
The US commented on Lukashenko's statement about the Su-24 with nuclear weapons

Image source: Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Алексей Майшев

Most likely, the Belarusian Su-30SM fighter has been converted into a nuclear weapon carrier, and not the Su-24 tactical front-line bomber. Thus, the American edition of The Drive commented on the statement of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko about the conversion of the Su-24 for nuclear weapons.

The publication notes that Belarus currently operates Su-25 and Su-30SM combat aircraft, while the Su-24 was decommissioned in 2012 and is now in storage. The publication recalls that this tactical front-line bomber was originally intended to carry nuclear weapons, so there was no need for any additional equipment.

According to The Drive, nuclear strikes were practiced in Russia on the Su-30SM. "With this in mind, if you believe Lukashenko's words, the Su-30SM is the most likely candidate for re—equipment for nuclear weapons," the publication says.

In April, Su-27 fighters of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Naval Aviation practiced landing on a conditionally damaged airfield.

In the same month, Russia lifted more than ten Su-24M and Su-27 naval aircraft into the air in the Kaliningrad region as part of practical exercises.

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