
Nikolay Volobuev spoke about the training of specialists in the program "Advanced engineering Schools"

Image source: Виктор Молодцов

The X International Forum of Technological Development "Technoprom-2023" was held in Novosibirsk. Within its framework, Nikolay Volobuev, Deputy Director General of Rostec State Corporation, member of the Bureau of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia, spoke at the panel discussion "The appearance of a new type of engineer: a competency portrait of a graduate of an Advanced Engineering School that meets the needs of the real sector of the economy" and spoke about the work that Rostec is doing to train highly qualified engineering personnel within the framework of the Advanced Engineering Schools program (WRITE).

According to Nikolay Volobuev, the State Corporation is interested in forming strong teams of integrated engineers of a new generation capable of solving interdisciplinary tasks. Within the framework of the Project, such specialists, including with the direct participation of industrial partners: United Aircraft Corporation, United Engine Corporation, Concern Radioelectronic Technologies, KAMAZ, a joint venture of the State Corporation and AFK Sistema – Element JSC, are working on conducting breakthrough and relevant research and development for Rostec based on high–tech laboratories and educational spaces in nine partner universities. These include the Moscow Aviation Institute, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Samara University, Ufa University of Science and Technology, Novosibirsk State University, St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University, Southern Federal University and Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University.

The state Corporation, Nikolay Volobuev said, has built a comprehensive trajectory of personnel training starting from the school where engineering classes are formed. The key step in this case are universities, on the basis of which Rostec implements such educational and professional tracks as "Wings of Rostec", "Rostec Code" and "Rostec Biotechmed". According to the results of the selection, the best students and graduates get the opportunity to study and improve their qualifications at Advanced Engineering schools. In the process of studying at PISH, engineers, specialists in specific fields and areas of knowledge, work in project teams in relation to R&D in the main areas of PISH activity, which allows them to exchange skills, experience and strengthen each other's competencies. These are engineers with a higher level of knowledge who are able to work on modern high-tech equipment, including laboratory equipment, to design the product life cycle for a given cost.

Training at the University is conducted in such areas as new materials and structures, intelligent and unmanned systems, optical systems and technologies, alternative energy sources, engine and shipbuilding, electronic component base, etc. Practice-oriented training does not exclude serious fundamental training. At the same time, the teaching of basic engineering disciplines in PISH should correlate with the key tasks and activities of the School.

New educational programs, including applied programs of additional professional education, developed with the support of the Corporation and its organizations for students, university teachers, as well as engineers of the Corporation's organizations, take into account the modular format of the curriculum and include industrial forms of training and internships, individual educational trajectories are formed for students. As Nikolay Volobuev noted, 412 people study at Advanced Engineering Schools, the industrial partners of which are Rostec organizations, 13 laboratories, experimental production facilities and virtual factories have been created here. In 2022, the organizations included in the contour of the State Corporation allocated 373.1 million rubles for R&D and additional vocational education programs. Rostec also organizes internships for teachers and PISH employees on the basis of the Corporation's enterprises.

Nikolay Volobuev stressed that the results of the Institute's activities directly affect the strengthening of Russia's technological sovereignty and the creation of an advanced scientific and technical reserve. Based on the developments of the project, the OCD is being staged at partner enterprises. For example, the Ufa University of Science and Technology has developed and delivered prototypes of starter generators for PD-35, APD-80, APD-200 engines, as well as an electric motor and generator for a flexible control system.

On the basis of the Southern Federal University, in partnership with the Corporation's organizations, research work is being carried out within the framework of research on autonomous reconnaissance and shock robotic technological complexes (RTK) with artificial intelligence elements, as a result of which a training and simulation demonstrator of the RTK modeling complex, as well as control systems for reloading machines and control systems for RTK groups for seismic exploration are implemented et al .

Teams from Russian universities, in which the Corporation's organizations participate, are developing, in particular, an experimental technology for creating a digital twin of an engine within the framework of system digital engineering; working to improve the design characteristics of composite structures, which reduces the weight of the structure by 10-15%, and the certification period by 30%; creating conditions for the creation of cyber-physical production systems of aerospace a new generation of technology within the framework of the concept of a "digital factory", which ensures a reduction in the design and production of globally competitive products. Additionally, the issue of the participation of Rostec organizations in the development of such promising technologies and materials as composite materials and additive technologies is being considered, which fully meets the strategic objectives of the Corporation.

Nikolay Volobuev also noted that this year it is planned to create a joint venture on the basis of Stankin Moscow State Technical University "Technological Base of Mechanical Engineering" with the participation of Shvabe Holding, Uralvagonzavod Research and Production Corporation and the United Aircraft Corporation. The participants intend to carry out research and development work in order to develop machine tools and localize the production of machine tools on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the possibility of creating a company "Personal Medical Assistants" on the basis of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov is being studied. The project is aimed at creating high-tech devices and technologies for dynamic monitoring of the health of citizens using a centralized platform of diagnostic services, integration of this platform with a unified state information system in the field of healthcare.

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