
The new RCB reconnaissance complex based on the KamAZ-63969 Typhoon armored car has been adopted by the Russian army


Image source: topwar.ru

The latest machine intelligence RKHM RHB-9 adopted by the Russian army. Complex, created on the basis of the armored vehicle KAMAZ-63969 "Typhoon" is much superior to the already standing on the armament of NBC reconnaissance vehicle of previous generations.

That the latest machine RKHM-9 entered service in the Russian armed forces this year in may, said the chief of chemical corps, Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, but the exact time is not mentioned. Now it is reported by a source in the Russian defense industry, he argues that the complex delivery of intelligence to the troops will begin this year.

Advanced machine RKHM-9 adopted by the Russian army, serial deliveries to the troops NBC needs to start before the end of this year

- leads TASS words of the source.

RHM-9 created on the basis of the armored vehicle KAMAZ-63969 "Typhoon" in the framework of the ROC "he" to PJSC "Plant Tula", specializing in mobile radiation, chemical and biological intelligence. The machine is designed for conducting radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance of the battlefield. The design of the machine allows you to collect data without release of the crew of the machine. The effectiveness of it is twice the machine NBC-exploration of previous generations - RHM-2S on a tracked Transporter GT-MU, RHM-4 and RKHM-6 on the chassis of the BTR-80 and RKHM-5 on the basis of the BMD-3 airborne.

Soon troops NBC needs to get adopted complex RKHM-8 on the basis of the armored car "Tiger".

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Comments [1]
29.08.2022 01:33
На Ремдизель деньги нужно не жалеть. Ростехи ничего родить особо не могут.
К сожалению за 10 лет всего сотни три Тайфунов заказал Шойгу, на таких объемах особо не поднимешься.
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