
Intensification of activity in the Arctic. The main provisions of the new Naval Doctrine of the Russian Federation

Image source: Михаил Климентьев/пресс-служба президента РФ/ТАСС

She attributes to the main threats to the security of the Russian Federation the US course of dominance in the World Ocean and the growth of NATO activity

MOSCOW, July 31. /tass/. The new Maritime Doctrine of Russia provides for the intensification of maritime activities in the archipelagos of Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya and Wrangel Island. This is stated in the text of the document signed on Sunday by the President of the Russian Federation, Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin.

The new doctrine provides for "diversification and intensification of maritime activities in the archipelagos of Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya and Wrangel Island," the text of the document says.

It also provides for "increasing the combat potential and developing the basing system of the Northern Fleet, the forces and means of the Federal Security Service, the forces and means of the Rosgvardiya."

National interests of the Russian Federation

It also follows from the new Maritime Doctrine of the country that the national interests of the Russian Federation extend to the entire World Ocean.  "The national interests of the Russian Federation as a great maritime power extend to the entire world Ocean and the Caspian Sea. They are formed taking into account the challenges and threats to the national security of the Russian Federation in the World Ocean, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as taking into account the sovereignty and national interests of other states," the document published on the official portal of regulatory legal acts says.

According to the doctrine, Russia's national interests in the World Ocean include ensuring independence, state and territorial integrity, inviolability of the country's sovereignty, preservation of the status of a great maritime power for the Russian Federation, development of maritime potential and strengthening of defense capability, ensuring freedom of navigation, fishing and scientific research, safe functioning of marine pipeline systems, environmental safety, development of the Arctic zone and the Northern Sea Route and so on.

"The protection of the national interests of the Russian Federation in the World Ocean is one of the highest state priorities," the doctrine emphasizes.

Priority zones in the World Ocean

The areas of ensuring the national interests of the Russian Federation in the World Ocean are divided in the new document by importance into vital, important and others. Thus, the first group includes zones that are "directly related to the development of the state, the protection of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and the strengthening of defense, critically affect the socio-economic development of the country." These include the internal sea waters and the territorial sea of the Russian Federation, the exclusive economic zone of the country and its continental shelf, the Arctic basin, including the waters of the Northern Sea Route, the waters of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea.

Important areas are defined as those that "significantly affect the economic development, material well-being of the population and the state of national security of the Russian Federation, as well as the maintenance of strategic and regional security of the state." These are, in particular, the waters adjacent to the coast of the Russian Federation, including the Azov and Black Seas, the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, Baltic and Kuril Straits, areas of passage of world transport communications.

"The Russian Federation, in order to protect its national interests in the World Ocean, exercises its indisputable right to the presence of forces (troops) The Navy and their use in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, its international treaties and the norms of international law," the doctrine summarizes.

Priorities for the maritime policy of the Russian Federation

The Russian Maritime Doctrine approved by the President of the Russian Federation provides for the development of a shipbuilding complex in the Far East, including for the construction of aircraft carriers. "The development in the Far East of a modern high-tech shipbuilding complex designed for the construction of large-tonnage vessels (including for the development of the Arctic, modern aircraft carriers for the Navy," the document provides an item in the list of priorities of the national maritime policy in the Pacific regional direction.

The document notes that Russia will increase the operational capabilities of the Navy to ensure the national security of the country and the protection of interests in the oceans. As specified in the doctrine, the strategic goal is also to increase the effectiveness of ensuring the protection and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation at sea.

In addition, according to the doctrine, the control of naval activities of foreign states in the waters of the Northern Sea Route is one of the priorities of the national maritime policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic regional direction. The doctrine also sets the task of "increasing the combat potential and developing the basing system of the Northern Fleet, the forces and means of the Federal Security Service, the forces and means of the Rosgvardiya." The document also says about "ensuring a given operational regime in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation by strengthening the combat potential of the forces (troops) The Northern and Pacific Fleets".

