
The border patrol ship of the ice class "Blizzard" of project 23550 was launched


On October 7, 2022, in Vyborg, at the Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant PJSC (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation - USC JSC), a solemn ceremony of launching the project 23550 head border patrol ship of the 1st rank of the ice class "Blizzard" (code "Ermak"), which is under construction for the Coast Guard of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation, was held") with the factory number 235.

Launching ceremony at PJSC Vyborg Shipyard of the head border patrol ship of the 1st rank of the ice class "Blizzard" project 23550 (code "Ermak") under construction for the Coast Guard of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia with the factory number 235. Vyborg, 07.10.2022 (c) PJSC "Vyborg Shipyard"The border patrol ship of the 1st rank of the ice class "Blizzard" is the lead of two units ordered for the Coast Guard of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia under project 23550 (code "Ermak"), which is a modified version of project 23550 (code "Arctic"), according to which the JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" Two multifunctional ice-class patrol ships for the Russian Navy are under construction in St. Petersburg.

The developer of the 22350 project in both versions is Almaz Central Design Bureau JSC.

At the beginning of 2020, the FSB of Russia signed a contract with the Vyborg Shipyard (VSZ) in the amount of about 18 billion rubles for the construction of the main ice-class border patrol ship of project 23550 (code "Ermak"). The ceremony of laying the head of the project 23550 with the name "Blizzard" (factory number 235) was held at the VSZ on July 25, 2020. The delivery of the lead ship is now scheduled for 2024. These PCRS will become the largest units of the Coast Guard of the FSB Border Guard Service.

The laying of the second project 23550 planned for construction for the FSB of the Pskov Region was expected in 2021, but has not yet been carried out.

According to the photographs of the project 23550 PSKR model, the armament of the border ship will consist of a 76-mm AK-176MA artillery installation, two 30-mm AK-306M six-barreled anti-aircraft artillery installations, four 12.7-mm machine guns, MANPADS launchers. In the aft part of the ship there is an amphibious flatbed for cargo delivery to the coast. A characteristic feature of the RCMP will be the presence of two helicopter hangars - a large one (for a Ka-27 class helicopter) and a small one (for a Ka-226 class helicopter or UAV), the helipad allows you to receive Mi-8 class helicopters.

For the Russian Navy, Admiralty Shipyards JSC is building two multifunctional ice-class patrol ships - Ivan Papanin (factory number 02460, the actual construction was started at Admiralty Shipyards in September 2016 under the basic project 23550 (code "Arctic") under a contract with the Ministry of Defense of Russia dated April 25, 2016 year, the official laying ceremony was performed on April 19, 2017, the launch was made on October 25, 2019) and "Nikolay Zubov" (factory number 02461, the laying ceremony took place on November 27, 2019). However, both ships turned into long-term construction. In 2021, the deadlines for the delivery of these Navy ships were designated the end of 2024 and the end of 2025, but it is unclear whether these deadlines will be met.

Launching ceremony at PJSC Vyborg Shipyard of the head border patrol ship of the 1st rank of the ice class "Blizzard" project 23550 (code "Ermak") under construction for the Coast Guard of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia with the factory number 235. Vyborg, 07.10.2022 (c) www.korabel.ru and portnews.ruVideo:

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