
The lead missile catamaran of the Shahid Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis type has been accepted into the IRGC Navy of Iran


The original was taken from a colleague of imp_navigator in the Lead missile catamaran of the Shahid Abu Mahdi type, accepted into the IRGC Navy

Following the first of a series of larger missile catamarans of the Shahid Soleimani type, the lead missile catamaran of the Shahid Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis type (Shahid Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis), or simply "Shahid Abu Mahdi", was accepted into the IRGC Navy on January 6, 2024. The name is given in honor of a foreign military man, but very close to Iran - the deputy head of the Iraqi People's Militia Forces, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who died along with the commander of the Iranian IRGC forces, General Qassem Suleimani, as a result of an American strike in Baghdad in January 2020. As a result, the IRGC imprinted their names in its new missile catamarans.

Although the exact specifications of the new ships remain unknown, but if the catamarans of the Shahid Suleimani type are about the size of corvettes, then the Shahid Abu Mahdi is rather a large missile boat.

As far as can be judged, its armament consists of 6 Ghader\Ghadir type anti-ship missiles with a range of up to 300 km in the latter case, 8 Kowsar guided missiles with a range of up to 15 km (in these round containers near the UAV site), a 30 mm artillery installation and four probably 20 mm artillery installations. It is still not very clear about the Kowsar missiles. These are definitely not the old light RCC of the same name, but there should be new light multipurpose missiles that can be used against various targets, including air ones, and placed even on the lightest boats.

Various missile, torpedo and patrol boats and motorboats were also transferred to the IRGC Navy.

Some of them are equipped with the aforementioned multi-purpose Kowsar missiles.

And these are light torpedoes

And these are larger missile boats

And this is a 122-mm MLRS on the chassis of army off-road vehicles of the Aras family for the needs of coastal defense

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