Another priority for the maritime policy of the Russian Federation is the development of international military cooperation with the Navies of the states of the Caspian region. As specified in the doctrine, it is also planned to develop the forces (troops) and the basing system of the Caspian Flotilla, increasing their quantitative and qualitative parameters.

The priority of the national maritime policy is also strengthening the economic and geopolitical position of the Russian Federation in the Caspian region, deepening economic, military and cultural ties with the states of this region.

The text of the document also notes that the determining factor in relations with NATO is the unacceptability of moving the alliance's infrastructure to the borders of the Russian Federation. As specified in the doctrine, the national maritime policy in the Atlantic regional direction is determined taking into account the existence of NATO, whose activities "are aimed at direct confrontation with the Russian Federation and its allies."

At the same time, the objectives of the national maritime policy in the Atlantic direction, according to the document, are the resolute defense and reliable provision of Russia's national interests, the creation of conditions for stable economic cooperation with other countries.

Risks for the maritime activity of the Russian Federation

It notes that one of the main risks to the maritime activities of the Russian Federation is the lack of a sufficient number of bases outside the Russian Federation to provide ships and vessels of the Navy performing tasks in remote areas of the World Ocean.

Risks for the maritime activity of the Russian Federation are also sudden and difficult-to-predict pandemics of dangerous diseases. As specified in the doctrine, the coronavirus pandemic has led to geopolitical uncertainty and a global economic crisis in the world. This crisis, the document emphasizes, is connected with the desire of leading foreign states to change the world order, strengthen the tendencies to curtail the processes of globalization, the struggle for leadership in the world, as well as to increase the role of national economies and public administration, including in the field of maritime activities.

Threats to the security of the Russian Federation

The doctrine refers to the main threats to the security of the Russian Federation as the US policy of dominance in the World Ocean and the growth of NATO activity. "The main challenges and threats to the national security and sustainable development of the Russian Federation related to the oceans are: the strategic course of the United States to dominate the oceans and their global impact on the development of international processes, including those related to the use of transport communications and energy resources of the oceans," the document says.

The document also refers to such threats as the promotion of NATO's military infrastructure to the borders of Russia, the increase in the number of exercises of the unification forces in the waters of the seas adjacent to the territory of the Russian Federation. The new doctrine also indicates the desire of the United States and its allies to restrict Russia's access to the resources of the World Ocean and vital maritime transport communications, the desire of the United States to achieve the overwhelming superiority of its naval forces and increase the combat capabilities of the navies of other states.

In addition, territorial claims against the Russian Federation by a number of states regarding some of its coastal and island territories and armed conflicts in areas of particular geopolitical importance to the Russian Federation and its allies are also listed as threats. These include similar conflicts on the territories of the Russian Federation's allies and states with access to the World Ocean.

One of the points of the new doctrine relates to economic, political, international legal, informational and military pressure on Russia in order to discredit and reduce the effectiveness of its maritime activities, as well as efforts to weaken its control over the Northern Sea Route (NSR), the buildup of a foreign naval presence in the Arctic and the increase in conflict potential in this region.

In addition, according to the document, threats to the security of the Russian Federation are attempts by a number of states to change, in the interests of their own geopolitical goals, the existing legal regimes of the maritime spaces and straits used for international navigation. Another point of the doctrine fixes as such threats an increase in the scale of international terrorism, piracy, illegal transportation by sea of weapons, drugs and psychotropic substances, their precursors, as well as chemical and radioactive substances.

"The Russian Federation's independent foreign and domestic policy provokes opposition from the United States and its allies, who seek to maintain their dominance in the world, including in the oceans. The policy of containment of the Russian Federation implemented by them provides for exerting political, economic, military and informational pressure on it," the document says.

