
Russia's Strategic Power

Colonel-General Sergey Karakaev.
Source: redstar.ru

The entire history of the creation, formation and development of Strategic Missile Forces was subordinated to the highest goal the preservation of peace. This goal was achieved with the great work of hundreds of thousands of designers of rocket and space technology, engineers, employees of defense industries, rocket warriors. Thanks to them, modern Strategic Missile Forces continue to make a worthy and significant contribution to ensuring the security of our state.

What are Strategic Missile Forces these days? What are the prospects for their development? Colonel-General Sergei Karakaev, Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, answers these and other questions of the Red Star:

– Sergey Viktorovich, what is the current state of the Strategic Missile Forces? To what extent do their capabilities allow the ground-based grouping of Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces to solve the tasks of nuclear deterrence?

– The current state of the Strategic Missile Forces is characterized by high readiness to perform tasks. The capabilities of weapons, military and special equipment are increasing. The command and control system of troops and weapons has consistently demonstrated its reliability. Continuous combat duty in a special mode has been organized.

The implementation of the planned measures for the rearmament of the Strategic Missile Forces group made it possible to increase the share of modern strategic missile systems and increase the group's capabilities to carry out nuclear deterrence tasks.

Today, the Strategic Missile Forces, possessing the largest quantitative composition of missile carriers in Russia's strategic triad, the number, power and capabilities of warheads and missile defense systems, ensure guaranteed security of Russia.

– Will the Strategic Missile Forces retain a key role in ensuring the country's security in the coming years and in the distant future?

– Strategic missile forces today are the main component of Russia's strategic Nuclear forces. Their combat strength includes the most powerful strategic missile systems with unique combat characteristics.

It seems that the importance of the Strategic Missile Forces in ensuring the country's security will remain until, as a result of scientific and technological progress or changes in the nature of international relations, nuclear weapons lose their deterrent role.

– In the spring of this year, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu, visited the Kozelsky missile compound. What did the head of the military department pay attention to?

– During the April work in the Kozel Missile Division, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation visited one of the missile regiments armed with the Yars missile system. During the work, Army General Sergei Shoigu inspected the high-security mine launcher, visited the new buried unified command post of the missile regiment, where their main characteristics and combat capabilities were reported to him. In addition, the means of active protection of the launcher from an enemy air attack and the capabilities of the latest automated system for the protection and defense of the missile regiment's position area were demonstrated. At the end of the work, the Minister of Defense checked the conditions created for combat duty and rest of the personnel on duty shifts.

– How many intercontinental ballistic missiles and warheads are in the Strategic Missile Forces today?

– As for the number of ICBMs and warheads included in the Strategic Missile Forces grouping, we can openly talk only about the lower threshold for the number of ICBMs and warheads defined for the grouping of Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces by the START-3 Treaty of 2010.

For the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, these are 700 carriers and 1,550 combat units. Considering that the Strategic Missile Forces in their composition have 60 percent of the carriers and warheads of the Strategic Nuclear Forces, it is not difficult to calculate their number.

– As you know, in accordance with the INF Treaty signed in 1987, intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles were eliminated. Is it possible to resume their production now? Will industrial enterprises be able, if necessary, to provide the Strategic Missile Forces with the necessary weapons?

– Domestic enterprises of developers and manufacturers of rocket technology have the necessary scientific and technical reserve and production base, which will allow, if necessary, to start production as soon as possible and ensure the supply of serial samples of missile systems with medium and shorter-range missiles to the troops.

– Do we inform the United States about upcoming launches? And they us?

– The Russian Federation informs the American side at least a day in advance about any planned launch of ICBMs and SLBMs. The United States of America also provides similar information.

Over the past five years, the Strategic Missile Forces have conducted more than 20 launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles as part of flight tests of advanced missile systems and training in the management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Image source: redstar.ru

– How many ICBM launches have been carried out in the last five years? What are they like? Have intercontinental ballistic missiles, including hypersonic missiles, been launched from the position areas of missile formations? How many missile launches are planned in 2024?

– In total, over the past five years, the Strategic Missile Forces have conducted more than 20 launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles as part of flight tests of advanced missile systems and training in the management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

As for the launches from the missile formations' positional areas, before the Avangrad complex with hypersonic combat equipment was put on combat duty, its experimental testing was carried out from the Yasnensky compound in the Orenburg Region with partial use of the existing infrastructure of the positional area.

Seven launches are planned for 2024.

– What plans will be implemented in the construction of the Strategic Missile Forces in the next decade?

– The directions of the long-term development of the Strategic Missile Forces are clearly defined by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, a number of documents at the federal level, the consistent implementation of which will significantly increase the combat capabilities of the troops to adequately respond to the projected threats to our country.

