
Military parade in honor of Victory Day in Moscow


The original was taken from a colleague of saidpvo in Victory Day in Moscow

The parade in honor of the 77th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War took place on May 9, 2022 on Red Square in Moscow.

To the tune of the song "Holy War", a group of the battalion of the Guard of Honor of the Preobrazhensky Regiment brought to the square the Russian flag and the Banner of Victory - the red banner hoisted over the Reichstag by the soldiers of the 150th Idritsky Division in 1945.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Army General Oleg Salyukov, commands the Parade.

The Parade is hosted by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

On May 9, 33 parade calculations took place on Red Square, including officers, sergeants and soldiers of formations and military units of the Western Military District, students and cadets of military educational institutions, pupils of the Suvorov military and Nakhimov schools, the Kronstadt Cadet Corps and participants of the All-Russian movement "Yunarmiya", as well as representatives of other law enforcement agencies and the All-Russian the Cossack army. The parade "box" of female servicemen in 2022 will be presented by cadets of six military educational institutions: the Military University, the Military Academy of Communications, the Military Academy of Logistics, the Military Space Academy, the Military Academy of Aerospace Defense and the Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection.

The passage of military equipment was headed by the legendary T-34-85. Also, modern T-72B3M, T-90M "Breakthrough" and T-14 "Armata" tanks will pass along the paving stones. The guests of the Parade saw infantry fighting vehicles "Kurganets-25", BMP-2 "Berezhok", BMP-3, armored vehicles "Typhoon-K 4x4", "Typhoon-airborne", "Tiger-M" and self-propelled artillery "Msta-S". Iskander tactical missile systems, Tornado-G multiple launch rocket systems, S-400, Buk-M3 and Tor-M2 air defense systems, Yars rocket launchers and Uran-9 robotic complexes also took part in the Victory Parade.



"Typhoon-K 4x4" with a combat module

"Typhoon-K 4x4"

BMP-2M "Berezhok"


Kurganets-25 BMP with Epoch BM


T-90M "Breakthrough"

T-14 "Armata"


MLRS "Tornado-G"

OTRK "Iskander-M"

ACS 2S19M "Msta-S"

SAM "Tor-M2"

Buk-M3 air defense system

S-400 Triumph Air defense system


BTR-MDM "Shell"

Robotic strike complex "Uran-9"

PGRK "Yars"

Protected car "Tiger-M" with BM "Arbalet"

jpg">BTR "Boomerang"

The end of the Parade.

The flight part of the Parade, unfortunately, was canceled due to difficult weather conditions in the areas where the participants of the flights were based.

The flight of aviation can be viewed in our report from May 4 - Combat aviation at the Victory Parade in Moscow and during the dress rehearsal - Victory Day Parade in Moscow .

Once again, friends, I congratulate you and your loved ones on the holidays of the Great Victory!

The photo report was prepared with the support of the BM24 information portal .

The rights to this material belong to
The material is placed by the copyright holder in the public domain
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