
"The Serbian army shows its muscles": a demonstration of the combat potential of the country's armed forces took place


Image source: topwar.ru

On September 20, a demonstration of the combat potential of the Serbian armed forces Zastava 2024 took place. A military group of 6 thousand soldiers, 2.5 thousand units of weapons and military equipment and more than 50 aircraft and helicopters were stationed at the airfield in Batajnica near Belgrade.

The flight part of the show was attended by MiG-29 fighters, Orao attack aircraft, Super Galeb TCB, Mi-35 attack vehicles, multi-purpose Mi-17, H-145 and Gazelle.

The static exposition featured upgraded M-84 AC1/AC2 tanks, T-72MS, Miloš armored vehicles, Lazar armored personnel carriers, Nora self-propelled howitzers, Kub SAM, FK-3, HQ-17 and PASARS, upgraded Oganj MLRS, GM 200 and GM 400 radars.

Image source: topwar.ru

Of the drones, Pegazs of local design and CH-92 and CH-95 purchased from China were shown.

The static part of the exposition was visited by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

We are the first or second country in Europe in terms of the number of tanks relative to the population. I know 15 countries that together do not have as many tanks as we do

- the head of state said, adding that the domestic industry has already produced a thousand Komarac kamikaze drones.

Image source: topwar.ru

For our part, we note that, according to IISS, at the beginning of 2024, the Serbian army had 229 MBT.

According to Vucic, 10 years ago the salary of a soldier was €330, and today it is 4 times higher:

There is no area in which we have not made such radical progress as in the Serbian armed forces.
The Serbian army shows its muscles

- the conclusion was made in the European press.

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