If we talk about the plans, first of all they provide for the creation and commissioning of modern strategic missile systems of a new generation with improved characteristics of missiles and combat equipment; improvement of the system of control points, combat control and communication systems of all ranks with the introduction of modern information and telecommunication technologies.

Work will continue to improve the maneuverability and stealth capabilities of the mobile missile systems grouping.

– What further steps can the Strategic Missile Forces take in the foreseeable future to counter the challenges and threats associated with the buildup of US missile defense? What retaliatory measures are envisaged in the conditions of deployment of missile defense infrastructure in close proximity to the borders of Russia?

– Today, we can confidently say that in the foreseeable future, the United States will not only not give up trying to level the capabilities of Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces, but will also continue to search for and implement new additional ways to solve this problem.

The strategic missile forces have proposed a number of military-technical measures to sufficiently reduce the effectiveness of the promising US missile defense system and ensure the guaranteed fulfillment of the tasks set.

These measures are primarily related to the creation of missile systems equipped with modern means of countering anti-missile systems, taking into account projected estimates of the characteristics of future information and strike missile defense systems.

In addition, it is planned to continue the development of the existing scientific and technical groundwork in the areas of masking and reducing the visibility of missiles and warheads, varying the trajectory-ballistic capabilities of ICBMs and their combat equipment, continue work on the creation of means of fire and functional destruction of information intelligence, control and shock means of the missile defense system being created.

– Will the Strategic Missile Forces maintain a two-component structure? What will be the ratio between stationary and mobile groupings in the future? Will it change in the next five to ten years?

– The two-component structure of the Strategic Missile Forces has not undergone significant changes over the years. The ratio of deployed carriers in the stationary and mobile groups of the Strategic Missile Forces remained approximately equal. At the same time, there are currently several more nuclear warheads in a stationary grouping than in a mobile one. This is due to the presence in the stationary grouping of a heavy-class missile system with a separable head carrying a larger number of individual guidance combat units.

In the future, this ratio is planned not to radically change and preserve the structure of the missile group, which includes stationary missile systems with significant power and high combat readiness, as well as mobile ground-based missile systems with high survivability. This approach will allow for an adequate response to the predicted threats with minimal costs and feasibility risks.

In the near future, the deployment of a missile regiment in Uzhur with a new Sarmat missile system is planned. In the longer term, the rearmament of the Tatishchevsky missile Division with the Yars missile system and promising complexes, which are currently being developed within the framework of the state armament program

– Are new missile systems being developed? Are scientific research and development activities carried out within the framework of the current state armament program?

– Yes, they are being developed. Research on the justification of ways to improve missile weapons is carried out continuously, which allows timely decisions to begin work on the creation of new and modernization of existing missile systems. Based on the ongoing research, the state armament program and other federal programs include work on the creation of scientific, technical and technological reserves to ensure the creation and modernization of strategic missile systems.

Currently, work has almost been completed on the creation of a new Sarmat stationary mine-based missile system, which has unique tactical and technical characteristics and embodies the advanced achievements of the domestic rocket and space industry.

In addition, R&D is being carried out to substantiate the technical appearance and ways to create a mobile-based missile system, which in the future will be able to replace the Yars missile system.

– When will the strategic rocket scientists complete the re-equipment of the mobile group from Poplars to Yarsi? Will the formations armed with the Topol-M missile defense system be re-equipped in the coming years?

– The re-equipment of the last missile regiment of the Bologovsky missile compound in the Tver region from the Topol to Yars has completed the re-equipment of the RVSN mobile group.

At the same time, the mobile group still has regiments armed with a modern mobile ground-based missile system "Topol-M" with sufficient operational life. We plan to begin rearming these regiments after 2025.

– Are new missile systems, including mobile-based ones, being developed in Russia with breakthrough capabilities to overcome missile defense?

– All domestic missile systems are being created taking into account the need to overcome missile defense. To this end, the missiles are equipped with means of countering the missile defense system. However, hypersonic maneuvering strike weapons have truly breakthrough capabilities.

One of these samples was created and put into service in the Yasnenskoye missile compound. Currently, work is continuing on its improvement, which in the future will allow the use of these shock weapons, including in mobile-based complexes.

– How is the rearmament of formations equipped with mine-based missile systems going?

– The plans we have outlined for the rearmament of the stationary group are being implemented. The re-equipment of the next regiment of the Yasnensky connection to the Avangard missile system has been completed.

The re-equipment of the missile division in Kozelsk to the Yars missile system will be completed in 2025. In the near future, the deployment of a missile regiment in Uzhur with a new Sarmat missile system is planned. In the longer term, the rearmament of the Tatishchevsky missile division with the Yars missile system and promising complexes, the development of which is currently underway within the framework of the state armament program.

