
New trawling system for the Norwegian Navy

Image source: invoen.ru

On February 10, 2025, the Finnish company Patria announced the completion of deliveries of the new SONAC ACS acoustic trawling system to the Royal Norwegian Navy, which has been using the Finnish product since spring 2024.

According to the manufacturer, the Patria SONAC ACS is an advanced, compact acoustic minesweeping system. It is specially designed for wide-range mines with advanced acoustic actuation. The Patria SONAC ACS effectively mimics the sound of any ship, thus providing outstanding performance for Mine Laying (MSM), Target Simulation (TSM) and Mine jamming (MJM) modes.

The system allows the transmission of recorded acoustic waveforms with high sound pressure over a wide frequency range. Both the intensity and spatial diversity of the underwater sound field can be further enhanced by using multiple SONAC ACS.

Patria SONAC ACS acoustic trawl at DIMDEX 2024

SONAC ACS on-board maintenance, application, and recovery are supported by solutions suitable for closed loop, straight tail, and other towed trawl systems. Due to its streamlined, compact shape and light weight, the SONAC ACS can be easily towed by an unmanned surface vessel (USV) or a similar small vessel. The desired depth of trawling is set using a carriage on the surface or, alternatively, using a frame containing a float and a depressor.

Patria SONAC ACS on-board interface

The SONAC ACS specifications include low-frequency, mid-frequency, and high-frequency transmitters, as well as a dedicated hydrophone for acoustic signal monitoring. The composite housing, reinforced with a rigid frame, includes a passive pressure compensator for each low-frequency transmitter, which ensures its durability and reliability under pressure. The modular design of the housing allows the installation of additional components such as an echo sounder or additional sensors such as sonars or optical sensors.

The SONAC ACS has a length of 260 cm, a diameter of 68 cm and a weight of 400 to 500 kg in air (180 to 220 kg in water). Its physical characteristics are optimized for maximum efficiency. The wide frequency range from 7 Hz to 70 kHz and the preferred 6 kVA power supply emphasize its ability to operate in a variety of conditions.

Patria claims to have developed the system using its unique expertise in marine signature measurement, mine action technology, and trawling.

During a mine clearance mission, the operator selects the desired acoustic signal from the signature library and starts acoustic trawling with it. Alternatively, if necessary, a custom signal can be developed for acoustic trawling. Patria noted that smooth operation during trawling is ensured by a user-friendly interface that provides controls and settings, as well as views for monitoring system status.

Representatives of the manufacturer quoted Commander of the Mine Action Squadron of the Royal Norwegian Navy, Commander Bengt Berdahl, who said: "We are pleased to use the Patria SONAC ACS as part of our MCM minesweeping system following the recent decommissioning of our high-end ELMA-AGATE trawl. The SONAC ACS has so far provided excellent handling and very promising performance, performance and reliability. The Norwegian Navy considers this new minesweeping system to be one of the most advanced to date."

According to the materials of the resource euro-sd.com

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