
Aviation news

Военное обозрение

From Phantom to F-16: Greece sells off fleet of obsolete fighter jets

According to him, it is necessary to say goodbye to a number of models of combat aviation. As can be understood from the minister's statements, he does not particularly hope to sell the Phantom II, and therefore this aircraft can expect to be disposed of:

ИнВоен Info

The X-22 Burya cruise missile: Chinese assessment based on its experience

The heavy supersonic anti-ship missile X–22 Burya is a long-range munition developed by the Soviet Raduga ICD in the early 1960s. The X-22 cruise missile was adopted in 1968 and subsequently upgraded several times.


"Absorbs reserves." In France, they told what Russia has prepared for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Le Figaro, France)

Le Figaro: after Avdiivka, Russia adopted a new strategy — and it is effective

The Russian army is advancing at the front. Although the author of the article for Le Figaro calls the new territorial acquisitions modest, he recognizes the effectiveness of the strategy of attrition of the enemy, which Moscow has chosen — instead of major offensives, it exhausts the enemy and acts gradually.


Overclocking shock: the United States is having difficulty developing new hypersonic missiles

Will the Americans be able to compete with Russia in this race

The US Air Force conducted a test launch of the AGM-183A hypersonic missile on March 17. It was carried out from a B-52H carrier aircraft over the Pacific Ocean. The Pentagon does not announce its outcome, but it cannot be excluded that this launch of the AGM-183A will be the last. The fact is that the ARRW program, under which the missile is being developed, has not received funding in the Pentagon budget for 2024. This is the second American air–to-ground hypersonic missile project that has failed. Whether overseas, desperate, they can curtail work on similar systems for the Air Force, Izvestia investigated.

Военное обозрение

"A number of new details have been revealed": footage of the flight of the Turkish Bayraktar TB3 drone

The Turkish company Baykar has posted new footage of flight tests of the Bayraktar TB3 drone. At the same time, a number of distinctive features were noticed on the second prototype of this machine, which rose into the air.

Военное обозрение

The British Ministry of Defense reported on the training of a group of pilots of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to pilot the F-16 with photos of light-engine aircraft

The Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom has issued a message that today in the United Kingdom the training of the first group of Ukrainian pilots in piloting F-16 fighters has been officially completed. Some NATO countries, including Denmark and the Netherlands, promised to supply such fighters to the Kiev regime.

Военное обозрение

Footage of a previously unknown Chinese attack helicopter has been published

Photos have been published in the Chinese segment of the Internet showing a new rotorcraft being developed in the interests of the PLA. Previously, she did not get into the lenses, and therefore aroused increased interest among military observers.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

The massive use of the laser will revolutionize the battlefield

Britain has tested the DragonFire combat laser, which can "radically change the combat space" in the next 5-10 years. Russia, the USA and China have their own developments in this area. The Russian army used the laser system "Badass" in real combat conditions during its military operations. However, this weapon has both significant limitations and features, which makes it effective only for certain combat missions.

Военно-политическое обозрение (Беларусь)

Why did NATO countries create an aviation and missile coalition

Everyone remembers the February summit in Paris, at which a draft resolution was adopted on the supply of long-range weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Then the so-called "missile coalition" of NATO countries was formed. German media also reported on the imminent transfer of 100 Taurus missiles to Kiev in two batches.

Военно-политическое обозрение (Беларусь)

Hysteria and fear in Polish airspace

A navigation warning has been in effect in Poland since this February. According to the map, it extends to the regions of eastern Poland bordering Russia and Belarus, and also affects the section of the Baltic Sea east of Gdansk.

Военно-политическое обозрение (Беларусь)

Poland's 25 years in NATO: An assessment of the state of aviation and communication with Ukraine. Part 2

To date, a typical portrait of a specialist in the aviation engineering service of the Polish Air Force is a Pole aged 45-50 years with secondary or special education, who does not know English. Obviously, in such conditions, the quality of training of aircraft purchased in the United States for combat missions may leave much to be desired.


Sights and means: Navy pilots will be taught how to fight drones

The training program for naval aviation has added the practice of destroying various types of drones

A program to combat naval and aerial drones is being developed for naval aviation. Pilots will be taught to detect UAVs flying over the sea and destroy them with missiles and aircraft cannon fire, sources told Izvestia in the Russian Defense Ministry.


Biden does not hide: gunsmiths in the United States will fill their pockets with gold at the expense of Ukraine (Proletären, Sweden)

Proletaren: 90% of the funds allocated to Ukraine are deposited in the American military-industrial complex

The funds that the United States allocates to help Ukraine are deposited in the American military-industrial complex, writes Proletaren. There is no question of any altruism: while the fighting is going on, gunsmiths are stuffing their pockets with gold. And Joe Biden doesn't hide it.


A new type of Russian drones has been spotted in the area of the SVO. What is known about the "queen" of drones "Bee"?

In the SVO zone near Artemovsk, a Russian "queen" of drones "Bee" was noticed

In the zone of special military operation (SVO) near Artemovsk (the Ukrainian name of the city is Bakhmut) A new type of Russian drones has been spotted — the "queen" of the Bee drones.


The features of the Estonian THeMIS UGV destroyed for the first time in its zone are revealed

Military expert Leonkov: robotic platforms on their own have different purposes

The Estonian robotic platform THeMIS UGV from Milrem Robotics, which the Russian Armed Forces (AF) destroyed for the first time in the zone of a special military operation (SVO), is a universal complex made on the principle of a tracked track, military expert Alexey Leonkov said. In a conversation with Lenta.<url>" he told us what such platforms can be used for and whether it is difficult to destroy them.


The Russian plant began producing three-ton superbombs in three shifts. What are they capable of?

The mass production of three-ton FAB-3000 bombs began in the Russian Federation in February 2024

Russia has established mass production of three-ton high-explosive aircraft bombs FAB-3000. Their release in a new volume has been launched since February 2024. This was announced by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Деловая газета "Взгляд"

A new flotilla is preparing for the battle of the Dnieper

The reconstruction of the Dnieper Flotilla will give Russia access to the right bank of the river

The Dnieper River Flotilla and a brigade of river boats have been formed in Russia. This was stated by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. At one time, such a flotilla made a great contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Its reconstruction is called a significant factor for victory in the SVO, since access to the right bank of the Dnieper can bring down the enemy's defenses.

Военно-политическое обозрение (Беларусь)

Poland's 25 years in NATO: An assessment of the state of aviation and communication with Ukraine. Part 1

Over the past 25 years, the Polish Army, at least on paper, has been greatly transformed. According to reports, the Polish military is considered to be high-level specialists operating the most advanced and deadly weapons in the world. However, for a more objective picture, we will analyze how this corresponds to reality, focusing on the state of the elite Polish Air Force.

Военно-политическое обозрение (Беларусь)

Poland's 25 years in NATO: An assessment of the state of aviation and communication with Ukraine. Part 2

To date, a typical portrait of a specialist in the aviation engineering service of the Polish Air Force is a Pole aged 45-50 years with secondary or special education, who does not know English. Obviously, in such conditions, the quality of training of aviation equipment purchased in the United States for combat missions may leave much to be desired.


MAI is developing a cyborg cockroach with a video camera

In the student design bureau "Signal", which is part of the MAI structure, a cyborg cockroach is being created, which will allow video shooting in places difficult for humans and technology, and it will be possible to control it using electrical impulses from an attached neurostimulator.

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