
New two-piece: the Su-57 stealth fighter will receive a co-pilot

Image source: Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Дмитрий Коротаев

Why did a fifth-generation tactical aircraft need another pilot

The United Aircraft Corporation has patented a two-seat unobtrusive tactical aircraft. We are talking about a version of the supersonic fighter of the fifth generation Su-57, sources told Izvestia in the corporation. The universal character of the new aircraft is claimed — it will be able to hit targets in the air, on the ground and at sea. The two-seat Sukhoi will be produced in three versions: combat training, shock — with an operator responsible for the use of weapons, and — for the first time in the world — as the leader of a group of heavy drones, experts believe.

Unobtrusive and network-centric

The United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC "UAC") has received a patent for a "multifunctional two-seat unobtrusive tactical aircraft". The "Description of the invention", which was reviewed by Izvestia, says that the new aircraft is designed to detect and defeat air, surface and ground targets with guided and unguided weapons. It can also serve as a command control point for "network-oriented actions of mixed groups of aircraft."

The two-seat crew cabin is equipped with controls to transfer control priority from one pilot to another. It will receive at least two multifunctional panoramic indicators for controlling the aircraft and weapons.

The Su-57 multi-purpose fighter of the fifth generation at the exhibition within the framework of the international military-technical forum "Army-2023" on the territory of the congress and exhibition center of the military-patriotic park "Patriot"

Image source: Photo: IZVESTIA/Andrey Erstrem

The document notes that the new aircraft will have a low level of radar visibility. Such characteristics will be achieved, among other things, due to the shape of the fuselage and the lantern, that is, the transparent part of the cabin. The aircraft will receive additional fuel tanks, which will increase the range and duration of its flight by 10% compared to the single-seat version.

Sources of the publication in the UAC and in the military-industrial complex confirmed that we are talking about a two-seat version of the fifth-generation supersonic fighter PAK FA / Su-57. The same opinion is shared by experts.

Pilots of fifth-generation Su-57 multifunctional fighters during test flights

Image source: Photo: IZVESTIA/Dmitry Korotaev

— All our main types of tactical aircraft have two—seat versions, - Dmitry Kornev, editor of the Militaryrussia portal, told Izvestia.

Izvestia sent a request to the press service of the UAC, with a request to comment on this information.

The possible appearance of a two-seat Su-57 was reported in the press a few years ago, but it came to the design documentation only now. In 2021, Rostec reported that no country in the world has a fifth-generation two-seat fighter today. They did not appear among competitors today. The American F-22, F35 and Chinese J-20 are piloted by one pilot.

Three appearances of "Sukhoi"

The fact that the cabin is equipped with everything necessary to transfer control from one pilot to another suggests that the new aircraft is being designed, including as a combat training, Dmitry Kornev explained.

At the same time, he noted that attack aircraft will become more functional if they have two crew members, one of whom is an operator of weapons systems.

— It is very difficult to pilot an aircraft, especially the fifth generation, and to use heterogeneous systems for ground targets. It's better for the operator to do this," he explained.

Multi-purpose Su-57 fighters over the statue of a warrior on the Victory Bridge during the air part of the parade dedicated to the 76th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War

Image Source: Photo: TASS/Marina Lystseva

The expert clarified that when using this aircraft as part of a reconnaissance and strike complex, the pilot will have to analyze large amounts of information.

— It is almost impossible for one person to do this, — he noted. — And if an operator of reconnaissance and strike systems is next to him, he will be able to filter out information. Make the final target selection, select a weapon and control its use by target. This approach is effective, since the pilot will not be overloaded, but will focus on controlling the aircraft and air combat if he suddenly gets involved.

An officer of the fighter aviation regiment with the call sign Dukat confirmed to Izvestia the appearance of a two-seat version of the new combat aircraft.

Pilots during pre-flight training of the Su-27 multipurpose fighter of the naval aviation of the Russian Navy during tactical flight exercises of fighter crews in Kaliningrad

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti/Vitaly Nevar

— Flights in spark are a mandatory part of the program of commissioning a young pilot. No one will release an officer on an independent flight until he has worked out all the tasks with the instructor pilot on board, has not passed all the tests. No simulator, even the most modern one, will replace the actual combat training work in the air. All single-seat fighters, such as the Su-27 or MiG-29, are available in the Sparky variant.

The officer stressed that a second pilot in the cockpit is also necessary when using some types of guided missile and bomb weapons.

Another direction is the use of the Su—57 together with UAVs.

— In this case, the pilot will need to control the aircraft itself, and the second crew member will coordinate the actions of the drones, — he summed up. — We have just the Hunter UAV and was created for use together with the aircraft.

