
Russia has mastered the production of cold-resistant steel for warships

Image source: rostec.ru

According to Rostec, high-strength shipbuilding steel of the AB2-PK brand is intended for the production of ships of the corvette and frigate types

MOSCOW, October 6. /TASS/. The smelting of special cold-resistant steel for the construction of warships and icebreakers was mastered in Russia at the Motovilikhinsky Plants with the support of the ROSTEC State Corporation. This was reported on Wednesday in the press service of the state corporation.

"The civil division of Motovilikhinsky Plants under the management of RT-Capital of ROSTEC State Corporation has mastered the smelting of cold-resistant shipbuilding steel," the report says.

According to Rostec, high-strength shipbuilding steel of the AB2-PK brand is intended for the production of warships of the corvette and frigate types, as well as universal nuclear icebreakers.

"Its smelting at the facilities of mOtovilikha will reduce the dependence of domestic shipbuilding on imported analogues," the corporation stressed.

According to the report, the main consumers of the material are the shipyards of St. Petersburg, the first batch of forgings with a volume of 120 tons has already been sent to the customer.

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Comments [2]
07.10.2021 17:47
Почему не делают все боевые корабли вообще неметаллическими, как уже начали делать тральщики? Дорого? Какие-то проблемы со свойствами материалов? Производственных мощностей слишком мало? Что-то ещё?
07.10.2021 22:22
Цитата, Враг сообщ. №1
Наверное объемы производства, а также технологии не достигли необходимого качества для серийного производства столь габаритных судов. Но претензия справедлива. До сих пор абсолютное большинство больших судов делают все из того же железа(
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