In general, it is stated that the development of the country takes place against the background of existing and new threats, which is "primarily due to the geopolitical position of the Russian Federation and its role in world politics." "The role of the force factor in international relations is not decreasing. The leading world powers with significant naval potential and a developed basing system continue to increase their naval presence in geopolitically significant areas of the World Ocean, including in the waters of the oceans and seas adjacent to the territory of the Russian Federation," the doctrine says.

Creation of logistics points of the Russian Navy

The new Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation provides for the formation of logistics support points in the states of the Asia-Pacific region The Russian Navy in order to create conditions for inter-fleet transitions of the Navy forces.

The document also provides for "the creation of conditions for a naval presence in the Asia-Pacific region, which allows monitoring the safety of the functioning of maritime transport communications in this region."

The new Naval Doctrine of the Russian Federation provides that, in addition to the Navy's PMTO in the Syrian Tartus, PMTO will be created in a number of countries of the Mediterranean region. "In the Mediterranean Sea (it is envisaged) to ensure on a permanent basis the naval presence of the Russian Federation in the Mediterranean Sea on the basis of the PMTO on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, the creation and development of the PMTO on the territories of other states in the region."

It also provides for "the development of relations with the States of the Middle East and North Africa with adjacent seas and maritime spaces, including the Mediterranean and Red Seas."

In addition, Russia plans to create PMTO of the Navy in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. In the document, one of the priorities of the national maritime policy is called "the preservation and maintenance of the naval presence of the Russian Federation in the Persian Gulf region on the basis of the PMTO in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean."

It also notes that it provides for "the use of the infrastructure of the states of the region in the interests of the naval activities of the Russian Federation."

Infrastructure for the reorientation of cargo to its ports

The development of railways, logistics centers and port complexes for the reorientation of cargo to domestic ports is a priority for the Russian Federation. "The priorities of the national maritime policy in the Atlantic regional direction are in the Baltic Sea: the development of domestic coastal and port infrastructure - railways, logistics centers and port complexes, including processing and transportation of hydrocarbon resources, in the interests of reorientation of export and import cargo to domestic ports; further development in the interests of export of the system of underwater pipelines, ensuring their effective and safe functioning," the document says.

The doctrine, as a priority of the Russian Federation, reflects the need to create favorable conditions in St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions for the development of maritime transport, the construction of competitive vessels of the sea, icebreaking and fishing fleets as one of the key elements of specialization in this area.

In addition, the document contains a clause on the development of the troops and the basing system of the Baltic Fleet, its ability to guarantee the protection of the national interests of the Russian Federation in the Baltic Sea, as well as ensuring the transport accessibility of the Kaliningrad Region through the operation of a ferry line in the direction of the ports of Ust-Luga and St. Petersburg.

According to the doctrine, the construction of new and modernization of existing capacities of the fisheries complex are also priorities, primarily the renewal of the fishing fleet and the means of production of fish processing enterprises.

Also, the need to monitor the condition of underwater potentially dangerous objects, including in places where chemical weapons are buried, as well as monitoring the condition of underwater pipelines are given as priorities. Another priority is the development of cruise and yacht tourism; the preservation of maritime cultural and historical heritage. It is noted that this should take place on the basis of interaction between state authorities and local self-government bodies, interested public associations and organizations.

Development of domestic coastal and port infrastructure

The new naval doctrine also provides for the strengthening of the Black Sea Fleet forces and the development of their infrastructure in the Crimea and on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory. In addition, it provides for the comprehensive strengthening of Russia's geopolitical positions in the Black and Azov Seas, as well as ensuring, on the basis of the norms of international maritime law, a favorable international legal regime for the Russian Federation of the Black and Azov Seas and the procedure for the use of their aquatic biological resources, exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits, laying and operation of underwater pipelines.

The new Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation provides for the development of a ship repair complex on the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol. "Development on the basis of shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol of the shipbuilding complex, including large-tonnage shipbuilding (shipbuilding) and ship repair," the document says.

