
"There are enough shells for a week of fighting": the Polish press criticized the purchase of hundreds of self-propelled guns


Image source: topwar.ru

The Polish leadership is massively purchasing new artillery, but the possibilities for replenishing the consumables necessary for their operation leave much to be desired.

A full-scale war like the one being waged across our eastern border means a huge demand for ammunition. Meanwhile, Poland, which orders hundreds of self-propelled guns, does not have enough ammunition to take advantage of the new equipment

- indicated in the WP Tech edition.

One of the latest decisions taken by the Ministry of Defense was the order in South Korea of 152 K9 – 6 self-propelled guns in the K9A1 variant and 146 in the K9PL modification. This deal caused a lot of controversy, including in terms of providing self-propelled guns with shells, but the military department assured that they were seeking independent production of ammunition for howitzers.

Such statements circumvent the essence of the problem. The annual production volume of shells is currently enough for a week of fighting, provided their consumption is at the level of the APU of 8 thousand units per day.

- it is said in the Polish press.

According to the author, the Ukrainian conflict has demonstrated that 60-70% of losses in personnel and equipment are due to artillery. The lack of ammunition immediately forces us to reconsider military plans, as shown by the Ukrainian experience. The Ministry of Defense promised in early 2023 to increase the production of shells by 5 times – up to 200 thousand units.

However, the growth of production remains in the sphere of declarations, not facts.

- the author believes.

Image source: topwar.ru

According to him, the country's authorities promised to first invest 2 billion zlotys in projectile production capacity, then 12 billion [$3 billion], but the final contracts were not concluded. At the same time, it may take up to 5 years to expand production.

But even if the annual target of 200 thousand ammunition is reached, this volume of production will be disproportionate to the needs

- the author writes.

So, one AHS Krab self–propelled gun carries 40 shells, K9 - 48. According to the plans of the Ministry of Defense, the Polish army will use 1,000 howitzers. Thus, for a single replenishment of their ammunition, at least 40 thousand shells will be required.

Taking into account the rate of fire of howitzers up to 8 rounds per minute, the annual production volume will be spent with a simultaneous volley in only 5-6 minutes

- indicated in the publication.

The author explains that this is a very big simplification, but it clearly demonstrates the state of affairs with ammunition.

Without expanding production, 1,000 self-propelled guns, if they are eventually purchased, will remain equipment useful mainly at the parade. In the event of a real threat, we will have to adjust our military plans, as Ukraine is doing now, and count on help from abroad

- the author concludes, criticizing the discrepancy between the volume of self-propelled guns purchased and the scale of ammunition production.

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