
Sergei Shoigu was presented with more than 30 promising models of weapons and equipment in Patriot Park

Image source: Михаил Жердев

TSAMTO, April 17th. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu, checked the implementation of instructions on the development of robotic complexes, advanced weapons systems, as well as providing military personnel.

At the Patriot Convention and Exhibition Center, the head of the Russian military department heard reports from Deputy Defense Ministers of the Russian Federation and heads of the central military administration bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on new scientific and technical developments in the logistics system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Army General Sergei Shoigu was presented with more than 30 promising models of weapons, military, special equipment and military-technical property from 18 industrial enterprises.

Among them are multi-purpose robotic vehicles designed for the transportation of material assets, evacuation and use as a platform for the installation of various working equipment and weapons, a line of robotic multifunctional platforms mounted on both wheeled and tracked chassis.

The head of the Russian military department noted that the presented promising ground-based medical robotic complex is in great demand for solving problems in the zone of a special military operation and set the task for developers to direct efforts to its early completion, optimization and mass production. Army General Sergei Shoigu stressed that "such vehicles should be delivered to the troops as soon as possible and should be as cheap as possible."

"The car is incredibly awaited. She should leave for the group in the next few days and start working. There is nothing more precious than human life. We need to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front line today. Do it as safely as possible, as quickly as possible. We need to try it at the front and launch it into series immediately," the Russian Defense Minister demanded.

Sergei Shoigu instructed to retrofit a multi-purpose robotic complex for fire support, protection of facilities and evacuation of the wounded from the front line with additional machine-gun fire means that will allow it to be used during assault operations.

During the work, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation personally tested a special vehicle and checked its driving characteristics. Light and protected special vehicles of this line are designed to transport personnel, ensure that special purpose units perform combat missions using installed small arms.

The head of the Russian department also demanded to increase the production and supply of robotic transport platforms to the troops for the transportation of material assets.

The Russian Defense Minister was informed that by the end of next month, the first 30 samples will be manufactured for delivery to the troops.

Army General Sergei Shoigu was informed about the development of a promising wearable artillery fire control automation system, which allows to multiply the speed of transmission of target designations to artillery calculations.

The head of the Russian military department was presented with equipment and property for ensuring the vital activity and organization of everyday life of military personnel who have already been tested in the area of their military training and have shown their relevance.

Also, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation was presented with equipment and property for organizing the life of military personnel in the special operation zone. Among the samples presented: equipment for sanitary treatment and washing of personnel in the field, a multifunctional sleeping module, equipment for cooking in the field, as well as small-sized food rations.

Sergei Shoigu instructed the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the heads of the central military administration bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to simplify the procedure for accepting promising weapons if they have been tested in the special operation zone and received positive results, as well as if enterprises are ready to establish their serial production as soon as possible, the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reports.

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Comments [1]
18.04.2024 15:42
Было бы разумно,если бы фронтовики с СВО давали бы свои рекомендации образцам ВВТ. Хорошо бы если бы, представители родов войск с фронта участвовали в Армии-2024 и присутствовали на обсуждениях разных образцов и их мнение имело соответствующий вес.
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