The document provides for the development and provision of transport accessibility of Kaliningrad. "Ensuring the transport accessibility of the Kaliningrad region through the operation of a ferry line in the direction of the seaports of Ust-Luga and St. Petersburg," the doctrine says.

The new maritime doctrine also provides for the development of domestic coastal and port infrastructure - railways, logistics centers and port complexes, including processing facilities, throughout the Baltic Basin.

In addition, it provides for an increase in the share of vessels flying the flag of the Russian Federation. "The priority areas for the development of maritime transport are: <...> a significant increase in the share of ships sailing under the state flag of the Russian Federation in the total number of ships of the world merchant fleet through the use of various mechanisms, including preferential subsidies, and the elimination of unnecessary administrative barriers," the document says.

In addition, the new maritime doctrine implies the construction of new port complexes in the Baltic Sea.

It is also noted that Russia plans to expand cooperation with Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, as well as naval cooperation with India. "The priorities of the national maritime policy in the Indian Ocean regional direction are <...> the development of strategic partnership and naval cooperation with the Republic of India, as well as the expansion of cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Iraq, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other states of the region," the document says.

The doctrine also provides for a course to transform this region into a zone of peace and stability, the development of relations with the states of the region aimed at the development of trade, economic, military-technical and cultural ties, the development of tourism.

The possibility of introducing civilian vessels and crews into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Pre-prepared civilian vessels and crews, according to the new Naval Doctrine, can be introduced into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in wartime.  "Mobilization training and mobilization readiness in the field of maritime activities are strategically important for increasing the naval potential of the Russian Federation and are aimed at ensuring the entry into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of pre-trained civilian vessels and crews, as well as the preparation of maritime facilities for operation in wartime," the document says.

It is also indicated that one of the priorities of improving mobilization training and mobilization readiness in the field of maritime activities is to improve the system of recall of vessels sailing under the Russian flag during the immediate threat of aggression and in wartime with the transfer of their management to the military authorities of the armed forces of the country. "The priority in this area is the development of the state management system of the Russian Federation for the activities of maritime transport, fishing fleet and the functioning of ports during the immediate threat of aggression and in wartime," the document says.

The Russian Federation will expand the geography of annual visits of ships and vessels of the Navy to ports of foreign states.

Development of satellite communication and navigation systems in Antarctica

The new Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation provides for the development of satellite communication and navigation systems in Antarctica, as well as the expansion of ground-based GLONASS support systems.  "The priorities of the national maritime policy in the Antarctic regional direction are <...> the development of satellite communication and navigation systems in Antarctica, remote sensing of its surface, expansion and modernization of ground-based support systems for the global navigation satellite system GLONASS," the document says.

As specified in the document, it is also a priority to provide hydrometeorological, navigation and heliogeophysical information support for maritime activities in the region.

Development of production of robotic complexes

The naval doctrine of Russia provides for the development and implementation of robotic complexes for various purposes based on artificial intelligence. "The priority directions of the development of the shipbuilding complex of the Russian Federation are: <...> formation, development and implementation of a complex of priority technologies that allow creating promising systems and samples of weapons, military and special equipment, including marine robotic complexes for various purposes based on artificial intelligence, and ensuring the advanced development of the Navy and the competitiveness of the domestic militarymarine products," the document provides an item in the list of priorities in the field of ensuring the maritime activities of the Russian Federation.

The document also talks about the development of the production of marine robotic complexes and dual-use systems.

Geological exploration on the Arctic and Caspian shelf

The new Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation includes Russia's intention to increase the volume of geological exploration and production of hydrocarbon resources on the continental shelf, in the Arctic zone and in the Caspian Sea area.  The document emphasizes that state regulation is necessary in these areas to ensure Russia's national security.

The new doctrine proposes to eliminate administrative barriers that hinder the intensive and safe development of marine natural resources, as well as to provide support to Russian exporting enterprises.