– For what reason was the Yasna missile compound chosen for rearmament to the Avangard missile system?

– This choice is due to many reasons. Firstly, the Eastern Orenburg region is securely hidden in the very depths of Russia from air attack. Secondly, for the deployment of the Avangard complex, the infrastructure of missile regiments previously equipped with the complex was used, which was phased out. This significantly reduced time and costs.

The experimental testing of the Avangrad missile system was carried out here, in the Eastern Orenburg region. At the same time, the existing infrastructure of the Yasnensky compound's positional area was partially used, including mine launchers and equipment for the technical position. Thus, after the completion of state tests, the tested prototypes were put into operation and on their basis the deployment of the missile complex as a whole was continued.

The re-equipment of the last missile regiment of the Bologovsky missile compound in the Tver region from the Topol to Yars has completed the re-equipment of the RVSN mobile group

– Which missile regiments went on combat duty on the eve of the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces?

– A missile regiment in the Bologovsky missile compound with the Yars mobile ground-based missile system has taken over combat duty.

In addition, combat capabilities in the Kozelsky and Yasnensky missile formations have been increased by the commissioning of launchers with the Yars and Avangard missile complexes.

– What is the share of modern complexes in the total combat strength of the Strategic Missile Forces?

– In 2023, about 80 new basic samples of weapons and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces were delivered as part of the state defense order. This made it possible to complete the rearmament of three missile regiments to the Yars and Avangard missile systems. Due to this, the share of modern missile systems in the Strategic Missile Forces group has been increased to 88 percent.

– Are there plans to form new missile formations and military units of the Strategic Missile Forces?

– The current combat strength of the Strategic Missile Forces is sufficiently balanced, able to solve all the tasks assigned to it and, accordingly, does not require any changes. In the short term, large-scale structural transformations of the Strategic Missile Forces, requiring an increase in the number of missile divisions and military units of the Strategic Missile Forces, will not be carried out.

– Recently, the field of application of unmanned aerial vehicles has been rapidly increasing. How do you assess the prospects for the development of UAVs in the Strategic Missile Forces? How interested are strategic rocket scientists in drones?

– The experience of a special military operation has indicated a significant increase in the capabilities of troops in the presence of unmanned aircraft. In the Strategic Missile Forces, these complexes have also been actively used for a decade, mainly to solve diverse tasks of protecting and defending the positional areas of missile divisions and regiments.

Last year, we carried out a lot of work to modernize the fleet of aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles supplied, increase the grouping of copter-type drones, form regular units of unmanned aviation, improve the training system for personnel on the use of UAVs and the organization of countering enemy UAVs.

Taking into account the experience of a special military operation, we plan in the future to further equip missile regiments and military units of the Strategic Missile Forces with modern unmanned aerial vehicles of various types for tactical purposes, including for solving tasks in the reconnaissance and strike version.

– How intensively were the combat training events conducted? What were the largest exercises this year? How many exercises were conducted in total in the Strategic Missile Forces in 2023?

– With the introduction of new mobile-based missile systems with expanded tactical capabilities into the group, approaches to conducting exercises with regiments and divisions that have them in service have significantly changed.

Even now, during the maneuver actions of missile regiments on combat patrol routes, joint tasks are being worked out with military units and formations of military districts, the range of tasks in the exercises is significantly expanding and more affects the issues of reconnaissance, camouflage, cover of positional areas, radiation, chemical and biological protection, engineering logistics and medical support.

In the 2023 academic year, about 100 events of various levels were held. Of these, perhaps the most extensive were command and staff training on the management of the Strategic Missile Forces and command and staff exercises with the Omsk Association, Novosibirsk and Tagil formations.

We tried to fill the concept of the exercises in 2023 with the development of new actions of troops aimed at reducing the time of withdrawal of missile regiments with mobile missile systems to combat patrol routes, working out a new order of dispersal of military units and support units in case of a threat of exposure to the positional areas of missile divisions of enemy air attack means.

Taking into account the special military operation, the issues of conducting anti-sabotage warfare and protecting important facilities with the use of unmanned aircraft, complex counteraction to high-precision enemy weapons using camouflage and imitation were worked out more deeply.

The conducted combat and operational training activities contributed to an increase in the level of training of personnel, coordination of management bodies, and maintaining the readiness of formations, military units and subunits (formations) to perform tasks according to their intended purpose.

– Have such exercises been conducted in modern Russia so that all launchers are simultaneously on combat patrol routes?

– Of course, such large-scale exercises were conducted in modern Russia, and more than 200 launchers of the RVSN mobile group were involved in them.

