
To protect the national interests of the country in the World Ocean


The current military threats require Russia to have a modern Navy.

Source: redstar.ru

Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, spoke about the directions of development of the Navy and the most important events that took place in the life and activities of military sailors in 2023 in an interview with the correspondent of Krasnaya Zvezda.

– Nikolai Anatolyevich, in what military-political situation does the Russian Navy have to operate along the maritime perimeter today? And how do you see the role, place and importance of the Navy in the national security system today?

– Today, and it's no secret, the military-political situation in the world is characterized by high tension and dynamism, while maintaining a complex and unstable character. Several factors have a significant impact on its development. Among them is the sharply increased level of confrontation between the West and Russia in connection with the conduct of a special military operation in Ukraine, as well as the persistence of threats of international terrorism.

The main factor determining the growth of global and regional instability is the desire of the United States and its allies to preserve the unipolar world order and economic dominance. To this end, they actively use methods of political, economic, informational and military pressure, up to the use of military force, bypassing the norms of international law.

The formation of threats to the military security of the Russian Federation in oceanic and maritime areas is influenced by such main factors as the presence of powerful groupings of naval forces of foreign states in the Atlantic, Pacific Oceans, and the Mediterranean Sea; plans and intentions of foreign states to infringe on the interests of the Russian Federation in the Arctic by revising the status of the Northern Sea Route and the possible passage of warships; patrolling at sea on a permanent basis of Tomahawk long—range cruise missile carrier ships with the possibility of delivering a massive strike against targets in most of Russia; active deployment of naval missile defense component in advanced areas of naval groups and the development of the Arctic Basin by nuclear submarines of the US and British Navies, creation and modernization of military infrastructure facilities in foreign countries The Arctic.

A certain danger is posed by the development of the situation in areas where there are real prerequisites for the emergence of conflicts in which Russia may be involved. Each of these areas has access to ocean and sea zones, which is why our country is building and developing the Navy as an integral part of the Armed Forces.

The existing threats to national security require a modern Navy capable of fending off these threats and, together with other types and branches of the Armed Forces, to ensure strategic nuclear and non-nuclear deterrence from aggression and protection of the national interests of the Russian Federation in the oceans.

Combat training of the forces and troops of the Navy

In 2023, it was carried out in conditions of involving part of the forces and troops of the fleets in a special military operation

– Today, one of the most important tasks of our Armed Forces is to conduct a special military operation in Ukraine. What role does the Navy play in it?

– Currently, the forces and troops of the Navy are actively involved in conducting a special military operation. They solve a number of tasks, including launching missile strikes with high-precision long-range weapons at critical enemy targets; conducting combat operations by formations and military units of the Naval coastal forces as part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and naval aviation forces and air defense forces; ensuring safe maritime activities of the Russian Federation in the Black and Azov Seas, the Eastern Mediterranean.

It should be noted that the naval carriers of high—precision long-range weapons have confirmed their effectiveness, and the Kalibr missile system has high technical reliability.

The enemy's facilities are also successfully destroyed by coastal rocket and artillery troops and naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet.

In order to ensure the protection of the national interests of the state in the oceans and to prevent aggression against Russia from oceanic and maritime directions, the forces of the Navy continue to solve the tasks of strategic deterrence.

Image source: redstar.ru

– Tell us about the main thing, namely the underwater argument of our Navy. How are our underwater forces developing?

– The basis of the grouping of naval strategic nuclear forces will be strategic missile submarines of a new generation with high combat capabilities both in terms of strike and defensive potential.

Promising submarines from the general-purpose forces of the Navy will be multi-purpose carriers capable of solving a wide range of tasks in any area of the World Ocean.

To increase combat capabilities, the modernization of nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines in the Navy continues.

One of the priorities is the serial construction of multipurpose nuclear and diesel-electric submarines. The effectiveness of the latter has been vividly demonstrated during the strikes on critical facilities in Ukraine.

Scientific and technical groundwork, experimental testing of key design and technological solutions will allow the Navy to have sufficiently balanced underwater forces equipped with modern shock, including high-precision, long-range weapons.

Image source: redstar.ru

– And what is the development path of the surface component of our fleets?

– Today, ships of new projects, such as frigates, patrol ships and universal amphibious ships capable of providing over-the-horizon amphibious landings and command of forces at sea, are constantly joining the groups of ships of the far sea zone. In addition, the issue of the expediency of creating a promising marine aircraft carrier complex, the use of which will increase the effectiveness of solving various operational tasks, has been worked out.

The main surface ships of the Navy of the Near Sea zone will be modern multi-purpose ships combining the capabilities of anti-submarine ships and ships with strike missile and defensive weapons. These are corvettes of the type "Stereguschy" and "Gremyashchy", as well as small rocket ships of the type "Grad Sviyazhsk".

