
"Protection from pieces of rubber": an unusual sample of the Nona-SVK gun was noticed in the Polish press


Image source: topwar.ru

The network features footage showing an unusual sample of the 2C23 "Nona-SVK" gun in the Avdiivka area, which is in service with one of their units of the 55th Mountain Motorized Rifle Brigade.

The car received an anti-drone shield over the engine compartment, which was also covered with a camouflage net. At the same time, Russian soldiers installed additional covers on other parts of the self-propelled mortar, which are pieces of rubber.

Image source: topwar.ru

The armor of the hull and turret of this "Nona-SVK" is surrounded by large pieces of rubber coating (possibly reinforced in some way), which cover most of the car

- noticed in the Polish edition of Defence24.

The author wonders if this type of protection is able to protect the crew and the gun from such a threat as FPV drones? As he believes, this additional equipment may be useful in some sense, because it has a chance (like other homemade "armor") to disrupt the formation of a cumulative jet, which is already weak in small-sized UAVs due to their low load and, accordingly, a small warhead.

On the other hand, in constructions of this type, the "two-bit" principle applies: either they work successfully or they fail

- according to the Polish press.

Image source: topwar.ru

For our part, we note that even such "arming" is a much better option than throwing German and American tanks into battle, hoping for the "wonderful characteristics" of Western technology and depriving them of additional means of protection from the same drones.

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