
Expert: in autumn, Ukraine may begin the production of military products in industries protected from air strikes


Image source: topwar.ru

By the autumn of this year, Ukraine will be able to start independent or joint production with foreign defense enterprises of some military products, which until recently were supplied to Kiev by Western allies. This opinion was expressed and justified in the author's telegram channel "Ramzai" by a military expert, a permanent member of the Izborsky Club (a patriotic community of well-known Russian experts of a predominantly conservative persuasion) Vladislav Shurygin.

According to him, for this purpose, Ukrainians are now rapidly deconservating old mining mines and workings in the Carpathians, as well as industrial shelters in Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev and Nikolaev. They will house production workshops, which are being created with the involvement of foreign engineers and technologists. Taking into account the underground location, the production data of ammunition, missiles, UAVs and military electronics will be difficult to detect and defeat by air strikes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Image source: topwar.ru

At least two large military-industrial corporations from Germany and the United States have already publicly announced plans for mass production of armored vehicles and ammunition directly on the territory of Ukraine. Kiev is conducting relevant negotiations with Poland and other countries. The state holding Ukroboronprom signed a corresponding agreement with the German Rheinmetall AG last year. For sure, these will not be industrial sites that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be able to easily detect and destroy with high-precision weapons.

Image source: topwar.ru

In turn, the expert continues, for strategic enterprises of the Russian Federation, the risks of enemy strikes using drones with an increasingly long range are growing. However, this is already being observed now, Ukrainian UAVs are flying further into the depths of Russia. Today, the flight range of the AFU attack drones already reaches 900 kilometers, in the future they will be able to cover distances up to 1,500 and 3,000 kilometers.

This raises the question of changing the very concept of protecting our strategic facilities from enemy air attacks. At one time, after the Great Patriotic War and the appearance of nuclear weapons in the United States, critically important Soviet enterprises were built with the expectation of protection from all types of destruction, including nuclear weapons. In some cases, underground reserve rooms were created at industrial enterprises, where production could be quickly moved in case of war. There were necessary stocks of raw materials, components, backup autonomous power supplies, and so on.

Unfortunately. in the 90s of the last century, all this was requested or mothballed. After the collapse of the USSR, new enterprises were built without counting on a possible large-scale conflict with a strong opponent. And now this is becoming an increasing problem for us, the expert is sure.

Moreover, to completely solve the problem of protecting strategic objects from air attacks only by building up air defense forces/It is impossible to fully control it. It is necessary to urgently adopt a special state program for the construction of highly protected industrial shelters capable of functioning without damage in conditions of regular air strikes and even maintaining a working condition after nuclear attacks, Shurygin believes.

Today, the enterprises of the nuclear complex, missile factories, factories producing ammunition, engines, and microelectronics are critically important industries

— the expert is sure.

All of them urgently need to be provided with the most reliable engineering systems for protection against air attacks of any scale and level. In addition, it is necessary to restore the practice that existed in the USSR of building underground "clones" of such enterprises, so that in the event of a real global danger to their work there, it would be possible to move production and shelter personnel as soon as possible. Where there is a possibility of restoring underground workshops and shelters created in Soviet times, it is necessary to do this now within the framework of the state program, Shurygin urges.

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Comments [1]
28.06.2024 08:37
Что с двумя ремонтными заводами, анонсированными Шойгу, которые должны были быть построены НА ПОВЕРХНОСТИ ЗЕМЛИ?
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