A class of mine defense ships will be further developed – naval minesweepers created using composite materials of the ship's hull and modern means of searching and destroying mines.

– Naval aviation plays a very important role in the Navy. In what directions is it developing?

– In modern conditions, the main directions of the development of naval aviation of the Navy are the quantitative increase in the combat strength of naval aviation, the expansion of the combat capabilities of existing aircraft due to their modernization, re-equipment with modern aviation complexes.

It is planned to increase the combat capabilities of anti-submarine and naval reconnaissance aircraft by modernizing the existing fleet of aircraft such as the Tu-142MZ, Il-38 and Ka-27, Ka-31R helicopters, as well as creating promising anti-submarine aviation complexes.

The development of naval assault and fighter aviation is ensured by re-equipping with modern aviation complexes of the "4++" generation (this includes the Su-30SM2 multifunctional fighter) and the arrival of Ka-52K naval attack helicopters, as well as the creation of promising naval fighter aviation complexes.

Special attention is paid to the development of unmanned aircraft. The planned entry into service of modern unmanned complexes "Pacer", "Hunter".

– Tell us how the coastal troops and marines are developing.

– The main direction of development of the coastal troops is to equip them with new-generation coastal missile systems, such as the Bal and Bastion missile defense systems. This has already made it possible to increase the striking capabilities of the Navy to defeat enemy surface ships in the near sea zone.

In order to increase the combat capabilities of the Marine Corps as a separate kind of Navy forces, in the medium term, it is planned to reorganize the existing five marine brigades in the fleets into a marine division, and the Marine regiment of the Caspian Flotilla into a brigade.

– The renewal of the Navy also requires the development of the coastal infrastructure system. Not so long ago, you checked the state of the infrastructure of the Caspian Flotilla and the Pacific Fleet. Tell us about your work in this important area.

– Work on the development of the basing system has been deployed and is being carried out in the following main areas: in the Northern and Pacific Fleets – to prepare infrastructure for the acceptance of new projects entering service with submarines; in the Black Sea Fleet – to improve and build up the basing system in Novorossiysk and Crimea; in the Baltic Fleet – to reconstruct and retrofit the main naval Baltiysk bases to ensure the basing of formations of corvette-type surface ships and diesel–electric submarines of a new generation; on the Caspian Flotilla - to equip the main base of the Caspian Flotilla in the Republic of Dagestan.

– Nikolai Anatolyevich, how do you assess the state of combat training of the forces and troops of the Navy, the qualitative parameters of combat training?

– Combat training of the forces and troops of the Navy in 2023 was carried out in conditions of involving part of the forces and troops of the fleets in a special military operation.

In the period from August 2 to 15, in the waters of the North, Baltic Seas and the North Atlantic, under the control of the Naval High Command, the exercise "Ocean Shield — 2023" was held, in which groups of ships of the Northern and Baltic Fleets took part.

During the exercise, the issues of mine countermeasures for the deployment of groups of forces, conducting search and reconnaissance operations, tracking and destroying (conditionally) enemy ship groups, destroying critical facilities; creating an access restriction area, control search for foreign submarines involving multipurpose nuclear submarines, ship strike groups and naval aviation aircraft were practically worked out. The tasks have been completed in full.

The holding of events in the Baltic and North Seas provoked a corresponding reaction from representatives of the States of these regions. The sharpest reaction was noted by representatives of the military and political leadership of Poland and the Baltic states. Along with statements about NATO's dominance in the Baltic Sea, they also noted more objective assessments, up to the recognition of the superiority of the Russian Navy in this region.

In the period from September 4 to 8, a research command and staff exercise with the forces (troops) of the Baltic Fleet was conducted under the leadership of the Naval High Command. In total, 118 ships and support vessels, 29 aircraft, 5 BRAV complexes and more than 9 thousand military personnel were involved in practical actions. In the course of practical actions, more than 1,300 different combat training events were conducted to test the readiness of fleet forces and troops to perform tasks for their intended purpose in various conditions. According to the results of the exercise, the skills of commanders of formations, tactical groups, ships and units in managing forces (troops) in solving assigned tasks and the practical use of weapons were tested and positively evaluated.

In the period from September 15 to 25, 2023, the research tactical exercise "Finval-2023" was held in Chukotka. During the exercise, which involved about 10,000 military personnel and more than 50 pieces of military equipment, joint missile firing by ships, submarines, coastal missile systems and naval aviation of the Pacific Fleet was successfully carried out, tasks for intercepting and destroying air targets, as well as for setting defensive minefields in the Chukchi Sea were worked out.

In addition, a number of significant studies have been conducted on the use of weapons, improving the control system and building up the lighting system. The objectives of the exercise have been achieved.

The Pacific Fleet has confirmed the high level of naval, field and air training of personnel, readiness to solve problems in the Arctic.

– The issue of international naval cooperation is also relevant. What is his condition, taking into account the changing situation in the world?

