
A Portuguese multifunctional ship has been laid down


On October 3, 2024, a joint ceremony of the first steel cutting and the official laying of the innovative multifunctional ship A 5209 Dom João II for the Portuguese Navy under the Plataforma Naval Multifunctional (PNM) program took place at the Damen Shipyards Galati shipbuilding enterprise of the Damen Shipyards international shipbuilding group in Galac, Romania. The ship is due to join the Portuguese fleet in the second half of 2026.

A render image of the promising multifunctional ship A 5209 Dom João II laid down for the Portuguese Navy by the Plataforma Naval Multifunctional (PNM) program (c) Damen Shipyards Group

In June 2022, the Portuguese Navy issued a tender request for the design and construction of the Plataforma Naval Multifunctional (PNM) ship, and this tender was eventually won by the international (headquartered in the Netherlands) shipbuilding group Damen Shipyards Group with an offer based on the Damen MPSS 7000 project. On November 24, 2023, the Portuguese Navy signed a contract with the group Damen for the technical and operational design and construction of the PNM ship. The total contract value of the ship was 132 million euros, of which only 37.5 million euros were allocated from the Portuguese budget, and the main share of 94.5 million euros is funded by the European Union Recovery and Sustainability Fund. The ship is being built at the Damen Shipyards Galati shipyard in Galac.

The Strataforma Navy Multifunctional ship should act as a carrier for unmanned aerial vehicles and surface and underwater unmanned aerial vehicles, and in this regard it has received a unique aircraft carrier architecture with a solid flight deck for UAVs and helicopters. The flight deck with a springboard should have a length of 94 and a width of 11 m, with a total maximum length of 107.6 m. The total displacement of the ship will be more than 7000 tons.

With a general "aircraft carrier" appearance, the PNM ship is not amphibious, but, according to the requirements of the Portuguese Navy, should actually be a combination of a patrol ship and a hydrographic and oceanographic vessel, and is designed to perform a wide range of tasks, including protection of the marine economic zone, surveillance, search and rescue operations (including underwater), oceanographic research, underwater research, disaster relief.

Officially, the main tasks of the ship are concentrated on research functions and include: monitoring the biogeochemical state of the ocean and atmosphere; inventory and assessment of mineral resources and all other non-renewable resources on the seabed in the Portuguese maritime economic zone; continuous inventory of biological resources (renewable resources) and monitoring their condition; monitoring and combating violations and illegal economic activities in Portugal's maritime economic zone; responding to natural disasters and man-made accidents; mitigating harmful human activities in the ocean (combating the effects of pollution such as macroplastics); increasing the total volume of hydrological and oceanographic information.

The ship must be equipped with a diesel-electric power plant with dual-fuel diesels and low-noise low-speed electric motors, the propellers are two screw steering columns. The full speed will be 15 knots, the economy 10 knots. The ship must carry several speedboats, a remote-controlled underwater vehicle capable of operating at depths up to 6,000 meters and drilling, several surface unmanned boats of various types, autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles of several (at least four) types, various unmanned aerial vehicles of both aircraft and helicopter (quadcopter) types. The ship must be capable of receiving helicopters and have an extensive communications and control center, as well as be equipped with sonar equipment.

A special feature of the preliminary appearance of the ship presented by the Portuguese Navy is its aircraft carrier architecture with a solid flight deck to ensure the flight of UAVs of all types, with a bow springboard to facilitate the take-off of large aircraft-type UAVs. It is quite obvious that this solution is planned for combat-grade UAVs (the initial deck renderings depicted two UAVs similar to the General Atomics MQ-1C Grey Eagle). It is noted that for UAVs of different types, it is possible to use catapults, as well as means of braking and forced landing. There is no hangar for large aircraft in the building. The deck is also designed for helicopter flights (NH90 and AW101 classes). The superstructure of the ship is made insular on the starboard side, and it is equipped with a hangar for an NH90 class helicopter and a small hangar for UAVs.

For a significant part of the length of the ship, an enclosed hangar will be made to accommodate surface and underwater unmanned and uninhabited vehicles, as well as to accommodate additional containerized loads - up to 20 standard containers, it is also possible to place up to 18 cars in the hangar, loading of the hangar is possible through on-board lapels. In addition, the hangar can be equipped with quick-deployable cabins to accommodate 100 people. Separate hangars are provided for some of the underwater vehicles.

The ship will be equipped with a dock compartment measuring 20 by 10 meters for launching large underwater vehicles with a displacement of up to 30 tons, including a large NPA with a diving depth of 6000 m. The equipment should also include a 50-ton crane, an aft A-shaped boom and side lifts for launching underwater vehicles. It is planned to have a separate bridge to control unmanned and unmanned vehicles. There are no weapons on the ship, and, apparently, a significant part of the crew will be civilian. The full-time crew will be 48 people, and 42 more seats are reserved for operators and maintenance personnel of UAVs and surface and underwater vehicles. The autonomy will be 45 days.

The joint ceremony of the first steel cutting and the official laying at the Damen Shipyards Galati shipbuilding enterprise of the Damen Shipyards Group international shipbuilding group for the Portuguese Navy of the multifunctional ship A 5209 Dom João II under the Plataforma Naval Multifunctional (PNM) program. Galac (Romania), 03.10.2024 (c) Damen Shipyards Group

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Comments [2]
10.10.2024 17:23
Хорошо, что в Румынии будут строить. Будет, чем румынам расплачиваться с Россией за ущерб, который они нанесли в ходе СВО. Пора считать начинать. Не забыть приплюсовать убытки СССР за 1941 - 1944 год. Ато в прошлый раз легко отделались.
10.10.2024 17:54
Цитата, q
Палуба также предназначена для полетов вертолетов (классов NH90 и AW101). Надстройка корабля выполнена островной по правому борту, причем в ней оборудован ангар для вертолёта класса NH90 и небольшой ангар для БЛА.

Вполне годный корабль- вертолётоносец   для обеспечения  противолодочной обороны.
Корабли- вертолётоносцы  водоизмещением 7000 т вполне могут  строить и Северная верфь и Амурский судостроительный завод и Калининградский Янтарь.

Цитата, q
Кроме того, в ангаре могут быть оснащены быстроразвертываемые кубрики для размещения 100 человек. Для части подводных аппаратов предусмотрены отдельные ангары.

Соответственно и для десантных операций корабли вполне пригодны и роту морпехов этот корабль вполне способен перебросить и высадить на побережье вертолётами.
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