At the same time, we are working out the best options for missile regiments to enter the positional areas. Now, throughout the year, a fixed number of missile regiments armed with mobile ground-based missile systems will be permanently located in combat patrol areas. This, along with other measures, will reduce the time for the withdrawal of the entire group to combat patrol routes, increase its survivability and combat stability.

Such work is already yielding results: by increasing the intensity of working out the tasks of withdrawing the PGRK regiments to combat patrol routes and combat duty in field positions, the field training of personnel has been significantly increased and the readiness of the PGRK missile regiments for maneuver actions and the fulfillment of the tasks of the Strategic Missile Forces in response to the Strategic Nuclear Forces is guaranteed.

Image source: redstar.ru

– What innovations in the Strategic Missile Forces have occurred in the field of military education? What are the features of officer training?

– The universities of the Strategic Missile Forces are conservative in their activities, while the content of officer training in them is adjusted annually taking into account the requirements of the troops, the rearmament of the Strategic Missile Forces with new strategic missile systems, as well as the experience gained by the Armed Forces when performing tasks during a special military operation. We believe that by introducing new things, the main thing is not to harm. It is necessary to preserve the best that classical higher education has accumulated over the years. As a result of this approach, RVSN universities solve the tasks assigned to them. Last academic year, about 900 highly trained missile officers joined the troops. The results of commissioning graduates showed an increase in the average training score in the main subjects characterizing them as missile officers. Most of the lieutenants have shown confident skills in working on equipment and wish to continue their career growth. This indicates that the academy and its branch take into account the requirements of the troops.

RVSN universities are focused on achieving the main goal of training highly professional specialists. Up to 95 percent of the primary officer positions in the Strategic Missile Forces are engineering, requiring serious applied technical knowledge. Therefore, the RVSN universities continue to increase the practical orientation in the training of officers, bringing the training of students and cadets as close as possible to military requirements.

– What modern training systems are being supplied to the RVSN?

– Over the past five years, the RVSN has received more than 300 modern training equipment, all of them are unique in their own way and allow you to improve the skills of any specialist both individually and as part of a unit. The latest training systems provide training not only for the duty shifts of missile regiments to take up combat duty, but also for other units, including security and intelligence, allowing the training buildings to work out the solution of complex tactical tasks. The software and information composition of the latest simulators are identical to those equipped with real combat vehicles.

Simulators allow you to simulate any situation in virtual space, the dynamics of moving cars in any extreme conditions, taking into account the terrain, various road surfaces and obstacles. Moreover, for each sample of weapons entering the PBCH, their own simulators are created, which are combined into one training network and provide classes according to a single plan.

– What are the results of celebrating the 64th anniversary of the Strategic Missile Forces? What are the results of the Strategic Missile Forces' combat training and activities in 2023?

– The year 2023 was full of combat training events of various levels and directions, the rocket scientists celebrate the next anniversary by completing all the tasks set.

The capabilities of the missile group are being increased by re-equipping missile regiments with modern missile systems, and the control and communications system is being improved. With the introduction of new missile systems with improved tactical and technical characteristics into the group, we are changing our approaches to conducting exercises. By increasing the effectiveness of key troop training activities, it was possible to achieve a significant increase in the marching training of the PGRK missile regiments, as well as improving the professional skills of the personnel of the OS missile regiments. At the end of the year, the results of 11 military units and 16 support units improved.

For several years, two formations have held leading positions in the Strategic Missile Forces: in the mobile grouping – the Yoshkar-Ola missile compound, in the mine-based grouping – the Uzhur Missile Division

 – Every year in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the best formations are awarded honorary names of shock troops. How many such units are there in the Strategic Missile Forces? Which RVSN compounds can you highlight for the better based on the results of the outgoing year?

– The work on the training of shock military units and units in the Strategic Missile Forces has been moved to a separate direction. Every commander strives to achieve this high rank. This year, the List of shock formations, military units and units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation includes 8 military units and 18 units of the Strategic Missile Forces.

For several years, two formations have occupied leading positions in our country: the Yoshkar–Ola Missile Unit in the mobile grouping, and the Uzhur Missile Division in the mine-based grouping.

– Sergey Viktorovich, what do you want to wish the rocket men, the veterans of the Strategic Missile Forces?

– On behalf of the Military Council of the Strategic Missile Forces and myself, I warmly and cordially congratulate the personnel, veterans, scientists, designers, workers and employees on the holiday – the 64th anniversary of the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces!

The strategic missile forces are a reliable guarantor of Russia's security and sovereignty, ensuring the preservation of peace and security of our country and its allies.

I wish all strategic rocket scientists, veterans, creators and testers of rocket technology, your families good health, happiness and well-being, confidence in the future, high achievements in service and work for the benefit of our great Russia.


Roman BIRYULIN, "Red Star"

Alexander REZNIK

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