– This part of the Russian Navy's activities is in good shape. Last year, three joint naval exercises were successfully conducted with the navies of South Africa, Iran, and China, as well as participation in one multinational exercise Komodo-2023 with the participation of ships of the Northern and Pacific Fleets in Indonesia. A total of 35 States took part in the exercise.

In December, naval exercises were held with the Navies of the Algerian People's Democratic Republic and the Arab Republic of Egypt.

I would like to note the expansion of the geography of naval cooperation. So, in the Andaman Sea, under my leadership, for the first time in the history of modern Russia, a joint naval exercise was conducted with the naval forces of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

In 2023, Navy delegations took part in 51 events abroad. 24 foreign military delegations were received in the Russian Federation.

We must not forget that Russia's international prestige as a maritime power is also influenced by events such as the Main Naval Parade. Such a parade was held on July 30, 2023, the Day of the Russian Navy in the waters of the Neva River and the Gulf of Finland. The parade has once again become one of the most significant military-patriotic events of the year. 41 ships and combat boats, 7 sailing vessels and more than 3,000 personnel took part in the parade.

The attendance of the parade events amounted to over 2 million 350 thousand people, which is 350 thousand more than last year.

– Nikolai Anatolyevich, what is the situation in the system of naval education and training for our Navy?

– Training of specialists in various military accounting specialties is traditionally carried out in the military education system. Planned work is underway to improve the network of educational institutions, and a branch of the Nakhimov Naval School in Mariupol is being prepared for opening on September 1, 2024. Since 2023, distance learning has been restored in The Naval Academy under the programs of higher operational and tactical training.

Measures have been completed to reorganize the Naval Naval Academy and separate the Admiral F.F. Ushakov Baltic Higher Naval School (Kaliningrad) from it.

On November 29, 2023, the school was registered as an independent higher education institution. I would like to note that the proposals of the Main Command of the Navy on the reconstruction of the Higher Naval School of Scuba Diving and the Marine Corps of Peter the Great have been supported.

Work is also underway to improve the scientific complex. The practical training of cadets is also not ignored. In 2023, about 1,000 cadets of naval educational institutions and 142 pupils of pre-university educational organizations of the Navy took part in the navigation campaigns of the Perekop training ship. The total length of the navigation trips was more than 32 thousand nautical miles.

A characteristic feature of 2023 was the cruise of a training ship across the Atlantic to Latin American countries along the Havana (Cuba) route – Bluefields (Nicaragua) – Maracaibo (Venezuela) – La Guaira (Venezuela). The ship was visited by distinguished guests, including Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, the commanders of the Cuban, Venezuelan and Nicaraguan Navies, as well as the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Cuba, members of the embassy and local residents.

It is also worth noting the stage of the training hike along the Kronstadt – Baltiysk – Kronstadt route. During it, Nakhimov soldiers and cadets visited the Baltic Higher Naval School named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov in Kaliningrad and other memorable places.

In addition to the network of higher naval educational institutions and pre-university educational organizations, the Main Command of the Navy is a responsible customer of training in 15 military training centers at federal state educational institutions of higher education. Currently, over 5,000 students are enrolled in more than 50 military training programs in the interests of the Navy. In 2024, we will form a military training center at Dagestan State Technical University.

– And how do you assess the continuity of naval traditions and the role of Navy veterans at the present stage?

– Today, the role of veterans' organizations in solving tasks in the interests of the Navy is more relevant than ever. We cannot do without unity of views and joint actions in the construction of the Russian Navy.

There are 178 veterans' organizations in the Navy, which unite more than 37,000 veterans.

The Main Command of the Navy highly appreciates their help in preserving and enhancing military traditions, patriotic education of young people, and increasing the prestige of military service on ships and in military units of the fleet. This is confirmed by the joint holding of more than 300 events of various kinds in 2023.

The work of veterans as part of the information brigades of the Russian Ministry of Defense in support of participants in the special military operation in Donbass and Ukraine is worthy of respect.

For example, in the period from November 8 to November 20, 2023, a group of veterans of the Baltic Fleet as part of a propaganda team visited marine units of the Navy at the front.

A significant part of veteran organizations, on their own initiative, provide charitable assistance to participants in a special military operation.

I consider it necessary in every veteran organization to make extensive use of the entire arsenal of time-tested forms of military-patriotic work with young people. This is especially true in the current situation, when a real ideological war has unfolded for the minds of the younger generation.

The Admiralty Coordinating Council of Public organizations of Navy Veterans makes a significant contribution to the activities of the Navy. For eight years, he has united hundreds of veterans in his ranks, and has earned public authority and recognition through his multifaceted activities.

It is important for the Naval High Command that the Coordinating Council takes a responsible civil position, actively participates in the life of the Navy, and implements popular social projects.

Julia KOZAK, "Red Star"

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