Paired with the "Hunter"

So far, the Su-57 exists as a single-seat multi-purpose fighter of the fifth generation. He made his first flight in 2010. It is recognized by experts as highly maneuverable, has the latest complex of avionics and low visibility (stealth technology).

At the Army-2019 forum, a contract was signed for the supply of 76 fighters to the troops. The military received the first production car in 2020. It is expected that from 2024, the VKS will begin to supply an improved version of the Su-57 "second stage" with new engines.

Unmanned aerial vehicle S-70 "Hunter" during the first joint flight with the Su-57 fighter

Image Source: Photo: TASS/Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The car has already received a baptism of fire in Syria. Su-57s are also taking part in a special operation in Ukraine. According to the results of the sorties, it was noted that they have a high degree of protection from air defense.

In joint combat work together with the Su-57, the new S-70 Hunter attack drone was tested. The Ministry of Defense posted a photo of the first joint flight of a fighter with this UAV.

The Hunter is a heavy reconnaissance and strike UAV bomber made according to the "flying wing" scheme. It weighs about 20 tons, has a wingspan of 19 m, and a length of 14 m.

Earlier, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko said that this UAV is a highly intelligent system and is capable of solving a wide range of tasks singly, in a group and together with manned aircraft.

Bogdan Stepovoy

Roman Kretsul

Julia Leonova

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Comments [10]
22.11.2023 09:21
Вот бы Ал-41 и "Изделие 30" ставить одновременно на самолет в целях безопасности, пока новый двиг не вылечит все детские проблемы.
Су-57 это на 50 лет нам всему нашему союзному БРИКСу. У каждого свой регион с проблемами от Запада и без Су-57 не жить никому. Мы всем боевую авиацию, все нам свои успехи в высоких технологиях с людьми.
Повторяется как чипством, дизайн наш, производство Китай, ПО всем от Индии.
Remote / По просьбе автора
22.11.2023 13:37
Ну вот и двухместный пошел,при чем не первый, Китай тоже делает.Видать не позволяет БРЭО заменить человека
22.11.2023 15:07
Учебно-боеваая версия, наверное.
Если же второй пилот понадобился потому что первый с трудом справляется с нагрузкой, значит уровень автоматизации в кабине оставляет желать лучшего.
22.11.2023 16:38
Цитата, Имран сообщ. №4
значит уровень автоматизации в кабине оставляет желать лучшего.
Ну выше "источник "пишет что управлять БЛА, в прочем может по опыту СВО поняли что одному не очень удобно.
На Паралае и аирфорс в обще пишут,что лучшим истребителем оказался МиГ-31.Может врут конечно.
Но пока он без потерь, Слава Богу.
22.11.2023 21:45
Давно писали, что благодаря возможностям бортового оборудования (РЛС и т.п.) Су-57 может выполнять роль командира и координатора группы истребителей и БПЛА. Для решения комплекса задач второй пилот очень к месту.
Помимо прочего учебно-боевую двушку требовали и иностранные заказчики.
22.11.2023 21:56
Индусы сразу просили разработать под них двухместный самоёт. наши заартачились, индусы вышли из совместного проекта, а теперь похоже снова договорились....
23.11.2023 05:14
Цитата, штурм сообщ. №7
Индусы сразу просили разработать под них двухместный самоёт. наши заартачились, индусы вышли из совместного проекта, а теперь похоже снова договорились....
Цитата, q
В конце апреля 2018 года Индия вышла из совместного с Россией проекта FGFA (Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft), предполагающего создание на основе Су-57 первого индийского истребителя пятого поколения. Индийские военные считают, что создаваемый российский истребитель не отвечает заявленным требованиям малозаметности. Также индийская сторона полагает, что боевая авионика, радары и датчики российской разработки не соответствуют стандартам боевого самолёта пятого поколения
23.11.2023 05:24
Кстати по открытым данным ,характеристика Су-57 ну так себе.

Получше немного конечно чем у 20 летнего Ф-22(и то не во всем), но сильно ниже чем писали инсаидеры о Су-57 когда его испытывали  и сильно ниже тех ТТХ что выдвигал СССР к МиГ-1.42.
Конечно это не РЛЭ,но другого официоза нету и по этому исходим из этого.
Впрочем что есть то есть,лучше такой,чем совсем никакого.
23.11.2023 17:29
Всё верно. Качество проекта - это оптимизация компромисса - состоит не только в характеристиках самолёта, но и решение проблем с эксплуатацией и обслуживанием. Стоимость часа полёта, устойчивость покрытия, реализуемость и стоимость технологических цепочек и т.п. Соотношение малозаметности, РЭБ, сверхманёвренности и т.д. С этой точки зрения Су-57 выглядит достойно.
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