports to our manufacturer, including us, is beneficial. But we have to count. In the meantime, it was a "trial balloon." And he was very successful.

— Alan Valeryevich, I will ask you a question as the first vice-president of the Union of Russian Gunsmiths. How do you assess the current legislation on weapons? Does it meet the realities of today?

The federal law "On Weapons" was adopted back in '96. This law has been amended 74 times. All the corrections were spot-on, which is why, it seems to me, the law "On weapons" has a patchwork structure.

A number of provisions adopted in the law "On Weapons" are inconsistent with the existing conceptual framework in the field of design and development of military equipment, which creates discrepancies and incorrect interpretations.

In the current version, the law has a huge number of inconsistencies and logical errors, starting with its name. Thus, the modern scientific school understands weapons as a whole range of devices and objects structurally designed to destroy manpower, equipment, fortifications, and is divided into multiple categories (manual, collective, wearable, offensive, etc.). Weapons mean the entire range from pistols to submarines and strategic missile systems.

Although the law "On Weapons" mainly regulates the circulation of small arms, it does not provide a clear definition of this term. It's quite strange.

The current version of the law "On Weapons" de jure allows even mortars to be in circulation. After all, it is smoothbore and single-shot

Unfortunately, the law "On Weapons" does not fully take into account the peculiarities of some branches of law due to the fact that it does not always respond promptly to changes in legislation.

All recent changes in the legislation on weapons have been reduced to one or another tightening. This, on the one hand, leads to the degradation of the national school of small arms designers and, on the other, does not lead to a qualitative leap in the field of crime prevention and offenses, the purpose of which was 95% of all changes in legislation on weapons.

However, it is also impossible to say that the gunsmiths have been abandoned and do not have proper support from the state. Last year, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted four acts in the interests of Russian gunsmiths. This is also the 307th federal law, which expanded the right to purchase weapons for manufacturers of cartridges, which in turn removed the risks of criminal prosecution.

At the request of the Union of Gunsmiths, the Government of the Russian Federation has imposed a ban on the publication of certificates of conformity for imported and exported weapons and cartridges. This is necessary to protect those companies that have not stopped working with domestic gunsmiths from secondary sanctions.

Today, a draft government decree on simplifying the transportation of weapons for legal entities is in the final stage.

At the second All-Russian Weapons Forum in September, several sections will be devoted to the most pressing issues, including technical regulation, forensic requirements, as well as improving legislation on weapons. 

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