It is noted that a modern oil and gas production complex should be formed in the sector of the Caspian Sea, taking into account the requirements of environmental safety. To do this, Russia should involve Russian companies in geological exploration. Subsequently, new deposits should be included in the system of underwater pipelines.

The doctrine also declares Russia's intention to increase the volume of geological exploration to search for ferromanganese and cobalt-rich deposits, as well as the creation of capacities for the production of liquefied gas and its shipment.

All these measures should lead to the preservation and increase of jobs in the field of maritime activities in the Far East, the formation of a comfortable living environment for the population of Primorsky districts, the document says.

Creation of new LNG facilities in the Far East

The maritime doctrine of the Russian Federation provides for the creation of new plants for the production of liquefied natural gas in the Far East. "The formation of a resource base and the creation of capacities for the production of liquefied gas and its shipment with the creation of specialized terminals in the interests of long-term gas supply to Russian consumers and export supplies," the priorities of the Russian maritime policy in the Pacific regional direction are listed in the document.

The doctrine also provides for more active development of the natural resources of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, including increasing the level of geological knowledge of the Japanese, Okhotsk and Bering Seas.

Cooperation in combating piracy and terrorism at sea

Russia will take measures to combat piracy and terrorism at sea, including through the development of international cooperation.  As stated in the doctrine, this work will be carried out, in particular, by "developing a system of political, legal, socio-economic and military measures aimed at preventing, preventing and suppressing piracy and terrorist acts against ships flying the state flag of the Russian Federation." In addition, it provides for the development of "international cooperation and cooperation in the part concerning the fight against piracy and terrorism at sea."

The doctrine prescribes the prompt response of authorities to piracy and terrorist acts against ships flying the Russian flag or carrying Russian citizens, and in general, assistance to ships in such situations.

The Russian Federation plans to implement the construction of new fishing vessels at domestic shipyards. 

Technological independence in shipbuilding

Technological independence in the field of shipbuilding has become one of the priorities in the development of the shipbuilding complex of Russia.  "Priority areas of development of the shipbuilding complex of the Russian Federation are: <...> ensuring the technological independence of the Russian Federation in the field of shipbuilding," the document says.

The text of the doctrine also notes that among the priority areas are the development and maintenance of the construction of warships, military auxiliary, transport, fishing, research and other civilian vessels, civil marine facilities equipped with equipment of domestic production and maximum localization of shipbuilding in the Russian Federation.

The Russian Federation will also create a state system to inform about the location of ships.

Building up the satellite grouping

According to the document, Russia will increase the satellite grouping, which is necessary for hydrometeorological, oceanographic and heliogeophysical support of marine activities. "The priority directions of ensuring the safety of navigation are <...> building up and improving the orbital grouping of spacecraft used for hydrometeorological, oceanographic and heliogeophysical support of marine activities," the document says.

In particular, the build-up of the satellite constellation will include the deployment of a highly elliptical space system to provide hydrometeorological data on the polar region of the Earth and the grouping of spacecraft used for radar sensing of the Earth to receive information about the ice situation in any cloud cover and at night, including in the conditions of the polar night.

On the guarantee of ensuring and protecting the interests of the Russian Federation

The text of the new Naval Doctrine of the Russian Federation states that modern Russia cannot exist without a strong fleet, and the presence of sufficient naval power guarantees the provision and protection of its national interests. "The modern Russian Federation cannot exist without a strong fleet. The world's largest territory and the length of maritime borders, huge reserves and diversity of marine natural energy, mineral and biological resources, the quality and quantity of the population of the Russian Federation objectively predetermine its existence and development in the XXI century as a great continental and maritime power," the text of the document says.

It notes that Russia, guided by the text of the new doctrine, "will firmly and resolutely defend its national interests in the oceans, and the presence of sufficient sea power guarantees their provision and protection."

"The implementation of the provisions of this doctrine will contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, ensuring its national security and strengthening its authority in the international arena," the text summarizes. 

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