
How many surface ships did the PLA Navy receive in 2020? Record for Project 056 corvettes


Original taken from dambiev's colleague How many surface ships did the PLA Navy receive in 2020? Record for Project 056 corvettes

Prospects for the PLA Navy's ship composition for 2021.

In 2020, the PLA Navy added 24 surface ships of various classes. This year, the military shipbuilding of the People's Republic of China set a kind of record for the corvettes of the project 056 - 15 units transferred to the fleet.

On January 10, 2020, at the naval Base in Guangzhou, a solemn ceremony was held for the introduction of two Project 056A Ganzhou corvettes (tail number 620) and Panzhihua (tail number 621) into the Southern Fleet of the PLA Navy.

January 12, 2020 at the naval base of the Eastern Fleet of the PLA Navy in Zhoushan, the ceremony of commissioning the first modernized destroyer of the project 052DG Zibo (淄博, Zibo, tail number 156)-an analog of the American destroyers with Aegis - was held in the Chinese Navy.

On January 12, 2020, at the main naval base of the Northern Fleet of the PLA Navy in Qinado, a solemn ceremony was held for the introduction of the first destroyer of the project 055 Nanchang ("Nanchang", tail number "101") into the Chinese Navy.

Two URO destroyers of Project 052DL " Qiqihar "and" Tangshan " / 齐齐哈尔, 唐山 (tail numbers 121, 122) with an extended helipad and upgraded radar armament became part of the Northern Fleet of the PLA Navy in mid-2020.

Corvette project 056A 六安 / "Luan" (tail number 611). Accepted into the Eastern Fleet of the PLA Navy in January 2020.

Corvette project 056A城城 / "Liaocheng" (tail number 608) became part of the Eastern Fleet of the PLA Navy in January 2020.

The Project 056 孝感 / Xiaogan corvette (tail number 615) joined the PLA Navy's Eastern Fleet earlier this year.

Corvette project 056 Taiyan " / 泰安 (tail number 616). Accepted into the Eastern Fleet of the PLA Navy earlier this year.

Corvette project 056 "Enshi" / 恩施 (tail number 627). Accepted into the Southern Fleet of the PLA Navy in the middle of this year.

Project 056 "Zhangjiakou" corvette (tail number 605). Accepted into the Northern Fleet of the PLA Navy in the middle of this year.

Corvette project 056 "Jindezhen" / 景德镇镇 (tail number 617). Accepted into the Eastern Fleet of the PLA Navy in June 2020.

Corvette of Project 056 "Guangan" (tail number 622). Accepted into the Southern Fleet of the PLA Navy in August 2020.

Corvette project 056 "Yongzhou" / 永州 (tail number 628). Accepted into the Southern Fleet of the PLA Navy in mid-2020.

Corvette of Project 056 "Mudanjiang" / 牡丹江 (tail number 604). Joined the Northern Fleet of the PLA Navy in mid-2020.

Corvette project 056 "Suizhou" / 随州 (tail number 624). Joined the PLA Navy's Southern Fleet in mid-2020/

Corvettes of Project 056 "Songyuan" and "Pingdingshan" / 松原, 平山山 (tail numbers 602, 600). They became part of the Northern Fleet of the PLA Navy in mid-2020.

In July 2020, the PLA Navy's Eastern Fleet included the seventh landing helicopter ship-dock (DVKD) "Simingshan"/ 四明明山 of project 071 (tail number 986).

In October 2020, the PLA Navy's Southern Fleet included the eighth landing helicopter dock ship (DVKD) "Qilianshan" / 祁连山 of project 071 (tail number 985).

The twelfth Project 082II minesweeper minesweeper built for the PLA Navy at Guangzhou Huangpu Shipbuilding Somrapu Shipyard in Guangzhou joined the PLA Navy's Southern Fleet in November 2020.


In December 2020, the Southern Fleet of the PLA Navy introduced two hospital ships of the new project 919. The new hospital ships "Southern Medicine 12" and "Southern Medicine 13" are built at the Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group shipyard in Shanghai and have a displacement of 6000 tons. It is reported that the new ships will serve as part of the Southern Fleet of the PLA Navy, whose operational area includes the disputed reefs in the Spratly archipelago and the Paracel Islands.

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Comments [3]
04.01.2021 10:21
Интересно было бы увидеть сравнение водоизмещений российских и китайских ВМС. Ну и американского до кучи.
04.01.2021 14:54
не сильно мне нравятся китайские корабли ,  а эти корветы вообще по вооружению  как наши МРК . разве что ПВО у них получше , а вот с ПКР и КР похуже .
с нашими корветами имхо и рядом не стоят , особенно если сравнивать с 20385 .
04.01.2021 16:35
Цитата, просто экспл сообщ. №2
с нашими корветами имхо и рядом не стоят , особенно если сравнивать с 20385
Так 20385 по сути и не корвет. А таки фрегат.
Цитата, просто экспл сообщ. №2
не сильно мне нравятся китайские корабли ,  а эти корветы вообще по вооружению  как наши МРК . разве что ПВО у них получше , а вот с ПКР и КР похуже .
Самые что нинаесть корветы. Что то типа мпк и мрк в одном флаконе. Для флота РФ не подойдет надо водоизмещение побольше и ангар для вертолета.
А так концепция для рабочих лошадок более менее. Я уже писал тут на форуме что можно было сделать под РФ концепцию корветов попроще:
- тор-м
- ак-630м (корма, нос)
- калибры
- 76мм
- ангар и вертолет.
По ценнику было бы много дешевле.
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