
Rostec is creating a parachute system for landing armored vehicles "Typhoon" and " Tiger"

Image source: © Фото : Минобороны России

According to the head of the Technodinamika holding, Igor Nasenkov, it is assumed that there will be personnel in the armored vehicle during the landing

MOSCOW, July 9. /TASS/. Technodinamika holding of the Rostec State Corporation is conducting experimental design work (R & D) "Parachute", within the framework of which a cargo parachute system is being created for landing armored vehicles" Typhoon "and"Tiger". This was announced to journalists by the general director of the holding, Igor Nasenkov.

"We are conducting a very important OCD "Parachute". This is a means of landing for large-sized equipment, first of all, "Typhoon-airborne" - a machine weighing 18 tons, also a Tiger weighing 9 tons will be landed on this platform. These two vehicles, designed for amphibious mobility, will be dropped from a platform developed within the framework of the Parachute ROC, "Nasenkov said.

As the CEO of Technodinamika clarified, preliminary tests are still underway. The first joint drop of the newly developed cargo platform with a parachute system was made with a load of 9 tons, the second-with a load of 11 tons. Then the test discharges will be carried out with an increase in the payload to 18 tons, respectively.

According to the head of the holding, it is assumed that the personnel will be in the armored vehicle during the landing.

The Typhoon-AIRBORNE armored car has a 4x4 wheel formula, combined protection from ceramic armor and a reduced curb weight. The car can be equipped with a large-caliber machine gun "Cord" or other weapons on a turret mount. It is designed to equip airborne units, it is capable of parachuting from military transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

The Tiger is a family of Russian multi-purpose armored vehicles, there are more than 50 different modifications, including with combat modules and anti-tank systems. The car was accepted for the supply of internal affairs bodies, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and a number of other law enforcement agencies of Russia.

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