On December 27, 2024, another Tu-214 aircraft built at this enterprise made its first flight at the airfield of the Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P. Gorbunov, a branch of PJSC Tupolev (part of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation of Rostec State Corporation). The aircraft with factory number (short) 035, serial number 535 and registration number RA-64535 was built as a VIP lounge for the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and became the first new Tu-214 aircraft to be flown in three and a half years.
The new Tu-214 aircraft (serial number 035, serial number 535, registration number RA-64535), built by Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P. Gorbunov, a branch of PJSC Tupolev (part of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation of Rostec State Corporation). Minsk, 02/24/2025 (c) Denisin / russianplanes.net ( link )
It is reported that on February 24, 2025, the RA-64535 aircraft flew from Kazan to Minsk for painting.
The previous Tu-214 aircraft built at the Kazan Aviation Plant was the Tu-214PU (factory number 44912034, serial number 534, registration number RA-64534), which was presumably built for the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation.
In total, 35 Tu-214 aircraft have been built in this way at the Kazan Aviation Plant, and the total number of Tu-204/Tu-214 family aircraft built in the USSR and Russia since 1989, together with prototypes, amounted to 91 units.
The new Tu-214 aircraft (serial number 035, serial number 535, registration number RA-64535), built by Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P. Gorbunov, a branch of PJSC Tupolev (part of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation of Rostec State Corporation). Kazan, 02/24/2025 (c) Timur Badredtinov / russianplanes.net ( link )