The first copy of the CR929 wide-body aircraft is being assembled in China. In the basic configuration, it will be able to carry 280 passengers over a distance of up to 12 thousand kilometers.
The start of construction of the first long-haul CR929 aircraft was announced by TASS. Earlier, we completed preliminary preparatory work on its creation.
The basic version-CR929-600-is designed to carry 280 passengers over a distance of up to 12 thousand kilometers. In addition, the family will include a variant with an elongated fuselage CR929-700 and a version with a shortened fuselage-CR929-500. They want to make the first test flight in 2023.
The CR929 project has been implemented since 2014. The aircraft is being developed jointly by the Russian UAC and the Chinese COMAC Corporation. The Latin letters " C "and" R " mean the project participants-China and Russia.
Countries participate in the project on an equal basis. It is estimated that the development price can reach $ 20 billion. The cost of one car will be from 113 to 118 million dollars (approximately).
Russia is responsible for the creation of the wing console, center section and wing mechanization. The Chinese are working on the fuselage, fairing, as well as horizontal and vertical tail.

Model CR929
Image source: aviav
The CR929 model was first shown at the China Airshow Aerospace Salon in Zhuhai in November 2016. Two years later, a full-scale mock-up of part of the airliner was presented at the same air show.
In March, TsAGI announced the completion of a new phase of tests of the wide-body aircraft model. The basic model with a crescent-shaped wing tip was tested in the T-128 wind tunnel. The experts focused on disruptive phenomena at the ends of the wing. Both small and large flight speeds were simulated.

Model CR929
Image source: tsagi
It is known that at first the aircraft will be equipped with engines from General Electric or Rolls-Royce. In the future, it will receive the Russian PD-35-a promising development based on the PD-14. The latter is a new engine designed for the main hope of the civil Russian aviation industry-the MS-21 airliner - as well as the first turbofan engine created in modern Russia.

Image source: wikipedia
The MS-21-310 equipped with it took to the sky for the first time last year. They can start mass-producing a new airliner from 2022. Among its competitors in the market are the Boeing 737 MAX and the Airbus A320neo.
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