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The Pentagon has decided to rely on artificial intelligence-based software in a possible confrontation with China in the Indo-Pacific region, the Breaking Defense portal writes.
At a recent conference with military personnel, government officials, and representatives of the defense industry, Lieutenant Artem Shcherbinin, head of the Technology department of the Hopper Task Force, emphasized the growing role of software and artificial intelligence in modern warfare.
According to the expert, the software reduces the time of the target destruction cycle and accelerates the OODA loop (observe, navigate, decide, act). At the same time, the software development, implementation, and delivery time is significantly shorter than in traditional weapons systems focused on large platforms.
- said the military.
In addition, Shcherbinin added that the installation of advanced AI-based software on US Navy warships stationed in the Red Sea has already had a serious impact on the current mission, making American weapons more lethal.
It's not entirely clear what the expert is talking about here. Houthi drones and missiles have repeatedly and unsuccessfully attacked American ships in the Red Sea. Thus, the acceleration of the OODA loop did not particularly help the US Navy forces in the Middle East.
In addition, against the background of recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence, where the Chinese DeepSeek neural network has seriously shaken the position of the American ChatGPT AI, an attempt to "outplay" China with the help of software looks very doubtful.
However, Shcherbinin– an ardent advocate of high technology in the army, also left room for "retreat" in his speech, noting that traditional weapons should not be discounted today.
- summed up the military.
The article says that the above-mentioned statement was made against the background of active discussions about the priorities of financing in the defense budgets of leading countries. While some experts urge investment in cyber warfare and AI, others remind us that without the modernization of "conventional" weapons, any army risks losing its combat capability.
Regarding the "deadline" until 2027, which Shcherbinin announced, many analysts believe that the Chinese president will "decide" by this time to close the long-standing issue with Taiwan by military means.
Obviously, in such a short period of time, the US Navy will not be able to physically upgrade its weapons, bringing them to a new level. It is for this reason that the Pentagon is probably betting on modernization through the introduction of advanced artificial intelligence software.