
Almaz-Antey will present import substitution projects in the production of equipment for the fuel and energy sector at the international forum in St. Petersburg

Image source: © РИА Новости / Артем Житенев

Moscow. The 4th of October. INTERFAX - Projects on the development and production of equipment for solving import substitution problems and ensuring technological independence of Russia will be presented by the concern of East Kazakhstan Region Almaz-Antey at the XIII St. Petersburg International Gas Forum (SPGF-2024), which will be held from October 8 to 11, the press service of the holding reported.

"The concern's specialists will tell the guests and participants of SPGF-2024 about current and promising areas of work, innovative developments for the fuel and energy complex (fuel and energy complex), technological and cooperative opportunities," the message said on Friday.

The concern will participate in the forum with the status of an industrial partner, the press service informs.

According to her, "at the Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Center, the holding will provide information on ongoing projects for the development and production of equipment to solve import substitution problems and ensure Russia's technological independence."

"The forum will present information about the products already produced by the concern for the fuel and energy sector: gas production equipment; compressor unit; refrigeration equipment for cooling the flow of natural gas; shut-off valves, etc. In addition, it will be possible to learn about the capabilities of a specialized testing center," the message says.

The press service informs that, in addition to the development of mass production of certain types of gas field equipment, the concern plans to develop promising development work not only on the subject of gas production, but also in other areas.

These are, in particular, promising solutions for remote sensing of the Earth, a robotic service complex for the underwater mining complex (RKO MPC).

"RKO MPC is designed for maintenance and control of equipment of underwater mining and technological complexes in the fields of the continental shelf through the use of autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles and remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicles of hybrid type from a remote coastal control complex. The use of the RKO MPC allows to reduce operating costs, increase reliability, availability and maintainability of the underwater mining system," the message says.

At SPGF-2024, representatives of the concern plan to discuss the implementation of joint projects with participants in the B2B and B2G markets, hold a number of business meetings and negotiations with representatives of large corporations, medium and small businesses, scientific organizations, as well as take part in the business program of the forum, the press service reports.

Alexander Vedrov, Deputy General Director for Production and Technological Policy of JSC Concern East Kazakhstan Region Almaz-Antey, said that "the holding will be presented as a reliable industrial partner, which has a powerful scientific, as well as production and technological potential and is able to successfully implement projects for the development and production of high-tech oil and gas equipment."

"The concern has already successfully solved the issues of replacing foreign products with domestic samples within the framework of cooperation with the largest Russian oil and gas companies," Vedrov stressed, whose words are given in the message.

He noted that the concern's cooperation with Gazprom PJSC is an illustrative example of a successful industrial partnership, the development of new technological and design competencies. "Thus, the foundations are being laid for solving the tasks of import substitution of high-tech gas field equipment for the future five to ten years, as well as the successful introduction of innovations in the field of fuel and energy," Vedrov said.

According to him, in 2024, the concern carried out the first supply of mass-produced equipment for the underwater hydrocarbon production system, namely: two sets of underwater column heads and a set of tools and accessories specially designed for them (23 nomenclature items).

"This is the first import-substituting gas production equipment produced by the concern, which is part of the underwater production complex necessary for the development of the Yuzhno-Kirinskoye gas condensate field of the Sakhalin-3 project," Vedrov stressed.

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